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Posts posted by uel1968

  1. 5 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

    Good luck with that. If you don't want to be French anymore there are a lot more "easier" countries to obtain citizenship than Thailand. 


    5 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    Same as England, completely down the pan now. :sad:

    Thai citizenship,,,,,,,,you will be waiting a long time for that!????????

    • Like 1
  2. I horrified to learn 5 years ago of the death of a 3 year old boy who drowned in my wife's village,i was more horrified to learn,that the child wasnt being supervised by his mum,she was too busy getting drunk and playing cards,i will never forget seeing that little boy,laid outon the floor,such a waste of a young life,his mother,later,committed suicide,Guilty as hell,putting the hope of winning money before the safety of her child!!

  3. What was the misunderstanding? Either he did or he did not, there can't be a misunderstanding.

    BTW, If the other Airlines mentioned gave his wife cheap or free tickets and wouldn't let him in a restricted area, I'm sure he would of ordered them delayed also. He's only spiting the airline that made him lose face.

    Yeah,and there are a lot of faceless people in Thailand!!!!
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  4. I wonder do they think it is an insult to Buddhism,when a bar girl starts her 5 oclock shift,prays to the shrine,then gets on with her dirty deeds?

    By "dirty deeds" are you referring to the possibility of having sex? Most adults whether Buddists or not have sex, a perfectly normal human activity, is that an insult to Buddism also in your little mind? What's the difference between a girl who works in a bar and anyone else that doesn't doing dirty deeds?mr,geez,its immoral,tell me what faith promotes prostitution?

  5. And of course he won't having any problems owning it 100%; they'll be no threat of changing the law on an annual basis for protectionist reasons. Just imagine he'll also be able to reside in the UK if he wants without having to apply annually for a visa and reporting to immigration like a common criminal ever 90 days.

    If it was up to me I'd subject Thai citizens to the same that they subject foreigners to.

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