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Posts posted by dumpling

  1. Ok Brit bashing! I am sure that are many Brits out there who can recall attempted scams by many other nationalities ,Britain becoming the next Nigeria ha !!, your story sounds fishy are your sure they were British, I ask because Ireland uses the Euro and U.K the pound, they wanted dollars?

    Also profiles are and can be created so easily that claim to be from one place when they are really from another this is common. This scam sounds like it was working on the value of properties which we all know are high in the U.K thus making a tempting opportunity.

    I will get back to work now but before I go if anyone is interested I have a lovely 5 bedroom farm cottage in southern England payment via Pay pal .........cool.gif

    Yes, I'm 100% sure the two different parties who ripped me off online were British, and 99% sure the other two who tried the 'house buying scam' were Irish. If you want details, you can see my post on the computer forum (search: keyloggers) or send me a message. Saying the British Isles are becoming the next Nigeria is about as nice as I can put it.

    OK !

    What is the old saying about a fool and his money?

    So do you want to buy my cottage or not? wink.gif

  2. Hold on guys. All the report said was according to HER statement, what about his statement of events?

    No one finds it strange that he would stab himself with a bottle and then set the room on fire?

    Bottle is a very favorite weapon for Thai girls and boys when it comes to fighting and setting fire in condo(which no doubt was in his name) so he would be liable to pay all the damage.

    I do not know, but i like to hear his side of the story prior to making any conclusions

    PS. Let me also add, not that i have tried but it appears to be pretty hard to stab yourself with a bottle and probably the first ever suicide or an attempt to hurt yourself with a bottle and set the room you in on fire.

    People use guns, knives, hang, drown, drugs. This is the first time ever i hear of anyone stabbing themselves with a bottle and setting a fire in the room.

    You articulated where my thoughts were going on this, thanks. According to the news, when they found the guy, he was 'unconscious.' When a person is unconscious, he can't talk. They only have the girl's story thus far. It's plausible that the mayhem was her doing. Will be interesting to hear what the Brit says if he survives.

    Thailand, specifically Pattaya, must rate as the country with the worst mis-behaving foreign visitors. And I reckon the worst foreigners in Thailand are low life Brits. ....

    Sorry to jump on the Brit-bashing bandwagon, but I just went through a harrowing two episodes of being ripped off by Brits. It was via online ruses. I must admit some Brits are adept at stealing online. One got money by a devious ruse, the other (more recent) got money by keylogging and hijacking all my online accounts - though all the money he stole has since been refunded back to me. I'm sure there are honest and decent Brits out there - it's just a bit hard for me to perceive that right now.

    Oh, and have received a few emails from Ireland lately which start out wanting to buy a house I have for sale, then go on to talk of transferring millions of dollars (in my name) to facilitate the purchase. Sounds like the British Isles are becoming the Nigeria of Europe in terms of proliferation of online scams.

    Ok Brit bashing! I am sure that are many Brits out there who can recall attempted scams by many other nationalities ,Britain becoming the next Nigeria ha !!, your story sounds fishy are your sure they were British, I ask because Ireland uses the Euro and U.K the pound, they wanted dollars?

    Also profiles are and can be created so easily that claim to be from one place when they are really from another this is common. This scam sounds like it was working on the value of properties which we all know are high in the U.K thus making a tempting opportunity.

    I will get back to work now but before I go if anyone is interested I have a lovely 5 bedroom farm cottage in southern England payment via Pay pal .........cool.gif

  3. It is perfectly normal human evolution and many languages worldwide change, some new words added, some words shortened. In my opinion if anything Thai language would be so much easier if it had less tones(keep getting those wrong, no matter how long i stay here)

    PS. Chi Mi came from a song(do not recall the singer) but was and still is a hit.

    Also I think that age is a big factor.When we are younger the way we speak reflects this "the cool factor" as people grow so does the use of their language and it tends to follow more traditional paths.

  4. Hi Guys,

    I have just been given a load of old family video that I would like to transfer to a more modern digital format.Do any of you out there know of any where in Bangkok that could do this, if so where and any ideas regarding the price?

    It would be very nice to keep these memories and be able to watch them again thanks in advance for your help


  5. It also doesn't help when your universities suck too (although big improvements from Mahidol). Even my grade school decades ago had better facilities and bigger libraries.

    The only way out is to send your kids to overpriced private schools. And even those don't guarantee a good education.

    Kids should be learning Chinese, then English, then true diplomacy (non Thai) and international cultures.

    You have hit the nail on the head even if you didn't realise it.Thai schools = business , problems will arise if schools which are held in lesser regard rapidly improve and start to poach students away from the more expensive schools.

    A change in attitude from Thai parents is the key , when they learn that paying more does not equate to better standards of education then things can start to change.

    As I mentioned previously Schools = business the quickest way to change how a business operates is to vote with your baht.

    Lets hope and pray that things do change for the sake of the children.

  6. Sadly typical of the mindset of the Thai politicians , reminds me of my school-days when there were arguments. ,'My dads bigger than your dad, My dad will beat your dad in a fight,

    Our eye in the sky is bigger than your eye in the sky, "so yah booh sucks to you ".

    Thailand the land of Imitators not innovators.

    30 Billion baht eh ?

    Perhaps if the advice of UNESCO was followed and the money was pumped into improving the overall education system then Thailand would indeed have a tangible benefit for the money spent.,

    Never an original idea! what is next on the list a leaning tower with more lean , pyramids with an extra side , a temple to argue over oops got that one!!smile.gif

  7. It is true that having English as a second language here in Thailand would be of massive benefit the problem then becomes how to instigate this.

    One thing I have noticed over the years is the Thai doggedness to stick to the rule that those above know best when clearly a lot of the time they do not, I have seen many foreigners come into the field of education here only to have the enthusiasm knocked out of them.

    Many have new methods and great ideas on how to move education forward but because they are a lowly foreign teacher these ideas are often greeted with a smile and a passing comment "we will think about it" but as change comes from the top and not the bottom (in Thai eyes) things just stay the same.

    This is compounded by the increasing amount of regulations teachers have to conform to , I do believe in adequately checking on new teachers but I do believe things should be made a little easier .

    I believe that the development of a persons language skills improves the more they are subjected to that language be that listening speaking or reading and writing through what ever form that takes but the way things are at the moment I see less people wishing to come and teach here due to over regulation and the general attitude of schools towards foreign teachers.

    lets just hope that in the future things will change for the positive.

  8. It seems increasing likely that we are sadly going to see more violence in one form or another very soon.

    I have family arriving for a visit and I think that the usual tourist hang outs will be removed from the schedule just to be cautious, I hope that nothing happens whilst they are here as I think that it would put them off from ever coming back.

    Years ago before all of this started they were considering a retirement home here then the protests started so that idea went out the window and then it was just visits 2/3 times in the year, then the airport was taken over and their visits decreased to once a year, then we had the red protest which resulted in cancellation of a trip and now they are due again and there are reports and warnings of attacks.

    This is just my family but I am sure it is a situation that has and is happening to others as for new arrivals they continue to trickle in due to most being unaware of the problems.

    I just wish the country would get its act together before we reach tipping point and Thailand is taken off the tourist map.

  9. Entrepreneurs, here's your chance. There is a clearly a need for an armored dick guard device for the Thai market.

    Never go home without it!

    This country seems very choppy. I wonder how it stacks up against other nations on the chops per capita meter.

    way ahead of you check out my earlier post.

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