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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 9 minutes ago, kannot said:

    They require neither, no more than anyone else and they certainly dont need a big "ferk off fortuna" I wonder how  many buy the smallest cheapest car??  and really whats the matter with a motorbike or even  incredibly ,two feet?

    My point is, that teachers deserve what other have in society. A decent home and a nice car. Nothing fancy on either. Just adequate. And these days, an adequate car and house costs 4 million baht, in most communities. It is on the government to make the lives of teachers easier, not harder. And if they really do want to support the teachers, and education (which it is painfully obvious they do not) then they need to offer them better terms on loans. 5-7% interest is not a particularly great deal. The banks are still making a fortune on these loans. 

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  2. On 3/2/2018 at 5:31 AM, Fabi said:

    JESUS alone can make him healthy and he will do it

    A ridiculous and completely irrelevant and inappropriate statement for this forum. I doubt Jesus taught the kind of intolerance, cruelty, judgment, exclusivity and lack of spiritual harmony you are suggesting. Quite the contrary. A statement like this is based on your ignorance and misunderstanding of spiritual truth. Likely he is a Buddhist. So, according to your intolerant mind, he is destined to a life of disease, because he is not a Christian. Beyond ridiculous. Incomprehensibly ignorant. 


    If you spent even an hour a day doing what Christ advocated, by spending your time in prayer, meditation and contemplation, your ignorance would dissipate by the day. Instead you spout nonsense, based on a complete and total lack of wisdom. Get a life. Please. This post is about a brave man, who is stricken by a terrible disease, and a great women, who is displaying kindness, support, and the kind of unconditional love that Christ taught, and you have forgotten, or perhaps never remembered. 

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  3. Teachers are the very foundation of a great society. They deserve good salaries. And they require housing and cars. The fact that they took 4 million baht to purchase a home and a new car is not a sin. If the government wants to find a solution, and treat these people with the honor and dignity they deserve, how about reducing their interest rates from the heinous levels they charge here, to something affordable like 2-3%? It would cost them nothing, as that is less than the rate currently being paid by the banks for deposits and less than the fed rate. 


    This administration loves to talk, but when it comes to solutions that benefit the average man and women, they are woefully short on them.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    "Women with 10 or more partners were the most likely to divorce, but this only became true in recent years;

    Women with 3-9 partners were less likely to divorce than women with 2 partners; and,

    Women with 0-1 partners were the least likely to divorce."

    From The Institute of Family Studies,



    I'm happy to spend a night with an slut experienced woman, but I choose not to marry one.

    That has not been my experience. And I tend to be wary of everything I read, and studies in general. And even less dependable than studies in general, is stuff you read on blogs. What is the source? What is their agenda? How solid is the information, etc. Depends on the source, the methodology of the questioning, etc. And divorce is not the only key. Alot stay married, out of tradition, fear of backlash from the family, community, faith, etc. And many are married, but miserable. Divorce rates are a minor factor. Fulfillment or happiness rates, I would say are far more important. 


    Regardless, I much prefer experienced women. And I can say that from experience. They are far superior to women with little of no sexual experience. The whole concept of purity is vastly over rated, and means little to me. Purity of mind and heart is far different than the kind of purity you are referring to.

  5. 21 hours ago, David Walden said:

    As indicated in Germany on Aus SBS TV  girls are required to service 20 short time (10 min) customers a day in the short time brothels (hundreds now) at 50 euros each. That's about Bt 65,000 a day, just enough for a retirement visa in Thailand, could be more if their quick or good looking.  Now that means if the girls in Germany don't have any days off they can do more the 7300 a year.  According to you calculations they must be all stuffed in the head...in Germany that is?  Thailand is better only 4 a week? much more sane.

    What one earth can one do in ten minutes? That is bizarre. 

  6. 22 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Some claim true pair bonding is impossible if she isn't a virgin, I'd say 5 and she's truely finished as LTR material.

    700+? Holy Shit!


    My personal rule, no hymen = no wedding ring.

    Wow. So sorry to hear. I apply the same standard to my women, as I do to myself. I love women with experience. Sounds like you are intimidated by it, are deeply insecure about yourself, or have some fake Quaker notions about it. A virgin? How terribly boring. I prefer a woman with experience. No need for her to have been with 700 plus guys. But some experience is a good thing for both of us. True pair bonding is impossible if she is not a virgin? Where on earth did you hear that? Some Muslim fairy tale? A puritan poem? That is one of the most ridiculous and false notions I have ever heard about romance. I would say the opposite. Virgins are nothing but trouble. Experienced women are to be prized and cherished. 


    Five and she is truly finished? Bizarre notions. False notions. A strange take on reality. Five and she is just getting started becoming a woman with experience, objectivity, and clarity about what she wants in life. Sorry to say, but with notions like you have, you are lost. Your opinions suggest that a woman is less of a woman if she has gotten busy with a dozen, or a hundred men in her life. Who are you to make that judgment? The same does not apply to you? I love, admire and respect a woman with sexual experience. Plus, she tends to be more fun. Get over yourself. 

  7. On 7/26/2018 at 1:36 PM, Berkshire said:

    You can certainly be a nice guy without being a wuss.  I know a few farangs who are just regular guys...but are total wusses when it comes to their GF/wife. 

    Me too. I know many. I have an American friend. He is building a bed and breakfast. A very impressive structure, overlooking the beach. He and his Thai wife bought the land. They are now on their third contractor, three years later. Each one has taken them for a ride. Mostly due to the wife being older, which means more traditional, and very gullible and soft. And he will not put his foot down. She ends up giving the contractors too much money up front, lending them money, and doing all kinds of really stupid and inane stuff. He will not stand up to her. They are now 15 million baht into this project, and it is not nearly completed. She gave the third contractor a loan, and got the chanote as collateral, because he insisted. Then, without knowing it she gave back the deed, because the guy said he needed it for something. Dumb and dumber. This is all because of her mistakes. And of course his mistakes by not reigning in her stupidity, ignorance, naivety, and ultra conventional nature. 

    • Like 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, AdamTheFarang said:

    Wow bit hard on me. I like Thai ladies they are gentle. Maybe a rural lady? Can you please not attack me.

    Please ignore "get real". He has obviously never had much luck with the ladies. There are thousands of great gals here. Kind, fun, sweet and sexy as hell. Totally different than your home country. 100% the opposite. Just be patient, and make the effort. You will find what you are looking for. But remember. Take your time. They are always trying to step up the timetable. Pushback is the answer. 

    • Like 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

    While i do think overstaying is a minor crime, while illegal entry into the country is much more serious, i guess we can agree upon that all the actions of Big Joke are just low hanging fruit and aimed at boosting his ego and improving chances of promotion.


    As i said sometime earlier, his actions are kind of useless, as it is a 1-day crackdown without follow up. I rather see him focus on 1 thing, stamp it out, and keep it stamped out. It doesnt matter what he picks, but just solve it and stick to it.


    That will attract much less media attention, but at least it will make a change.

    But that is the M.O. of this entire administration. In the four years these neophyte goons have been in power, when have they ever followed up on one of their countless crackdowns? It used to be two or three crackdowns a week, until Little P. ran out of energy, and devolved into a fabulously weak, very small, rather pathetic, whining cartoon character. None were ever followed up. On a certain level, I guess that is a good thing. 

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    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    Seems like its a subject that you find interesting .

    Hope you find some like minded people to talk to about it .

    Anyway , no more from me , dont want to talk about your 13 year old friends daughter sex life .

       Are you typing one handed ?

    Sorry to disturb your assumptions, but I am not into kids. I prefer an adult. The reply was in response to the comment about village mileage. In regard to that, I still feel my reply was relevant, and the topic is an important one.

    • Like 1
  11. 50 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    I do feel that's quite an inappropriate thing to post , I dont want to read about things like that and its rather an unhealthy topic .

       I would prefer not to read about the sex life of your friends 13 year old daughter!!!!!!!

    I would think most people would prefer not to read about something like this. It is not meant to be a "feel good" topic. It is a national and perhaps international tragedy. An unmooring of society. An issue that goes to the very root of our foundations. But, it is a truth. And as much as we would sometimes like to bury our heads in the sand, that changes the reality not one iota. It is happening. As we speak. 13 year olds are having sex! Like it or not. 

    • Thanks 2
  12. 19 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Only 'date' 20-year-olds, they haven't had the time to do many foreigners.

    Their village milage may vary though.

    Not sure about here, but in the US now, it is increasingly common for girls to start "getting busy" at 13 years old. I have been told by a friend of mine, who has a young daughter, that her daughter became an absolute pariah in the 7th grade, because she was the only one in the entire school, who refused to go down on her male classmates. This is a true story, one that some will have a hard time believing. I saw her distress first hand, as she is a close friend, and I knew her daughter since she was born. 

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  13. 47 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    What do you base your prediction on and is it on the pound or the dollar? It would be nice and would help my cash flow if it went > 34 per USD. It fell slightly today from 33.27 to 33.18 (Bangkok Bank TT USD rate)

    Additional interest rates by the fed. More outflows from emerging markets. Continued weakness in the Thai economy due to extreme incompetence. Continued fallout over the Phuket tragedy, which is getting alot of press in China and is probably leading to other critiques of Thai travel. 


    Lastly, I believe the central bank already believes the baht is still overinflated. And to boost exports, with the tariffs and other negative factors impacting Thailand, they will make an effort to keep the baht stable, or to depreciate it a bit more.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 38 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

    ive been slugged thousands or usd unnecessarily from  customs. they loveeeee to waste time, cause trouble. its always a gamble. doesnt matter about the courier used its all about what customs feels like harassing on the day. iv mailbly bought motorcycle stuff for motorcycle not available in thai and this has caused major grief but have also bought a bunch of music equiptment and never paid more than a few hundred baht. if its big and looks like $ it will cost $$. I know it doesnt seem good info for you but after many years of trying to understand and even sending things to thai names and requesting special delivery methods ive come to the conclusion that thai customs have no idea what they are doing and like to bully but sometimes your lucky.

    i bought life saving medicine from india and they opened the box in front of me made me admit its not allowed and let me have it. i guess they didnt want me dying then and there perhaps.

    in short its a gamble. for music stuf you wont be completely screwed.

    You have to understand that customs is a mafia. The mid level customs officer has paid a fortune for his "promotion". There needs to be a return on investment for them. They are a revenue collection agency. Same as the police.

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 7/23/2018 at 1:22 PM, BestB said:

    The baht would strengthen to Bt32.5 per US dollar from the current level of Bt33.5 per dollar by the end of the year, he said.


    strengthen or weaken? From 33.5 to 32.5

    That is strengthen. If you get less baht per pound of dollar, the baht is stronger. But, I do not see this happening. I predict it will drop to 34.50 by years end.

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