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Posts posted by dekestone

  1. Michigan is definitely going to pull through this year and go to the national championship....it would be a weird game if they ended up playing louisville.

    Er...don't they have to get past #1 Ohio State first?

    But back to the NFL...yes, even some of us Bear fans are not totally convinced by this team because of their so-so schedule. Maybe the best thing that happened to them was that lousy game against Arizona on National TV. Now everybody underestimates them. Even some doofus on the Packers was saying they could beat the Bears. :o

    And although it made for exciting TV watching, I was not impressed with either the Colts or the Broncos D. The Broncs were supposed to have such a great defence...how could you give up points like that at the end of a game?

  2. Well, yeah ok...congrats... I guess

    But barely a 500 team, had a worse second half than Pittsburgh (Yes, Pittsburgh!!)scored most of their runs in the series because of errors, etc.

    Still, Weaver was great, and so were Carpenter and reyes when they needed to be.

    I guess the moral is claw and scratch your way into the playoffs and don't make any mistakes when you get there and you got a chance, especially if you got the pitching.

  3. I stand corrected. I still think the Clapton show will go on

    I agree. He's got massive appeal. After all the Eagles played 2 -- or was it 3? -- concerts at Bec Tero in '05. No problem selling tickets for them. (Yeah, I know, "Hotel California" is the all time favourite here, but Clapton's "Cocaine" is pretty close! :o )

    I just checked Thai ticketmaster and nearly all the B5,500 and B5000 tickets are "unavailable". I wonder what that means. Have they been sold, or are they just being held back for the rich and famous?

  4. So despite the fact that I had huge trouble giving up the booze, caused unending problems to myself and others because of it, was told by dozens of AA members that I was an alcoholic, you're telling me I'm not because I say that it is an individuals choice! Why are only people who say they need AA considered "real" alcoholics?

    And it begs the question ... if I answered "yes" to three of the q's, say nos. 3, 6, and 11 (which seem pretty innocuous to me), but managed to stop drinking without AA, was I or was I not an alcoholic?

  5. I have a few friends who drank as much as me - definately not good for them, but the difference is they are not alcoholics. They will probably die early due to alcohol but that doesn't make them alcoholics.

    Now I'm really confused. Neither the amount of alcohol you drink nor its effect on your health determines whether you're an alcoholic, but feeling remorse (q.11) does? :o

  6. Since my career demands I abstain from all forms of alcohol 6 months of the year, I'd say it's one or two drinks a day on average. Read recently that four cups of coffee the day following a 'bender' will repair damage to the liver.

    Bring on the cafe sot! :o


    coffee is not so good for liver too, green tea yes, but no coffee and surely not the milky one!


    Francois, you're a bit behind the research, mon ami!


  7. I think the biggest mistake he made was making his internet column subscription based from the very beginning. His BP column on line was getting thousands of hits per day, supposedly more than any page of the newspaper's online edition. All of those people would have moved over to his internet site once he left the post had it been free and he would have had some very attractive numbers for advertisers.

    But I think most people, like me, didn't bother when asked to pay for it ...

    Saw him on Silom a couple of weks ago, expected to see him at the Independence Day picnic as usual but didn't.

  8. As the e-mail address suggests his name is Mick hes a good gut I know him well.

    I really did mean to say " hes a good guy"



    I'm disappointed!

    I kind of envisioned the character Kasper Gutman from The Maltese Falcon. :o

    Thanks for the tip, Moss.

  9. Thanks all of you guys for your suggestions.

    I kinda eliminated the train because it takes so long -- nearly 4 1/2 hours if it's on time. Still, at least there's no blaring vdo (unless things have changed) so in that sense it's better than the bus. I'll check to see if the dept. / arr. times jibe with my schedule.

    I have seen that guy near the Park Hotel and will check his rates when I'm next in the area. I didn't know about the Dusit Sprinter so thanks GH for that info.

  10. In Thailand the law enforcement is very polite. Police just walks around and ask the owners/managers not to serve alcohol on specific days. Just a friendly request, you don't have to follow.

    Eer, never knew anybody who did not follow.

    Of course, there are places where you find a drink, but that's a different story.

    Unless it's an election day, then the law is very strict. (But some bar owners will still take a risk and serve alcohol.)

    But you should be OK on June 12th. It's a celebration, for goodness' sake!

  11. mmmm.......

    During the lunch break I went to Ticketmaster to get my refund and asked again, why the cancellation. The girl there said it was because of "kaan muang", i.e., "politics" or maybe "the political situation".


    That's what she said, though of course that doesn't mean it's true.

    Maybe the newspapers will have something in the next day or two. :o

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