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Posts posted by brian272727

  1. Thanks for the response guys.

    I am sure everything will be fine although I tend to expect the worst so it will come as a pleasant surprise if she is accepted.

    I can't think of any reason to reject her, like I said before, she has a car, land, £3k in savings, has travelled extensively around Asia (10 times) and graduates in October from a 2 year MBA. She has every reason to return to Thailand.

    Also as far as I am aware she included all the relevant documentation, so fingers crossed.

  2. She had the appointment at 11am today for Tourist Visa at UK Embassy, I get the phone call at 11.30am to say "Brian, I have ploblem".

    Turns out that she does not have the photocopy of my passport because I did not send her it. (I did).

    Brief argument and accusations of lies made on both sides before she hung up...

    Called back an hour later to say it was stuck in the envelope :-( She still has not apologised.

    She went back to Regents house and was allowed to submit it as part of her application. Does this seem right?

    Was told to expect a decision in 4/6 weeks.

    Also if she is rejected, what is the outcome? Does she get a REJECT stamp in her passport? Or anything to say she has applied before???

    As an aside, can I just say how difficult this full process has been. This girl is a Masters educated, loaded and speaks fluent English yet getting the appopriate documentation has been a TOTAL nightmare. God knows how one would be able to put together a successful application for a non educated Bar Girl, must be almost impossible.

  3. Quick follow up question:

    Financially, I intend to pay for half of xxxxxxx’s return flight ticket and provide her with accommodation during her stay. xxxxxxxx will use her own spending money, although I can help her out if need be. xxxxxxx will reimburse me with the cost of the flight ticket after she graduates in 2009 and finds gainful employment

    I included my wage slips and P60 showing I earn 40k a year but did not include my bank statements as basically all my money goes on quarterly trips abroad and I don't have any savings.

    As my Thai 'gf' is paying her own spending money and I have stated this above, is this a major issue? She has 150,000 baht in savings and will show this to the Embassy.

    I HAVE included original copies of home ownership, utilty bills, P60, wage slips, photo's, call records, flight stubbs, passport details, covering letter and itinerary.


  4. Say you meet a girl in Thailand, same age as you. Educated, has a degree and a masters, has travelled extensively, she has savings, land etc

    You get married, in Thailand and start a family.

    Perhaps this all happens in a two-three year period.

    How difficult is it for her to move over here and start a life in the UK?

    Generally, what are the reasons for not being allowed a visa? Is it down to finances? background, age difference???

    *Note, I am not planning any of this just yet but its worth knowing if I plan on taking my current 'relationship' any further in the future. First things first, we are trying to get a visa for a two week holiday.

    Just a quick overview would be helpful


  5. I have amended the letter to provide the following information, I am trying to be TOTALLY honest without overplaying a relationship in its early stages.

    I have known xxxxxxx for around x months and while there is a romantic interest between us this is not the ONLY reason for her visit to the UK; xxxxxxxx, like me has a passion for travel and I was keen to offer her the opportunity to visit the UK while she has a mid-semester break from her studies at university and enjoy the UK as a holiday destination as well as giving us the opportunity to get to know each other better.

    And an addition:

    In terms of future plans, well I would like to get to know her better and we plan to backpack around SE Asia after her graduation towards the end of 2009...

    Re the flight ticket:

    Financially, I intend to pay for half of xxxxxxxx’s return flight ticket and provide her with accommodation during her stay. xxxxxx will use her own spending money, although I can help her out if need be. xxxxxxx will reimburse me with the cost of the flight ticket after she graduates in 2009 and finds gainful employment.

    I have since found out she has several thousand in savings and owns land in South Thailand so this will also be included in the covering letter as well as the application:

    I have no doubt that xxxxxxxx has every intention to return to Thailand when her two week holiday ends, she is 3/4 of the way through a two year xxxxxxxxx MBA at xxxxxxxxxxx University and will graduate towards the end of the year, this alone assures me that she will return. In addition to this, xxxxxxxx part owns a business in Bangkok, owns land in South Thailand, is close to paying off the balance of a 2.5 year old car and has travelled extensively outside Thailand in the past. Financially I am aware that xxxxxx has reasonable savings which her held in her Thai Bank account and I have no doubt that she can afford this holiday.

    I hope this now provides some more clairity, thoughts guys???

  6. i just want to be truthful, I like this girl in a romantic sense yet she lives 6500 miles away so it genuinely is in its infancy. I am not one to rush into something.

    In terms of buying her ticket, well, I am a generous guy. I like her company and she looked after me when I was in BKK. I trust her that she will pay me back.

    Perhaps if I talk up the relationship a bit more and say that if things go well that we plan to get engaged after she graduates??? Would that make more sense?

    Essentially I don't want to come across as some lovesick sex tourist who wants to marry that first Thai girl that he meets.

  7. First draft of my covering letter:

    To Whom It May Concern:

    This is a covering letter to support xxxxxxxxx's Visa application for her proposed two week stay in the UK. I have also enclosed a full trip itinieary

    I have known xxxxxxxxx for around 11 weeks and while there is a slight romantic interest this is not the primary reason for her visit to the UK. xxxxxxx, like me has a passion for travel and I was keen to offer her the opportunity to visit the UK while she has a mid-semester break from her studies at xxxxxx University.

    In terms of relationship history; I met xxxxxxx whilst on a recent trip to Bangkok (March 2009), we met in the xxxxxxxxx in Bangkok where I had approached to her to ask for directions to a nearby mobile phone shop. We talked for a while and hit it off, exchanged numbers and met up the following evening for dinner. In my remaining 9 days in Thailand we spent a lot of time together, including me visiting her University and seeing the sights of Bangkok together. On my return to the UK we kept in contact with each other and 5 weeks later I was lucky enough to be able to return to Thailand for another 10 day holiday. In that time xxxxx and I spent the full 10 days together and also enjoyed a trip to Malaysia. We have since been in daily contact via phone, email and internet communications. May I add the relationship is still in its infancy and we have no plans for the future as regards being together. We do however; have plans to travel around SE Asia after her graduation in Dec 2009.

    About me, I am 30, I currently work with xxxxxx as xxxxxxxxxx; my salary is £38781 per annum. I own my own property in xxxxxx and I am solvent enough to provide any financial assistance that xxxxxx may need when she holiday’s in the UK. I have enclosed my P60 as proof of salary as well as Utility Bills and other evidence.

    Financially, I intend to pay for xxxxxxx’s return flight ticket and provide her with accommodation during her stay. xxxxxx will use her own spending money, although I can help her out if need be. xxxxxxx will reimburse me with the cost of the flight ticket after she graduates in December 2009 and finds gainful employment.

    I have no doubt that xxxxxxx has every intention to return to Thailand when her two week holiday ends, she is 3/4 of the way through a two year xxxxx MBA at xxxxxxx University and will graduate in December, this alone assures me that she will return. In addition to this, xxxxxx part owns a business in Bangkok and owns a 2.5 year old car which is her pride and joy. xxxxx has also travelled extensively outside Thailand and has encountered no problems in returning or overstaying. She will provide full evidence of this.

    Any comments would be appreciated...

  8. Don't forget a copy of your passport; to prove you are legally resident in the UK and to show your trips to Thailand (and the matching stamps for Malaysia).

    If you are offerring any help towards the cost of the trip then you should provide proof of your ability to do so. Better to provide something not required than to miss out something that is!

    Great, thanks. Will do!

  9. Thanks for your advice:

    I will send her the following:

    Covering letter

    Trip itinerary

    Photos of us together including photos of us in Malaysia

    Phone records

    Proof of my residence

    She has prepared the following:

    Letter from Uni stating she is a student etc

    Old Passport with numerous stamps

    New Passport with numerous stamps

    Financial details including details of car ownership etc

    One question, in terms of funding the trip, what will I say? She is paying her flights but I will invariably put my hand in my pocket when she is over here as is the gentlemanly thing to do, should I provide proof of my income?

  10. Thai friend wants to come to the UK for a holiday in August.

    She is mid-way through an MBA at Ramkhamhaeng University, has savings, a car, a part share in a business and has travelled extensively outside of Thailand (over 15 times).

    We have known each other a few months, but I believe that she could probably get a visa without my sponsorship.

    My questions are as follows:

    Do you reckon I should get involved in her application process(ie my sponsoring her)or just leave her to it?

    If I need to sponsor her, what form do I fill in? SU07/01 ???

    Do I need ORIGINAL copies of Home ownership, payslips etc?

    Also as far as I can see, she fills in the form online, then makes an appointment to go and see VFS in BKK, where she presents her documents, they then make a decision, Is this correct?

    Thanks in advance...

  11. Met a lovely girl in BKK on a recent trip to Thailand...

    The girl is already educated to degree level and is currently 2/3's of the way through an MBA at Ramkhumheng University, she has travelled extensively throughout Asia and is keen to come to the UK for two weeks during her mid-term break.

    She has a 30% share in a business and has reasonable savings as her parents are wealthy. She has a car, but rents a property.

    We are both 30 and I owe my owe property and earn 40k and work with local government.

    If I sponsored her and she got a letter from her Uni what would be the chances of her getting a visitor visa for mid-june? She would obviously return as she intends to graduate.

    Good or bad?

  12. She phoned me today, I tried to explain the confusion in her written text but she didn't have a clue what I meant.

    Still no idea what it says...

    Ha ha, hitting on her, not me, I would say it's the other way around. :o:D

  13. Quick synopsis:

    She is a friend, I texted her earlier and her boyfriend texted me back, "Please don't contact me again, Bye"

    I know it was her boyfriend as its perfect English.

    Could it be

    I am sorry, I didn't text you???


    I am sorry for confusing you???


    I am sorry I am confused???

    Is it ccnfirmed "I am sorry I didn't ..."

  14. I don't think its related to glue. Its a relationship thing.

    I get Puzzled, Confused, Tangled, which would make sense,

    What if you remove the multiple characters at the end?


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