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Posts posted by alant

  1. 5 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    That's the reason I put Commandments in apostrophies (Can't remember the correct word for  '.......'....oh yes, quotes) And I too wonder where all these silly rules came from. Could Buddah write? And Moses' Ten C's were sent down by God.

    I have read Buddha did not write any of the teachings and it was hundreds of years before they were written down. 

    After such a long time what was being written?

  2. 6 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Is it not in their 'Ten Commandments' that they should not consume intoxicationg liquer?

    I read in the 5 precepts that devotees one is to abstain from intoxicants but these are not commandments so I am not sure how this holds up. Especially if you look at them in the context of the other precepts.

    For me personally I wonder where these came from as they were not written by Buddha. I am not saying he didn't preach them I just wonder.

  3. 17 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    I would suggest more of an effort to stop it bombing rapidly now that the chickens have come home to roost. 40 THB and 50 THB to the US $ and GBP respectively would put it back to more realistic levels given the poor economic performance of the criminals in the last 5 years.


    Then once Trump is booted out next year and Brexit is cancelled 45 and 65 should be realistic again.


  4. 15 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    If the hard-line Brexiteers of the ERG had voted with Johnson and Hunt to pass the WAG, the UK would have left in March. This deal, although far from perfect, according to some, is far better than a no-deal scenario -and quite rightly parliament would aim to prevent a no-deal, as it woud ruin the UK economy, devalue sterling, etc etc.

    Many have opinions about the effects and validity of a no deal but to rule it out seriously weakens the negotiating position. As for devaluing sterling, as members, which we are, sterling has lost rather a lot.

    • Like 2
  5. I am at a loss to understand some of these arguments.

    Just what is the Parliament trying to achieve?

    Let us take it that as stated, the UK will not allow leaving without a deal.

    Let us also believe the EU stick to its statement that it will not budge from the deal agreed with Mrs May.

    Is the only option to accept the May answer and if so why on earth did we not leave at the end of March and why are we looking for a new PM?

    Note, both candidates say leave we must.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  6. On 6/26/2019 at 8:13 AM, CapraIbex said:

    HauptmannUK is right! And it is not up to him educating you and other 'arm chair' legislators/economists.
    Use readily available & accessible sources and apply your intellectual ability to prove him wrong; And stop being childish!

    No wonder you agree given your "stop being childish" comment, your comment do not provide any evidence other than saying you have no idea of my level of intellect or if I look for sources. I will put this one down to not worth the effort.

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