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Everything posted by Ook

  1. Dear NodisplayName, Thanks for the detailed review of applying for a new TIN. I'm more or less in a similar situation moving TIN from one province to another. Have also a Pink ID Card now and wonder how I should register my Pink ID card number as my TIN. Do you have more info on which office I need to visit? Is this the RDB in the province I'm moving to? Ot the Amphur / Tessakan, where they issue the Pink Id Card etc? FYI, my old TIN is registered in another province and I'm moving now to Bangkok... Btw, would you be able to apply with this Pink ID card at the Thai RDB for a Thai tax resident certificate, which can be used to show other tax jurisdictions that I'm officially a tax resident in Thailand? I've heard from other OP's that it seems cumbersome to obtain such certificate. Thanks again for the advice. Best regards, Ook
  2. Great feedback. But what would happen if you decide to start working again after you have been registered under SSO voluntary contributions (432 THB / month) and start to work again? Which number do you use? The old one you used under previous years of employment (blue card) or the new one linked to your Pink ID card number? From what the SSO lady says, it is not possible to use number from Pink ID card for SSO under employment. Hence, my question.. would it be possible to be registered under both with 2 different SSO numbers at the same time? As they are not linked? Anyone?
  3. So this whole thing leaves up speculation that it could be possible for someone to be under the private scheme (section 39) by private contributions while also under the SSO scheme through employment at the same time? As Numbers are not linked? Would anyone be able to confirm this?
  4. The problem starts when you decide to start to work again and switch from your Pink ID card SSO number (section 39) and go back to work and switch under old or new SSO number for employment. Then the two SSO numbers don't link up anymore... Anyone advise on how to deal with this when you decide to start working again and switching from voluntary payment (section 39) back to work (employment - 33)?
  5. Slightly different, but perhaps indirectly related. Still waiting for more answers. Anyone advise please...
  6. Indeed a bit unclear to me as well. If you are on voluntarily contribution (scheme - section 39), your SSO number will be changed to your Pink ID Card number. All your SSO contributions from your previous employer (section 33) and voluntary contributions (section 39) should be now listed under your Pink ID Card number. Hence, when you try to renew your Blue SSO card, the officer may be confused and find no record under your old number... May I ask you.. Are you still under section 39 (voluntary contributions) and working again? Which card did you use to start working again (the old number or new one)? I've got similar case going on and need some advance on that one as well? Didn't receive many reactions yet... Anyone? Cheers, Ook
  7. Much appreciated. But unfortunately not many people who have faced some similar situation with SSO...?
  8. Dear Asean Now Members, Not sure if this is the right place to post this topic. If not, please feel free to move by moderator... Currently I'm contributing privately to Social Security Office (SSO) at monthly fee of 431 THB under section 39. What happened is when I switched from employment (section 33) to section 39, they have changed my SSO number. It seems they have enrolled me under section 39 with my Pink ID Card number and my entire record of 15 years employment (section 33) can now only be accessed online through my pink ID card number. When I try to access my contributions record for the past 15 years on my old SSO number (from employment) it shows NIL. Seems the number is active, but no record anymore... Now question is... what would happen in case I'd decide to start working again and I need to switch back from section 39 to section 33 (employment)? Which SSO number do I need to provide to my new employer (Pink ID card number used under section 39) or my old SSO number from my previous employer? When speaking to SSO agent it looks like they do not accept the Pink ID card number when switching back to section 33? Which I found very strange, as the number for Thais remains the same as on ID for SSO and Tax ID... So the question is, which number do I need to use then? I've heard stories of other people having 2 or 3 different SSO numbers, each applied and issued for by another employer / employment over time and career, this causing a lot of confusion with SSO officials and negatively impacting the calculation of old age and other benefits under the scheme. Is there a way I can ensure they do not issue me a new number instead. But instead keep using the old number I had for the past 15 years instead? Please only serious reactions... Thanks a zillion! Ook
  9. Neighboring countries (e.g. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,..). Prefer not to travel to far budget/time wise...
  10. Dear Fellow Asean Now Community Members, I wanted to ask if anyone can share their opinion / feedback on which Thai Embassy /Consulate is the fastest / smoothest and easiest to deal with for applying to a Non-Immigrant (B) Single entry (90 days) visa (reason employment) in neighboring countries (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos or)? FYI, paperwork for this application will comes from BOI... I've heard some Embassies require appointment and long-waiting times. I'd have max 3-5 days that I can be abroad for doing so. Some people said VTE would be the fastest? Any recommendation or recent experiences anyone can share? A zillion thanks again! Ook
  11. Anyone familiar with the current process of purchasing a condo (in foreign quota). What about potential (income)tax on any incoming funds? Or will this be not considered a foreign income when transferring funds from abroad for purchase of condo? What if the payment goes directly from abroad to the seller of the condo (private person). Or would it be better through company of real estate developer (in case of new condo). Or what about when the company arrives in the account from the property lawyer/firm who is assisting/facilitating with the process? Thanks! Ook
  12. Thanks for the detailed info and attached form. Will go ahead like this!
  13. Dear Mutt Daeng, Thanks for the answer. Can you clarify please if the tabian baan (house book) from owner needs to be the housebook from the house that I'm renting or should this be the housebook where the owner has his own residence/afddress?
  14. Hi AN Members, It's raining posts today... Contemplating to move to a new rental house and was wondering what documents are required for me to be able to register at the website of immigration office (Chaeng Wattana) for doing my own TM30 reports online? - Copy (and signed) ID card of owner??? - Copy (and signed) Tabian baan of owner??? - Letter of consent? - Rental Agreement? - Anything else I forgot? Also please note that the address on tabian baan of owner is not the same address of the rental house. Is that a problem if the owner is registered at another house instead? A Zillion Thanks Guys, Ook
  15. Dear AN members, Few questions here for a friend of mine regarding a purchase of condo. What are the current requirements for funding and making the payment? He used to work and saved some money from employment in Thailand. So money will most likely come from employment in Thailand and savings abroad. Would this be possible? Or does the money have to come from abroad? And if so, does it need to be full amount in one transfer or can this be split over a few transfers instead? Also does the money have to come from the same bank account from purchaser or can there be also an amount coming from account of parents (part of a gift)? Last but not least, considering there's a new foreign income tax requirement active since 01 Jan 2024, would this mean I will be also taxed in Thailand on the amount that has been remitted? A zillion thanks guys! Best regards, Ook
  16. Thanks guys for the comments and sharing personal experience. All appreciated.
  17. Dear AN members, Anyone some experience in the process of switching from ThaiElite visa to Non-Immigrant B and workpermit for employment? What's the process like and is it required to leave the country first and apply for the Non-Immigrant B visa at Thai Embassy or Consulate abroad, before re-entering Thailand with Non-B and applying Workpermit (WP)? What happens with the old ThaiElite visa sticker in your passport? Will it be cancelled or remain active at the background while being on Non-B? It's strange, because you will have 2 valid visas in your passport. Will there be a chance that this creates confusion with the immigration officials? Thanks in advance for sharing some of your experiences. Only serious answers and comments please. Take care, Ook
  18. I believe many answers have diverted from the initial subject matter of the question. Or perhaps the question has not been formulated well, but I'm currently experiencing a similiar situation. I've stopped employment and thus contributing under section 33 from SSO and have applied within 1 month after stopping with working at SSO to apply under section 39 to continue paying on inidvidual basis. The answer was I need to produce/ show a Tabian Baan, which I do not have. certificate of residence is not sufficient enough. Has anyone heard of this and whether there's a solution to this?
  19. Thanks for the additional info. What kind of proof is generally accepted by Immigration to show the funds are coming from overseas?
  20. Leaves the question unanswered. Does the actual conversion of incoming foreign funds need to be done by the receiving bank or can the money coming from abroad also be in THB
  21. But that's for the actual extension (proof of sufficient funds in account should be enough). But for the first time application of Non-Immigrant O, i believe there's the requirement to show it comes from abroad, right?
  22. Dear Thaivisa members, I’ve a question in regards of the Non-Immigrant O (Retirement Visa), which I’m assisting my dad with. One thing that confuses me and where I read (and hear) many different stories is regarding the actual seasoning money (800 K THB) coming from abroad. Can someone please let me know if the actual incoming foreign fund transfer has to be in foreign currency and if the receiving bank in Thailand has to do the actual exchange from foreign currency into THB? Problem is the following… I’ve instructed the bank in my dad’s home country to make a SWIFT transaction into his Thai Baht Account. However, the sending bank in Europe has already converted the EURO into Thai Baht when transferring the money into the Thai Baht account from Siam Commercial Bank. The receiving bank has issued a Credit Advise Report, mentioning all details from the transaction, such as bank account and name details from the account holder in Europe. So in principle I can proof the funds were coming from abroad with SWIFT, but the only thing is that there’s no conversion done from EUR into THB by the receiving bank in Thailand. So the amount shown in the credit advise report is already in THB (not EURO) and no currency exchange rate has been mentioned in this report either. Not sure if that’s an issue and if the credit advice report is sufficient enough to proof to immigration that the funds came from abroad? Or is the actual conversion from foreign currency into THB by the receiving bank in Thailand the most essential to proof the money came from abroad? Again thanks in advance for serious responses related to the initial topic. Best regards, J.Dee
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