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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Just a few things his own daughter said about Manafort. Keep him locked up. He is a danger to society, and just the fact that Trump hired this guy, says an awful lot about the character of the president.


    Some of Andrea Manafort’s texts with context courtesy of Business Insider:

    1. "Don’t fool yourself,” Andrea wrote to her sister, according to the texts. “That money we have is blood money.” “You know he has killed people in Ukraine? Knowingly,” she continued, according to the reviewed texts. “As a tactic to outrage the world and get focus on Ukraine. Remember when there were all those deaths taking place. A while back. About a year ago. Revolts and what not. Do you know whose strategy that was to cause that, to send those people out and get them slaughtered."

    2."In a later exchange with a man who appeared to be Andrea’s cousin — and one of her father’s former employees — Collin Bond, Andrea appears to have said her mother and father couldn’t go through a “public divorce” because Manafort had “too many skeletons” and “his work and payment in Ukraine is legally questionable."

    3."He is a sick f—ing tyrant,” Andrea appears to have said to Bond about her father. “And we keep showing up and dancing for him. … We just keep showing up and eating the lobster. Nothing changes."

    4."In March 2015, Andrea said their father had “no moral or legal compass."

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  2. There is no question that this is racist policy, and that Trump is a hater, and a racist. He despises people of color, and people who are not wealthy. They are like vermin to him. Many of these people are fleeing conditions that are largely created by US policy, and the war on drugs. I have a solution. Make all drugs legal. Everything. From heroin, on down. Not only watch consumption drop, but watch the cartels disappear, and with it, at least part of the huge wave of illegal immigration. Portugal did it successfully. Why not the US? Oh, I forgot it is a nation populated by alot of fake puritans. I am American, so do not get on your high horse and respond with hypocritical nonsense. Think for one moment, before you reply. Parroting a line is not a reply. 


    In other words, take some responsibility instead of mimicking a few talking points of the hateful, huckster in chief. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    "That would be a hysterically funny statement, it is were not coming from someone wearing blinders. Do you have any sense of how divisive your "boy" has been to America and the world?"


    Which is why I posted, think first post, in the thread about Saunders being rejected at the restaurant that that happens when you divide a country.


    "And why not vilify and demonize Trump? "

    I could give reasons, but agree with you, as I stated, that I have no issues with confronting policy makers and Trump salesmen (like Saunders) with their policies. But I think going after Trump supporters is not justified.


    I tend to agree with you. But it does depend a bit on the supporter. You sound like a reasonable, and open minded guy. Some are just buying the entire program, hook, line and sinker. It is starting to look like the early days of Mussolini and Franco, when an authoritarian ruler begins to erase any hint of a democracy. That needs to be questioned. Do we just let go of everything we cherish? Without a fight. In general I agree about being respectful to the supporters. I have alot of good friends who support Trump, and I will not do what some of my democrat friends are doing, by calling them names and calling them fools. Alot did not have an alternative, as Hillary was the worst candidate since Mike Dukakis. She was a complete fool and a crime lord. Much like Trump. LOL. I love the confrontation of members of the administration. The same has to happen with Trump. He needs to get jeered everywhere he goes. Constantly. Heckled, booed, and rattled. Nonstop. He has worked hard for that, and he well deserves that treatment. 

    • Sad 1
  4. I have always said, it is a really good idea to get to know your woman's family early on. And make sure you like her family. Thais are close, and you are marrying into her family. I suppose this holds true anywhere in the world. 


    I think if I were in this situation, I would just sent the mother home. Or warn her, and tell her to shut up and show some respect. And if my wife did not agree with that, and insisted on keeping her annoying mother around, and was unwilling to take my position, and show some sympathy to me on the issue, I would just move out. And get divorced. Life is just too short to deal with people you cannot stand, on a daily basis. Just move on. No need to kill. No need to get crazy. Just get the hell out.

    • Like 2
  5. With the exception of the men who are clever enough to hire a private detective to look into her background, and pay some real money to do it right, there is no way to know. They all have stories. And most of the stories are ones that they know we want to hear. So many times I have heard friends say,  "Oh no, she is new. She has only been working at the bar two weeks. I was her first customer. She worked in a factory before that. I could tell how innocent she was'. Yeah right! Or she has never worked in a bar, and I am only the second foreigner she has been with. Who knows? 


    The facts are the facts. She has lost interest. So should you. Just move on. Find a good one. Do not fight it. Do not be weak, and pathetic. Be strong. Be like Bond. Do as Bond would do. Move on. Just lose her number, and change yours. End of story. 

  6. 2 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Him & John were The Talent.

    Both of their material post Beatles was sublime, supremely talented individuals.

    Paul, well just another smiley pop face.

    He never did anything that was musically spectacular in his solo career. John & George's best stuff was post Beatles.

    Ringo, the less said the better.

    I totally agree. John and George were not only the real talents in the band, they were also the far deeper souls, and Paul is right up there with Paul Simon, as a white man with little soul. 

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    • Sad 1
  7. 20 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

    What a drama queen! Who you kidding you would have know about it while you were coming here on vacations but of course that was not your first priority.

    Now you settled down and live here your all of a sudden a hi so demanding 5 star service. As you say there are other countries way better for you if it upsets you that much 

    Paris calling? 


    Some of your guys really missed the point, with statements like how could a 300 baht a day waiter know anything. Well, first of all, at a Michelin star restaurant, you are not hiring a guy off the streets to serve your patrons. You are hiring a skilled waiter, who is trained to have great knowledge of the food and wine. That is common practice in the industry, at this level. 


    Second, I do not eat at these restaurants. This was simply a discussion about the difference between wine service here, and elsewhere. 


    Thirdly, about the suggestion of moving to Paris. Very lame. Nearly every time I see someone complaining, or observing a shortfall within Thailand, some lame guy, who has not taken the time to think things through, nor to devote any focus or effort to a reasonable reply, says something like "Perhaps Thailand is not for you", or maybe you should leave, or the top prize, "if you do not like it here, go back to your own country". Hard to even respond to such inane statements. Why? Because I have some issues with the place? Sorry to inform you, but the nature of a discerning mind, is to have issues. Though absolute contentment must be a beautiful state of mind, it is not something most of us are blessed with, in case you have not noticed. The fact that I complain, does not mean I do not love Thailand, nor most of it's people. I do. I love my life here. I have a very good life here. But, I do have some complaints, and there are some things I would love to see improved. I should leave because of that? Please. Next time you make a post, try to devote at least two moments of thought to it. 

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