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Posts posted by brian272727

  1. Cheers guy's, yeah Glasgow is her first stop is her first stop in the UK. I will make sure she memorises my town etc

    Re brining a rice cooker, it beggers belief, but at least I am guaranteed some authentic cooking every night for 2 weeks :-)

    My duplicate account has been deleted... Spoken to the mod's about this already ;-)

  2. As I posted in another thread by TGF will be arriving in Glasgow at the end of July for a 2 week holiday on a visitor visa. Thanks again for helping wiht Visa application.

    I know she may encounter some questionning from the Border Control official.

    While I have told her to tell the truth(we have nothing to hide), is there anything she should bring, or any specific questionning we should prepare for?

    She will be travelling alone and while can speak perfect English, she may feel a little nervous.

    Thanks in advance...

  3. Strange turn of events...

    I asked her this morning what the good or bad news was and she said "oh nothing", I then pressed about the Visa decision and she said, "no", laughed and said "I have to go at 3pm", I said "serious" and she said "No, I am kidding". My TGF is intelligent but likes to kid and play games hence the uncertainty.

    The funny thing is though when I go to track online it cannot find her application. Strange.

    I cannot get in touch with her so am not sure what the hel_l is going on?!?

    What would the text say? Does it give you a specific time to pickup or for example 'any time after 3pm', or similar?

    Perhaps she has an interview? I literally have no idea.

  4. TG has called to say that tomorrow she will have some good(or bad) news for me and that she has to get up early.

    Was in a meeting so couldn't elaborate but I guess that the only thing this can be is her UK Visitor decision.

    She applied on the 8th so only been 18 days.

    Her proposed journey to the UK was July 28th - August 11th and was very specific due to Uni mid semester break.

    What is the procedure for picking up? Do they tell you over the phone? Do you think this is it?

  5. A similar thread to my MSN logging...

    What is the best way to record a Western Union payment? As proof to the Embassy?

    I presume a alt + print screen jpg and colour print out is not acceptable?

    As a quick aside, what is the safest and cheapest way to send money to Thailand? Perhaps on a monthly basis? This money would remain in an account to act as proof of relationship.


  6. In this day and age this seems totally ludicrous.

    I can speak to her via a camera and microphone for ZERO cost anytime I like using MSN.

    Yet, the Embassy expect phone conversations, emails and chat conversations.

    I do phone her occasionally but that is just to tell her that I am going online. She only ever phones me to give me a one ringer and I will phone her back. Is simply TOO expensive for her to phone me.

    Perhaps the embassy need to think about this.

    Phones and emails are so 1990's :)

    Any thoughts on this or a way around this? I don't really want to incur a £3 daily charge to speak to her for 300 minutes when I can talk AND see her for free.

  7. I am aware that in future that I will need to provide proof of relationship with my Thai GF in order to make a Visa.

    We chat up to 5 hours a night on MSN using Video chat, I have logging switched on but what is the best way to prove you are in a video chat??

    Any third party software that you recommend?

    Also is it worth me asking her to email me daily with some idle chat?

  8. Her brother did the same thing because his wife is poor. Her mum seemed ok with it.

    They are quite a rich family so the Sin Sodt would be above my current savings limit, hence the shotgun approach.

    Her mum "hates farlang" anyway and we would be moving to the UK as soon as possible after the wedding.

    Its just an option at the moment but I am not getting myself into debt for anyone and need all the cash I have for travel, savings and making her visa.

  9. Anyone know in basic terms what I need to do to have a legal marriage in Thailand. I am a UK citizen and she is a Thai citizen.

    Quick bit of background:

    My Thai GF and I plan to marry in the next 12 months but due to the expense of the Sin Sodt and other wedding expenses she is going to do so without telling her parents, a shotgun wedding of the Thai variety if you like.

    What documentation do we need to do this? Is it a straight forward procedure? What should I bring from the UK?

    Also Is there some sort of ceremony/ritual be can get? Would be nice to feel we had actually done something symbolic other than signing a piece of paper. Would be good to get photographs etc as well as would support her settlement application.

    Neither of us have married before, have children and are both 30 years old.

  10. My girlfriend also applied on the 8th June, not heard anything yet.

    A friend of mine applied on 26th May, and is still waiting.

    One thing that is worrying me, is my lack of bank statements, my girfriend does have 3k in savings and she has shown this, also I stated that she will be paying for the trip. I did include my payslips however. Hope this is not reason enough to refuse us.

    I also hope that your girlfriend will not be refused because you didn't supply them, but it does mention them in the list of supporting document's. But as the VFS staff did not comment on their absence, I presume, then your pay slips may suffice. When you say your girlfriend has savings of 3k, is that Baht or UK Pounds? she has to convince the ECO that she has sufficient funds available for the trip, be it her money of that of her sponsor.

    Regarding the processing of applications, 7by7 is absolutely correct the term flights on the telephone message is for brevity, they are clearing applications by the planned flight date as stated on the visa application.

    Edited for typos

    She is 150,000 baht so £3000 in savings.

    All I said was that I would pay half her flight ticket and showed that I earned £40,000 a year via my P60 and payslips. I omitted my bank statements as I am technically not sponsoring her financially, only providing a roof over her head. I stated this in her application and sponsors letter, I said that she would pay for any food and entertainment and would reside with me. I showed proof I own my home.

    I am not sure if I am worrying unneccesarily. She has 2 months of her MBA course to finish at Uni, so needs to return to complete this and graduate in October, has travelled outside Thailand 10 times + including a trip to KL with me, owns land, a 2 year old car and has good savings. Its not her circumstanes that bother me rather some technicality like a missing document or dodgy passport photo.

    Interesting that your friend is still waiting to hear, I guess the 4-6 week timescale is realistic and we are not going to see any early decisions :-(

    Good luck to him anyway :-)

  11. Anyone applying for a UK tourist visa needs to apply in plenty of time. It used to be quick, but in early June the UK Embassy announced that the processing time will be 4-6 weeks. They also said that the longer stay settlement visas were taking 12 weeks now, but there are many howls of anguish on another thread about delays longer than this. Best to leave 2 months for processing before the journey to be safe I think.

    My girlfriend is waiting for a tourist visa - applied June 8th. Do any posters have any experience to share about the length of time they have been waiting, if it is already over 4 weeks? I can see that the dilatory UK immigaration folks are going to screw up my honeymoon!

    My girlfriend also applied on the 8th June, not heard anything yet.

    One thing that is worrying me, is my lack of bank statements, my girfriend does have 3k in savings and she has shown this, also I stated that she will be paying for the trip. I did include my payslips however. Hope this is not reason enough to refuse us.

  12. Have just went through this with my Thai GF and am waiting to hear back from the Embassy. She had her appointment on June 8th.

    She is coming over for a 2 week holiday before her final exams at the end of July.

    In truth, despite her being fluent in English with a masters degree it was a nightmare to get all the information from her. Took we 2/3 weeks but to give her credit she got everything she said she would, the typical Thai, laid back attitude won't wash though, she needs to be proactive and get her finger out.

    The icing on the cake was her forgetting my photocopy of passport and having to go back and hand it in. Was "stuck in the envelope".

    My only advice is prepare, prepare, prepare. Make sure you include ALL documents.

    I have no idea if she will get a visa or not, I can't see any reason why she won't but am concious she may have missed a document out or something stupid like that.

    Good luck

  13. Out of curiosity and before I embark on a full blown relationship with a Thai girl I require some information.

    Say I married my Thai GF next summer, she is the same age as me, 30 and will graduate with a MBA Post Graduate in October.

    What would be a reasonable timescale to bring her to the UK? Months, Years ??? Would she go for a settlement visa?

    Also how much money do I need in my Bank Account? I own my own home and earn 40k a year, is this enough?

    What are the biggest causes of getting knocked back?

    Thanks in advance.

  14. Great, I am concerned that she may have missed a document or something stupid.

    Another reason is her income, while she is a uni her ex-boyfriend (a millionaire who works in Singapore) gives her 37,000 baht every month, this is paid directly into her account and I reckon might set alarm bells ringing. She has declared this in her application but even to me it seems shady and somewhat strange.

    Also out relationship history is quite recent, I have known her for six months and while I have photo's, phone records, passport stamps and boarding passes from the three trips I have made in that time. I did mention her trip to the UK is a TWO WEEK holiday so never really overplayed the relationship.

  15. Yes its multi entry however how long did you say she was visiting for ?

    Just two weeks, which is all she will stay for. She needs to get back to University hence such a short stay.

    She graduates in September and would be nice to see her over Christmas, although given the choice its probably more desirable and cheaper for me to go over there. Scotland in the winter or Phi Phi Island, not a difficult choice :)

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