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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 11 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

    there was no deal.  it was a gettin'ta'meetcha summit.  no concessions were made by either side.  they shared some beautiful chocolate cake and agreed to talk some more later.  that is all.


    nk has handed over some remains, the us has suspended some war games.  talks and negotiations continue.


    you might like to read the actual text of the joint statement from the summit.  it's pretty short, lots of diplomatic speak, with vague commitments to really try hard to come to an agreement sometime in the future.


    you may read the full text here:



    But the point is that Destructo Donny walked away claiming a great victory and major concessions, when there was nothing but hot air. He always does the same thing. Of all the American presidents we have had, the tangerine tornado has the most bizarre relationship with truth. Truth, honesty, and integrity, are his own personal kryptonite. 

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  2. 18 hours ago, grollies said:

    Were you as vocal in your condemnation of the US who had a black site here in Thailand routinely torturing people? How can anyone condem the Thais when they've been led to believe waterboarding was legal?

    Yes. As a US citizen I was extremely vocal in condemnation of the US practices of torture, waterboarding, extraordinary rendition and many of the other practices they used. The rule of law is here for a reason. If you do not respect the laws you become the same as the  Philippines, or Russia. Despot dictatorships, or in the case of the PI, killing zones.


    In addition I was extremely opposed to both the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. So far, the coalition has lost 3,500 soldiers in Afghanistan, spent several trillion dollars, and now the Taliban occupies and controls 76% of the country. Money and lives well spent? All I can say, is that I wish a few of the offspring of Cheney, Bush Jr, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Trump, Pence, Pelosi, Reed, and a few others were fighting over there. I guarantee it would give those nitwits some perspective on war. Most were either draft dodgers, or did not serve their country in battle. Easy for them to wage war, when there is nothing personal at risk for them. 

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  3. 21 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    They might be comfortable. But all of them are BIG. And that means they don't fit between the cars. And I think that is one of the main attractions of bikes: They fit between cars and that makes them fast in traffic. If someone buys one of these huge things he/she can also buy a car. They both get stuck in traffic but at least the car has a roof.

    Totally untrue. I weave in between traffic all the time with my Burgman. Super nimble and quick. It is a delight to ride. It is maybe 30cm wider than a Honda Wave.

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  4. On 7/26/2018 at 11:24 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    Did you ever try "any other bike"?

    Because if you did then you should know there is a night and day difference.


    I never tried one of those bathtubs. But I was on motorcycle taxis with them. Waiting in the traffic behind all those other cars. Except the cars have aircon and a roof.


    Most Thai bikes are built for a guy or gal who weighs between 35 and 65 kilos. For those of us who are larger, the other bikes are simply not comfortable, have poor suspension, and do not support much weight, especially with a passenger. The PCX on the other hand, supports 150-175 kilos without a problem, for two larger people. It is a great bike, and is marginally wider than the others. A smooth bike to ride. Way more comfortable than many of the others. I have driven motorbikes all my life. But, I am getting on in years, and do not find a sport bike to be comfortable enough these days. The Mios, the Scoopys and some others are cute little bikes for a gal, but some of us would not be caught dead driving one, and the suspension barely supports more than 65 kilos, safely.


    For those with a little more cash, the Suzuki Burgman 200, and the Yamaha XMax 300 are great choices. But, at 140,000 to 170,000 baht, they are not affordable for many. Both ride great. Both have alot of power, support two large passengers in comfort, and are great for the highway. Both are very well built, and super comfortable rides with plenty of acceleration. The Burgman has as much power as the Honda Forza (perhaps the ugliest bike in the country), but is far more attractive, and handles far better. The XMax is the best bike currently available in Thailand for the money. It is a very serious bike. A lot of the qualities of the flagship TMax, but without the 450,000 baht price tag.





    • Sad 1
  5. Thailand does not want her, or her brother extradited. This has been clear since the very beginning. It is nothing but trouble for Tiny P., if either of them return. He is hugely unpopular, and they are hugely popular, to this day. No effort whatsoever is being made to have them returned. And even if Thailand requested that either the UK government or Interpol returned them, their request would be met with scorn, laughs and turned down in total. This administration, and Tiny P., simply have no credibility to the outside world.

  6. Thailand does not want her, or her brother extradited. This has been clear since the very beginning. It is nothing but trouble for Tiny P., if either of them return. He is hugely unpopular, and they are hugely popular, to this day. No effort whatsoever is being made to have them returned. And even if Thailand requested that either the UK government or Interpol returned them, their request would be met with scorn, laughs and turned down in total. This administration, and Tiny P., simply have no credibility to the outside world.

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  7. 16 hours ago, Burl Ives said:

    Having worked in the edible oil industry all my life I find most of the comments very amusing! Let's start with some hard facts:

    • Polyunsaturated fats Contain two or more carbon-carbon double bonds. When eaten in as food such nuts, seeds, fish and leafy greens, they have clear health benefits. However, the benefits of consuming sunflower oil and corn oil, although rich in polyunsaturates, are much less clear.
    • Monounsaturated oils Contain just one carbon-carbon double bond. They are found in avocados, olives, olive oil, almonds and hazelnuts, and also in lard and goose fat. Olive oil, which is approximately 76% monounsaturated, is a key component in the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
    • Saturated fats have no double bonds between carbon atoms. Although we are encouraged to switch from eating saturated fats, particularly dairy and other fats derived from animals, the benefits of doing so are being challenged.
    • The percentages of each in the oils below varies somewhat but these values are typical
    Type of oil or fat Poly-unsaturated (%) Mono-unsaturated (%) Saturated (%)
    Coconut oil 2 6 86
    Butter 3 21 51
    Lard 11 45 39
    Goose fat 11 56 27
    Olive oil 10 76 14
    Rapeseed oil 28 63 7
    Sesame oil 41 40 14
    Corn oil 54 27 12
    Sunflower oil 65 20 10


    So from this table you can see coconut oil is high in saturated fats, so is unhealthy as a salad oil, but has good frying properties because of its high content of saturated oils,  which are more stable at high temperature. Conversely oils high in poly- and mono- unsaturates which help with LDL/HDL cholesterol (google it) make good salad oils, but lousy frying oils because they decompose on heating. Canola oil BTW is Low Erusic Rape.


    Re hydrogenation, it was used for years to produce steep melting fats (from cheap liquid oils e.g.Fish an Soyabean) which had excellent baking properties as well as good mouth feel in margarines. Most of the big named manufacturers (one of which I use to work for) did away with Hyrogenated oils many years ago and replaced them with small amounts of fractionated oils and fats, like Palm Olein and Palm Stearin. The cheapest oils on the shelves here are Palm olein which have reasonable frying properties and a good taste. Hope this clears the air!

    Palm oil is bad on a number of levels. From an environmental point of view (if you do consider such things) it is terribly destructive, as the huge palm forests decimate the local jungles.


    If palm oil was manufactured in an ethical way, it would seem a fairly solid choice for the kitchen. However, it’s now used in around 50% of foods and other household products sold in the western world, and is currently the most widely consumed vegetable oil on the planet. To satisfy this huge demand, tens of millions of tonnes of palm oil is produced every year. However, the production of this oil is contributing in major ways to deforestation, climate change, and the deaths of tens of thousands of animals. The situation is so bad that supermarket giant Iceland has announced it’s banning palm oil from all own brand products by the end of the year.


    Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2018/04/10/palm-oil-bad-7455547/?ito=cbshare

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/


    The industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced, as the land and forests must be cleared for the development of the oil palm plantations. According to the World Wildlife Fund, an area the equivalent size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour to make way for palm oil production. This large-scale deforestation is pushing many species to extinction, and findings show that if nothing changes species like the orangutan could become extinct in the wild within the next 5-10 years, and Sumatran tigers less than 3 years. 



    But, from a nutritional point of view, Palm kernel oil sounds harmless and even “natural,” right? And in recent years, it’s been finding its way into many packaged foods as manufacturers look for low-cost oils to replace trans fats. (After federal rules mandated all packaged foods list the amount of heart-damaging trans fats they contain on their "Nutrition Facts" labels, many manufacturers reformulated their products to ferret out the offending fat and earn a better-looking label.) Highly saturated fats turn rancid more slowly, so food companies often use them to help preserve taste and texture. Trans-fat-free—and relatively inexpensive—palm oil fit the bill. Its long shelf life and semi-solid state at room temperature make it appealing to food companies.

    How can you figure out if foods you are eating contain palm oil? You want to look on the ingredients list: palm oil is commonly found in packaged cookies, cakes, snacks, bakery goods, crackers and peanut butter. (Sometimes it’s listed as “modified,” “partially hydrogenated” or “fractionated” palm oil, which would indicate trans fats; even if the Nutrition Facts panel indicates zero trans fats, products containing less than 0.5 gram of trans fats can be labeled as trans-fat-free.) Sometimes palm oil is one of the oils listed under the term “vegetable oil.”
    While unmodified palm kernel oil is trans-fat-free, about 80 percent of its fat is saturated, with about 22 grams saturated fat in each 2-tablespoon serving (for comparison there are 14 grams of saturated fat in two tablespoons of butter). For a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet, that’s the maximum amount of saturated fat you should be eating. Most experts agree that saturated fats raise levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in the blood. That’s damaging to the heart and arteries, since excessive LDL accumulates in artery walls and can trigger inflammation, eventually leading to a heart attack or stroke. (Confusingly, palm fruit oil—also known as palm oil or red palm oil—is rich in a form of vitamin E that preliminary research indicates may help fight cancer and prevent strokes; it is also lower in saturated fat.)
  8. 3 hours ago, brain150 said:

    When did Sunflower oil become healthy ?

    It has always been healthy. A wonderful oil for cooking. And the best part? Inexpensive and readily available at most supermarkets in Thailand, though quite expensive elsewhere in the world.


    One of the primary reasons for the growing popularity of sunflower oil is its impressive fatty acid content, which includes palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, lecithincarotenoidsselenium, and linoleic acid.  The combination of fatty acids in the body are extremely important to maintain various elements of human health, and sunflower oil can help maintain that balance.

    Furthermore, some of those fatty acids, as well as vitamin E (tocopherols) and other organic compounds, act as antioxidants in sunflower oil, which means that they can positively affect a huge range of conditions that people regularly suffer from. It also has more polyunsaturated fats than any other commonly used vegetable oil, and with the recent craze of eating healthy and searching for alternative options, sunflower oil is becoming quite desirable on the international market. This oil is also rich in proteinscopperironzinccalcium, and omega-6 fatty acids.



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  9. 27 minutes ago, moontang said:

    Real busses are only 6.5 in BKK, and quite a few run 24 hours.  That is for non-airconditioned but if you have been in aircon all day, it feels good.  And you get an actual seat.  BTS and MRT are uncivilized for about 7 hours per day....so dont underestimate the value of living on good bus lines vs. near the rails....and it is a lot cheaper, not that any of us have to maintain budgets...lol.

    Disagree. I think the BTS and the MRT are the best thing since sliced bread. Even when they are crowded, they are fast and efficient. And reasonable. A truly great system. World class public transport. Compare them to the BART in the SF area. There are daily stabbings and robberies, it is filthy, urine stench everywhere, and costly. 

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  10. 7 minutes ago, fantom said:

    I have just checked the ingredient list on Nestles Coffe mate.

    Contains 34 % Fully hydrogenated vegetable oil.  The balance is mainly, 61%, glucose syrup (suger)


    Interesting post.

    Checking the ingredient list on all products is a good idea. You will not believe the crap they put into the majority of products. 34% vegetable oil means a very inferior oil. Probably palm oil, which is deadly. 

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  11. When shopping, I always check the labels. If they are not in english, I do not buy the product. Avoid all unhealthy oils. Most products have canola, palm, soybean, cottonseed, or corn oil. All of these are deadly. All are nearly fully saturated oils. But products only made with safflower, sunflower, rice bran, coconut and olive oil. Same with cooking. Use only those oils for cooking. They are readily available here, and are inexpensive. All have high flash points, and are healthy oils for eating and cooking. It is about quality, when it comes to oils.


    Never, ever allow a Thai woman to select the oil for cooking, until they have been educated about this. They have zero awareness of what a healthy oil looks like, and will inevitably always buy the cheapest (least healthy) oil. We are talking about cholesterol, circulatory and heart health here. Important stuff. 

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  12. Open your own account immediately, transfer most of your money into it, and put all new deposits in there. Allow her access only to a minimal amount of cash. If she does not go along with it, let her go. Kid or not. Just let her go. Deception is not healthy for a relationship. She has been stealing money from you, and you can no longer trust her. Time to sever the cord. 


    Also, the courts will side with you, if you are the major provider for the kid. So visitation rights will not be an issue. 

  13. And you forgot to mention the horrendous traffic and air quality. There does not seem to be anything in the way of traffic mitigation being done. The city keep growing, more and more people are getting new cars and trucks, and the roads do not seem to be able to handle all of that growth. I like CM. But for those two reasons alone, do not think I could live there. 

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