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Everything posted by ravip

  1. It’s been raining for 3 days without stopping. My wife is in depression, she is standing and looking through the window. If the rain doesn’t stop tomorrow, I’ll have to let her in.
  2. Coworker: “Do you ever think about work at home?” Me: “I don’t even think about work at work!”
  3. On and off the US does these things. Might as well ignore. (maybe seeking attention?)
  4. So if both the woman and man is fat - wow!
  5. Because they majority of Thai people only care about money Did you do a survey or a study to make a statement like this. Most of the Thai people I associate with treat their children with great love and respect - they wouldn't tolerate child abuse at any cost! Or you are describing the Thais you associate with - but please don't generalise.
  6. The teacher cant be in her/his normal senses. No one normal can do such things.
  7. Seriously thought of buying it. But the black-hole is the problem. It might gobble up the lottery winnings and later my pocket. So gave up the idea.
  8. Ohh dear... seems this quality tourist thingy is infectious.
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