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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Does noise annoy you ? Yes & No. In a residential area, on a BTS, bus, on a plane and other public places it is a definite NO! But in a disco, musical show in an auditorium etc. it is OK Has anyone ever encountered the super smart guy/gal who speaks very loudly in places such as on the BTS, on an aircraft etc.? They also seem to be lucky that nature has endowed on them a voice that penetrates the thickest skulls! or a group of females chatting and laughing (cackling?) in similar places.
  2. Just one of the few positive features Macs offer. Fitting into the Apple ecosystem is a joke - just alienate oneself from other systems.
  3. Getting proactive about laptop battery health will help you avoid that situation. Here are some quick steps to check the health of your laptop’s battery: Type “PowerShell” into the Windows search bar. The Windows PowerShell blue screen will appear. Type “powercfg /batteryreport” and hit enter. This command will give you a file path similar to: C:\Users\Your Username\battery-report.html. Type this file path into the Windows search bar, which will provide details about your laptop’s battery health. A couple of red flags that may signal that your battery health isn’t optimal include a battery that dies faster than it should and a laptop that is constantly overheating. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/business/small-business/resources/how-to-increase-laptop-battery-life.html
  4. Took more than 10 seconds, but I still did not get it! (I am not a big jazz fan, so I excuse myself)
  5. I don't think he is watching her figure, just thinking how much money he wasted on the extra material for his wife!
  6. TBH it is not 'been bothered' per se by the emoji ones post receives. Sometimes it's an annoyance to see these emojis appearing on a perfectly normal, simple to understand post written by someone else! If someone on an internet forum doesn't agree/understand with your view/comments they can always request for a clarification, instead of flaming the poster or clicking on an emoji. This way the forum gets more lively, informative and interesting - sharing knowledge is a great positive feature on a public forum such as AN. When a member asks a question, go find it on Google is not the correct response, is my opinion. The grammar police is an absolute waste of time. Here in, we all are not native English speakers. Hence, our grammar & spellings might be not 100%, how ever much we are careful. Even experts in languages can make mistakes. We are all human, prone to error! Habitual inappropriate emoji clickers and grammar policing might be linked to some psychological issue, by which they try to intimidate other members (?) - but of course that has to be confirmed by a medical professional. Just my 2 cents!
  7. Admin should remove these emoji's - No really! Take out the anonymity, and these sad and confused Rambo's will disappear!
  8. Well... I did not read all the posts on this thread, up to now. But, as you see, the sad and confused have NOT disappointed you. Although they are sad & confused, they are loyal in their own way. Encourage them, eventually they might lose their sadness & confusion... Anonymity sure did enhance their confusion & sadness to come up to the surface in abundance! The grammar police too have their own agenda - on an anonymous public forum, let them all vent out their frustrations and hope for the best
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