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Posts posted by ravip

  1. On ‎30‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:54 AM, mania said:

    Not like I said attracts AH


    If you live in Thailand long enough there is no way you can disagree

    Yes tons of nice folks visit too looking for cheap or cheap sex but by & large Thailand does not attract quality

    Sorry if your taking that personally

    "...but by & large Thailand does not attract quality"

    Reading frequent news reports about shootings and carnages involving trucks & cars in the West, make me wonder now if those are done by 'quality' people attracted there.

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/3/2017 at 12:08 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    The buttons may not be but the continuous plastic over the buttons is.

    Just a small example from two user manuals >>>

    ● Never splash water on the control panel.



    ● Do not put the machine at damp place like the bathroom . Never wash it with water. Do not place wet laundries on the control panel.



    But I guess you know best!



  3. On 10/30/2017 at 3:01 PM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    When I moved and bought a washer my gf wanted a “ two step “ machine rather than the “ one step “ or automatic as it’s what her mother has and something she is used to.( I didn’t argue as they are a lot cheaper )
    The two steps seem like they are designed for outside use with a plastic body and sealed knobs.
    They are a lot cheaper but okay ( IMO ) and widely available from LG, Samsung etc.
    The only drawbacks being you have to manually fill the water level and move the load for the spin cycle.

    ...and easy to repair (and cheap). Buttons are not waterproof.

  4. On 10/26/2017 at 5:52 PM, owl sees all said:

    Good question!


    Some are so busy shag--g they have no time.

    Some are drinking in the bars thinking about shag--g.

    Some are fishing adjusting their lures.

    Some are playing chess holding their bishop.


    And shag--g for many - including me - is a distant memory. We are the ones on TVForum. I've not had a shag for so long I don't even bother taking the handcuffs to bed any more.

    I guess you've called it quits.

    Enjoy your peace...

  5. On 10/25/2017 at 7:01 PM, sawadeeken said:

    Yes..... after 30+ years in and out of Thailand I draw a close comparison the these farangs you mention to the 'typical Thai driver' who is taught by the 'typical' Thai driving schools to nevermind looking in your rear-view mirrors - never mind those folks behind just watch the road in front (and never mind what is coming up behind)(or how you are affecting those behind you).... These farangs mentioned above show very comparable 'selfish concerns' and no consideration for others............

    To be very frank...

    No one needs 30 or even 3 years experience.

    Farangs stink as much as the blacks the browns the yellow or what ever the rainbow colors - it is just their superior attitude... they are the fruits of the same tree.

  6. 20 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

    Little Englanders


    A country that ruled the world, won two world wars and invented most of todays gadgets you use to make your small minded day work.


    A country that has free and fair elections where the general public are given the chance to vote and not just promised a vote in the future and lied to every day.


    Bluespunk you know nothing about the country except what you read in leftwing uneducated papers.


    Out of the EU means one thing they get to do as they want and do not have to put up with paying for the rest of the EU to survive only Germany pays more in but gets more out. France with more people living there pays half of what the UK pays.


    Either you are not from the UK as I suspect or the wife got turned down for a visa.


    Stop wasting TV's Storage space and go to school

    A country that ruled the world, won two world wars and invented most of todays gadgets you use to make your small minded day work.


    How about the Colonies they 'raped'? The slavery? Torture?

    Hmmm... with time we tend to forget some things ...









    Just google "Britons atrocities in the past" - you will learn a lot!

  7. 3 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:



    Just watched this. Look what ever happened, everyone appeared to be unharmed at the start of the video, but the gutless young man took a cowards way out and king hit the old bloke in the side of the head. You see further on that his daughter is crying. The old bloke was just trying to get his point across to the policeman, while the coward strikes. Could have killed the old bloke.

    Chasing the çoward' with a big machete.

    Almost running over the 'coward' with his car.

    Finally claiming innocence'.

    All the above OK by you?

    (I dont condone with the surprise punch, but after all the above, would you be calm, quiet and reasonable?)



    Did you see this? >>> 



  8. 8 hours ago, Sirbergan said:

    While I find some truth hidden in his post, it is truly misguided and biased. There is a lot of aggressiveness in Thailand, and a lot of violence. But that's a fact for most countries, we're living in a world that is gradually getting worse and worse in terms of violence, brutality and lack of compassion. That's not a Thai phenomenon, it's the direction in which our global society is headed. Just look at your own country, then please tell me if it's gotten less or more violent over the last 10 years. I am pretty sure it has worsened.


    Technology and the seclusion, poverty, riches and exposure comes at a price. The narcissism of our society has no bounds, apparently even what we had for breakfast or the last time we changed diapers on our child is now something we need to tell the world about. Sorry to digress – but in my mind, this is all connected.


    There is a lot of aggressiveness in Thailand, and a lot of violence. But that's a fact for most countries, we're living in a world that is gradually getting worse and worse in terms of violence, brutality and lack of compassion.

    >>>I agree 100%


    it is truly misguided and biased.

    >>> No


    Look at the behavior of a 72 year old.


  9. 16 minutes ago, johnefallis said:

    Thailand is a totally racist country, with a lot of stupid aggressive people. Simple as that. I'm glad for each of my Thai friends that managed to get out of there. 

    This deserves the prize for the most stupidest post of the day.

    Do you know the meaning of "totally racist country, with a lot of stupid aggressive people"

    Have a look at the videos once again.


    Many Westerners think they are God's gift to mankind.


  10. 5 hours ago, ravip said:

    Here is some information a majority seems to be unaware of according to the abusive comments in this thread  >>> https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/schengen-visa-application-requirements/


    Now, can we call the Shengen countries the same names?

    Really, people should be ashamed of oneself for stooping to such levels...


    The Truth sounds like hate, for those who hate the truth. 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, autanic said:

    Perhaps, but this is just one more measure in a long line of measure to put up hurdles. 

    One of the things that attracted me to Thailand years ago was the "Happy go lucky" attitude of the Thais. 

    Naive, not at all, I left the UK for a reason, even though I am back here visiting at the moment.

    Yes, years ago the "Happy go lucky" attitude was prevailing almost every where. But today...? So singling out TH is not really correct IMHO. Some 'developed' countries have worse regulations and procedures.

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