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Posts posted by ravip

  1. 10 hours ago, Maestro said:

    Not all Thai consulates handle it the same way. Where do plan to apply?


    Look for the non-immigrant visa category O/A or the Long-Stay visa on the consulate's website.


    The money can be in any currency in any country.


    7 hours ago, elviajero said:

    If you are asking about the Non-Immigrant 'O-A' Visa; It is valid for 1 year from issue and allows multiple entries during that year. Each time you enter the country you are granted permission to stay for 1 year. You need the equivalent of 800K in a bank account, usually in your home country or a Thai bank, OR any income of at least 65K per month, OR a combination of the two. You don't need to be retired, just be over 50.


    If you are asking about extending your stay after you've entered the country; you need to enter with a Non-Immigrant visa and then apply to extend your stay at a local immigration office. You need at least 800K in a Thai bank, OR a certified (by your embassy) income of 65K pm, OR a combination of the two. You must be over 50. You don't need to show proof that you have retired.


    1 hour ago, onera1961 said:

    You don't have to put in a Thai bank or show monthly income. The money in a US bank is good enough. I guess even your IRA or 401K will be good enough. There is a youtube video where a person got it showing money in an IRA. Yes, you need to be 50 or more. You get an O-A visa good for one year and if entry timed correctly, you can stay up to two years. 

    The 800K Baht does not need to be in a Thai Bank?


  2. 15 hours ago, johng said:
    17 hours ago, ravip said:
    How does the 'other' smile look like?

    There's supposed robe about 50 different types of Thai smile...one for every occasion.


    4 hours ago, happy chappie said:

    From around where I live,mainly big gaps and looking like some rusty railings.

    Thank you for the lovely information and observations!

    Very educative...

  3. 5 minutes ago, mentalcolonization said:

    Yes. Even if your line is disconnected. I was out for over 8 months and when i top up my previous balance was still available plus you can still extend your validity period on dtac online when your session is expired. I think it costs like 6 baht a month. you just need to login and get your subscription to the network available

    That's pretty cool

  4. 1 hour ago, bodymassagemyfriend said:

    Untill the time you may learn that the man has been stolen his property by the wife. Dont make hastly judgment before you know anything about the case. Are you new in this country?


    FYI    'Its a eat or get eaten' world in there



    FYI    'Its a eat or get eaten' world in there

    Why come there at all, in that case? Better be in your own safe country.


    Nothing would justify a killing IMHO

  5. 2 minutes ago, AsiaHand said:

    Farangs are not immune to outrageous ,idiotic,crimalistic behavior.It just is that in the western, more modern world through a sence of family love and the teachings of right and wrong they lean more to tolerance and understanding then the people of LOS whom have rarely been exposed to these teachings. and yes,we have those kind of people also.

    Very thought provoking post...


  6. 17 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Some people seem to think he should get what he deserves and more, why more ?


    Surely what he deserves is enough ?


    It's a good job he had no drugs or he would really be in trouble. 5 to 10 years max.

    Just for the simple reason so that he or anyone else would be deterred in doing something like that in the future. Sure, it will be impossible to stop murders 100% - but stringent deterrents would help IMHO. No one has a right to take another's life, whatever the reason, and it cannot be justified in any way.

    Just my 2 cents...

    • Like 1
  7. An economist went to a lingerie shop to buy a bra for his wife. While he proudly announced to the salesgirl that he is an economist, he also confessed that only thing he knows about bra is 'how to unhook', and he really needed some expert help in making the purchase.

    The smart salesgirl asked, "Sir, you want a capitalistic, socialistic or democratic bra?"

    Of course, our economist was intrigued and he asked, "What are they?"

    Salesgirl : "Sir, capitalistic suppresses the masses, socialistic uplifts the downtrodden and democratic makes mountains out of molehills."...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. Anyone experienced an in coming call from this number? - +668900687550


    This evening, whilst I was shopping I heard my phone ring and saw this number. As I did not recognize the number, I rejected it. But, when checking the phone log, I saw an incoming call with a duration of 4.52 minutes - and the best part was that I was charged for this INCOMING call!

    I was not in Thailand at the time.


    Any comments?

    Thank you.




  9. On 28/02/2018 at 3:17 AM, cooked said:

    maybe there is a housing shortage due to the impossibility of planning for an economy that allows hundreds of thousands of immigrants in every year? 

    Dunno, that;s probably racist.

    Ooooh, dont worry about racism or been considered a racist. It will exist as long as the humans exists. It's just that when Thai's or people of developing countries show this, they are accused of been xenophobic!


    After all... we all know who started racism!

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