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Posts posted by brian272727

  1. As this is the case how much of what is said in the SPONSORS letter is taken into account?

    The sponsors letter is very important will be read and the facts taken into consideration, as will a covering letter from the applicant.

    Bear in mind that the ECO will consider many applications a day and probably read a large number of sponsors letters, so make sure the letter is not too long and readable, with the relevant points jumping out to the reader.

    Thanks, I was actually thinking about the length of the letter,

    Would you recommend bullet points as opposed to a 3 page letter detailing our history, plans, finances etc?


    • Dec 2008 - Met her at ...
    • Mar 2009 - I visted her in Thailand and we went to Kuala Lumpur
    • May 2009 - I visted her in Thailand and and we travelled to Phuket to meet her mother
    • May 2009 - Applied for Visa to the UK, this was accepted
    • Jul 2009 - Came to the UK for a 2 week stay
    • Oct 2009 - I visted her in Thailand and met her family

  2. Hi Brian

    Yes, this is definitely the case. Just make sure that you complete the paperwork accurately and you should have no problems, provided that you do actually qualify for the visa. You have to show that the application is for a genuine reason and, most importantly, you have to show that it is likely that the applicant will leave the UK at the end of the visit.

    When you visit Regent House be aware that there is a visa agency operating in the same area as the VFS office. VFS personnel are easily identifiable by their uniforms and badges. You should not interact with any persons not displaying the correct VFS identification unless you wish to pay a substantial amount of cash for little or no service. You do not need these people if you are making a standard visa application. The VFS office is located slightly to the right on the first floor of Regent House and is easily identified. The agency, whose name I forget, is located next to the souvenir shop on the same floor and is likely to have a sexy lady outside to tempt you to go inside. Resist the temptation!


    Excellent, thanks for this information, makes things much easier...

    TBH I am a little bit worried about her application being accepted this time as my GF will graduate next week so we can't go down the route of University as the reason to return. She is seeking employment but on the off chance she can't find anything she had planned to come to the UK for 4 weeks.

    I think the only things we have in out favour is the fact she has been to the UK twice last year, owns land and a 2 year old car and we have a strong relationship history. This has been substantially documented. She also has some savings. Also she is just back from Australia, Korea and Hong Kong without breaching any visa requirements so hopefully they can see she is reliable.

    Anyway, I will know soon enough.

    Thanks again.

  3. Outline days spent in the Uk to the ECO otherwise he/she may miss this.

    Thanks, I shall do.

    I have heavily mentioned her previous trips to the UK as I know these may enchance her application chances.

    Another quick question...

    I notice the actual visa application form is not conducive to allowing for much information, the text boxes are small and have a max length of characters set.

    As this is the case how much of what is said in the SPONSORS letter is taken into account?

    We need to explain our situation re her visit and are wondering what the best place to do this is.



  4. Hi Brian

    Depends how busy they are but usually a few weeks.

    BUT you don't need to make an appointment - you can just turn up to submit the papers between 08:30 and 15:00, Monday through Friday, unless it's a public holiday.

    Don't confuse making an appointment to submit the application, which you don't need to do, with the remote possibility that the applicant may be called for interview to clarify some aspects of the application. This rarely happens with tourist visa applications but can delay matters substantially when it does. Allow plenty of time - you can apply up to three months prior to the intended travel date and the visa can be post-dated on request.

    If you just turn up at Regent House and submit, you should have the passport back within seven working days and it's often a lot quicker than this. The passport can be couriered back to you on payment of 300 Baht so you don't need to collect it personally.

    You are aware that the application fee can only be paid by banker's draft? You can get the draft from the bank in Regent House and this is the way to do it as they know exactly what you need. There have been reports in the past that drafts obtained from other banks have been refused by VFS, for whatever reason.

    Good luck


    Many thanks for this.

    So let me get this straight... In terms of a UK visa:

    She can fill in the application online, print off, compile sponsors dossier, get all the relevant documents and simply walk into the office and submit the application?

    That would be a great help if this was the case.

    Also I never realised the visa could be post-dated.

    re The appointment, do I still need to make one? I forget how the online application system works.

    Thanks for all your advice BTW, very, very helpful.

  5. I have posted a couple of times a while ago re this but I am still a bit worried.

    I am going to finalise her UK visitor application tomorrow and would put my mind at rest if someone has experience of the following:

    TGF got a 6 month UK visitor Visa valid: 25th June - 25th December 2009, she came to the UK twice, once for 16 days, once for 35 days.

    I have heard about this "6 months in a one year period" rule for staying in the UK.

    Will she be ok to apply for a visitor visa this month?

    Anyone got any experience on this? Should I mention it in sponsor form? Should she mention it in additional information page section??



  6. My TGF was over in the UK twice last year on a multiple entry visitor visa. The visa itself was valid from 25/06/09 - 25/12/09, she was in the UK twice: 16 days then 36 days respectively.

    I have sort of asked this before but I am still a little unsure, what are the rules or issues for her applying for a second visitor visa, probably around March this year.

    I recall reading about the a "6 month in 12 months rule", how does the above residence affect that decision?

    Also, do you have any general advice when applying for a second visa? Do I need to include relationship proof (phone records etc )for the previous period?



    ps, Happy New Year folks, all the best for the 2010 and thanks again for your invaluable help and advice in 2009. Appreciated!

  7. Assuming that she's checking-in with TG, and also clearing Immigration, at Hat-Yai then they should normally be able to issue her with all three boarding-cards, on the spot. However she would still need to visit the Qatar transit-desk at Bangkok.

    She is flying seperately from Hat Yai to BKK with Air Asia.

    It the BKK > DOHA >MAN she is flying after that.

    I just TRIPLE checked with Qatar and there are no issues, she even had me doubting myself even though I am a frequent long haul flyer.

    So much drama sometimes with Thai Girls but that's why we love them!

    :):D :D

  8. TGF is flying BKK to Manchester on Monday.

    She is currently in Hat Yai with no access to a printer and has started to panic because she cannot check in online and print her boarding card.

    I told her that this is optional and she can check in at BKK as normal and as all she needs is her e-Ticket and her Credit Card(which she booked with).

    Please can you confirm for 100% peace of mind that she can check in at the Airport???

  9. My TGF has a UK Visitor Visa which is valid until the 25th December 2009.

    She came over for two weeks but CANNOT come back until AFTER Christmas.

    I would like her to come back over for New Year and into the start of next year.

    Can she apply for a NEW Visa now? So the 6 month validity period would run over new year or do I need to wait until AFTER the current one has expired?

  10. My TGF was over last week for two weeks on a UK Visitor visa and is keen to come back:

    Looking to the future, I have a couple of queries.

    How easy is it to get a 2nd visitor visa? Whilst her finances, land ownership etc are the same, one major circumstance will have changed: she will have left Uni by next year. I am assuming this may be problematic?


    What exactly is a Fiance Visa? I read about this frequently but cannot find any info on it?

  11. Thanks for the replies. Is that definite on a settlement visa and not just a visit visa?

    One of my other concerns was whether she would also be entitled to swine flu vaccine/treatment.

    Re Swine Flu, from the UK Department of Health website:

    Pandemic flu

    An amendment has been made to the NHS (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 1989, so that pandemic influenza is now included in the list of exempt from charge diseases

  12. If the terms of her visa application has changed immigration can refuse her entry but i have only experienced this once.

    I would not worry its a 6 month multi entry so enjoy your time together.

    Thanks for this.

    Out of curiosity what exactly do you mean by "If the terms of her visa application has changed"?

    We/She are/is in the same situation financially and acadmically as when we made the application. She is keen to come back as she wants to visit London etc and will be on holiday from Uni for 6 weeks in October/November. I said I would pay her flights.

    Would she be better bringing her bank book etc to prove that she has the required funds (£3k) stated on her initial app?

  13. UK 6 Month Visitor Visa - Multiple Entry Query

    TGF is currently over on 2 week holiday and is loving the UK(especially the weather as she finds it "comfortable").

    She is keen to coming back for 4 weeks when her Uni finishes in late October and her visitor visa will expire on the 25/12 so should be ok.

    Has anyone got any experience of return entry? Is this ok?

    I am worried that her original application never mentioned she would return and that this could jepordise further visits?

    Luckily she got an easy time from UK Border Control in Glasgow but and I am worried she may receive a difficult time or even be refused???

  14. TGF is coming over to UK for a holiday next month.

    I said I would pay half her flight, so I owe her 20,000 baht

    Question is... Would I be better giving her the money in GBP or Baht, I believe that the exchange rate is better in Thailand so would she be better changing the GBP > Baht herself?

    Just out of curiosity does anyone know what the 'on the street' cost of 20,000 baht would be in GBPs?

    Give it to her in Sterling and tell her to sit tight for a few months - the baht is going to tumble later this year/early next year.

    Use the moneychangers in Chinatown - I send my son money every month (to the USA) - their charges: none (and the money will be in his account today West Coast time so long as they get it cash in Chinatown before mid-night). The xchange rate this evening for Sterling was close on Baht 1.5 better than what BB is quoting!

    Don't ask how their system works.

    My son sees the same depositors name every month when he goes to draw it - so I guess there is an established network - someone goes around to the bank with cash in hand and puts it into client accounts whereever they are. Its 100% reliable and on the one occassion I queried the rate after the transfer was done, the guy was so eager to follow through on his assurance of customer service, I was given the benefit of the doubt and the difference was returned. So these guys are not out to scam people - they are running a business - its unofficial and unregulated, but its head on with Western Union and Moneygram at better rates and with no questions.

    Cheers for the advice. Will say to her.

  15. i took my thai girlfriend thru glasgow last year no problems they were very nice, although i understand your gf will be travelling alone but her english is good so should be ok, just remember to show her the nicest city in scotland, edinburgh. oh by the way i bought a rice cooker from argos for under a tenner.

    Yeah, Edinburgh will be my first port of call, the Edinburgh festival is on so we will head through 4 or 5 times I think, is the nicest city in the world at that time of year and I am sure she will love it. Will also try and get tickets for the Military Tattoo and as I said before, we are going camping at a music festival in Inverness with 20 of my mates. I have not told her about the toilets yet though :-)

    Will head down to Argos and take a look, a £10 is a bargain and saves her bringing her own.

    Thanks for your advice.

  16. TGF is coming over to UK for a holiday next month.

    I said I would pay half her flight, so I owe her 20,000 baht

    Question is... Would I be better giving her the money in GBP or Baht, I believe that the exchange rate is better in Thailand so would she be better changing the GBP > Baht herself?

    Just out of curiosity does anyone know what the 'on the street' cost of 20,000 baht would be in GBPs?

  17. Cheers for the advice, yeah BKK > Dubai > Glasgow seems to be a good option so fingers crossed it will be fine, she is worried about missing her flight in Dubai but has 3 hours so should be ok.

    Re the rice cooker, I said we could get a Thai takeaway the nights we are staying in the house but she insists she brings her own applicance and spices etc She wants to show she can look after me. :)

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