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Posts posted by chrisinth

  1. Usually, when they transfer you from one car to another, that is for a long haul drive, certainly not for a 100 baht trip! (at least that is the way it used to be a few years ago)

    The thing with the airports, both of them, is that they have taxi services where you queue up for them. Seems that you didn't use this service, and as such saved yourself 50 baht (service charge to make sure you're not ripped off!)

    As this is your 1st trip to Thailand, sorry to hear about your misfortune, including the loss of your camera gear.

    Even that doesnt always work, got taxi recently from the queue and I know the way I go home is 23km dead.......straight down On nut road, his way started off ok down the expressway then he left it at the wrong point and we ended up down back alleys finally coming out on sukhumvit in Asoke. 30km

    Yeah, agree it is not 100% but better for a novice instead of bartering. I see the OP still hasn't learned from what he says in post #62.

    No such thing as semi-legit deals with taxis, insist on the meter!!

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  2. Usually, when they transfer you from one car to another, that is for a long haul drive, certainly not for a 100 baht trip! (at least that is the way it used to be a few years ago)

    The thing with the airports, both of them, is that they have taxi services where you queue up for them. Seems that you didn't use this service, and as such saved yourself 50 baht (service charge to make sure you're not ripped off!)

    As this is your 1st trip to Thailand, sorry to hear about your misfortune, including the loss of your camera gear.

  3. Guys, thanks for all the positive posts & the PM's(even from jacktrip, I understand that), really don't know what to say as I wasn't expecting such a reaction.

    The message in the OP was really that a little warmth and caring in the right place goes a long way. It was not meant as a boast if anyone is thinking that, it is something that simply happened.

    We are obviously sad in that we will certainly miss M's company, but we are more proud of the young guy that he has made it through the bad times he has endured in his adolesent life and has the courage to do what he is doing (he enlisted instead of taking the draw).

    Anyway, the flip side of this is that I now have to take the dogs for their 5km walk/run every day. Another thing that I didn't mention was his bond with our two siberian huskies; he really did become the alpha there! They are confused as hell at the moment as to where he is!

    And last line to Williaminbkk, post your PM, I think people would be touched by that as well............thumbsup.gif

  4. I agree with the others, definitely a rat snake. Very fast but harmless (unless you are a rat).

    Actually a protected species in Thailand because whilst it helps keep down the rodents it also makes a good curry.

    Wouldn't call that protected if the poor things end up as curries..............sad.png

    I would think the meat would be a bit tough if you waited for them to die!

  5. Global warming is a very serious issue, not a matter for levity!

    And there isn't enough talcum on the planet for that to be the solution anyway, all those dam_n sex tourists breeding like bunnies, soon Thailand won't have much rainforest left at all!

    Can't blame the rain forests for the breeding! True, they have a lot to answer for, but breeding isn't one of them!........sad.png

  6. Yes agree about the price of fish, I'm looking to buy some fishing tackle but it's so much more expensive here than back home, must be a rip off.

    I find 'Prickly Heat' powder is good for problems with the tackle.

    Prickly Heat powder? All the heat comes just from the global warming.

    But where does it go??..................sad.png

  7. That is a very good approach to someone who is planning to (possibly) move here. As I am sure you realize, actually living in a country (anywhere in the world) as opposed to visiting on holiday, especially with the view to working there, is a vast divide. You will find that once the novelty has worn off (and believe me it will!) then you will be back to concentrating on living a "normal" life.

    Something else you should be aware off is the fact that you are looking at teaching. This comes with its own restrictions as far as partying goes as it is highly frowned upon (rightly so) for teachers looking the worse for wear during their lessons. I am not involved in teaching here, so the later is second-hand information which, if wrong, will be corrected by one of our esteemed learned friends on the forum.

    Anyway, best of luck! It is an astounding country to live in, but like anywhere, it all comes down to your own viewpoint and expectations at the end of the day!

  8. A point that nobody seems to be asking is where did the 16 tiger cubs come from in the first place. For such an endangered species, that is a lot of cubs! The OP suggests it is unlikely that they came from the wild, so who is successfully breeding them?

    What also appears strange is the fact that the animals were picked up in Bkk unless they are being bred there or have arrived from overseas. It would seem a strange route to smuggle into Bkk overland just to ship them out again, doubling the chances of getting stopped.

    Find the source, you'll learn the destination............thumbsup.gif

    Just Sayin'

    • Like 1
  9. I have one of these in the car.Unobtrusive and useful:

    Also I have it, sometimes, in the plane. No problems with anyone.

    Because as a Farang, I would not try to use illegal things, to protect myself.

    In case, you are successful, it can cost you a lot of money.

    On the motorcycle, I think, because I do not stop, it wouldn't be helpful. If they kick you off the bike, ....!

    Wow,he sure showed that dummy and melon not to mess with him!

    Good job they gave him time to collapse it first to set up a strike,Somchai and friends might not be so generous cornering you outside the 7/11,give me a stun gun looking like a mobile phone anyday!


    The best advantage of this umbrella is: you can use it for rainy days. Even windy rainy days doesn't destroy it. It works perfect for all kind of street dogs and still can be used for sun/rain shade.

    It was a present, and till I have it, my cost for re-buying bad quality umbrellas is zero!

    That's why I like it. I never bothered, to take it on the bike, because I'm not looking for fights.

    The gang-mentality makes me think, it's not the best place, to look for that.

    The number one place in the statistic of Asian countries, for possessing firearms illegally, supports this thinking.

    Also a good 'weapon' is a nice print magazine, even a newspaper is a dam_n good and handy thing, in case you are in need.

    But my needs are on other subjects. coffee1.gif

    the umbrella look impressive indeed. in a stabbing motion, do you think it could penetrate skin with enough force?

    I think only if you used the sharp end, handle might be a problem...........wink.png

    If you stab someone with the handle, you may have some issues that you need to address! IMHO of course.

  10. I used to win all my fights by about 50 metres tongue.png now I just keep a low profile and don't look for trouble. I am told that a small water pistol filled with ammonia don't have make their eyes sting.

    Also does wonders to your gonads if it starts leaking in your pocket..............thumbsup.gif

    Please don't tell me you would carry it in a handbag...........sad.png

  11. Thaibeachlovers got it right with his question about how many western guys met their partners in western bars. Or nightclubs. Are all these people to be frowned upon? The OP is about where you met your wife, but has predictably turned to a subject on BG's.

    Apples and durians. I think we're talking about western bars that are places where people of both sexes go out to have drinks and to socialize vs. the types of bars here where there girls in the bar are employees of said bar and there for the sole purpose of prostituting themselves.

    I go to a few places where the employees dress up like nurses and Catholic school girls but I don't trick myself into thinking that it's the kind of place to go to if I have a car accident or want to send someone from my family to private school.


    Certainly hope it was girls dressing up as nurses and school girls..........blink.png . Freaks me out a bit when people use the term employees in cases like this, leaving that small shadow of doubt that the employees could be anyone................rolleyes.gif .

    I hear you with your Apples and durians...............tongue.png , but just sayin' anyway

  12. Just to add fuel to the arguement thread...........biggrin.png

    Thaibeachlovers got it right with his question about how many western guys met their partners in western bars. Or nightclubs. Are all these people to be frowned upon? The OP is about where you met your wife, but has predictably turned to a subject on BG's.

    Everyone seems to ignore the Thai girls involvement or rather commitment in these marriage scenarios. How many girls have become involved with foreigners only to find out too late that they have been fed false promises from the start and have really screwed up and married a monster? When making these life altering decisions, it really is a double-edged sword!

    As an addition to the thread, and for those that don't know it exists, I used to have 4 different phone numbers for "escort" rental. All the girls involved (hundreds!) came from two universities where they were studying for their degrees. This casual sex for money kept them up-to-date with the latest clothes, gadgets, etc until they graduate and enter into every tier of business nationwide and in some cases overseas.

    These ladies above all would be the ones that I would worry about as they remain hidden with their secrets, unlike the normal BGs where you know what you are getting!

    It's all a gamble! If you're feeling lucky and comfortable with your situation, go for it. But give yourself time to get to know the person you are commiting to spending the rest of your life with .............................thumbsup.gif

    BTW, for those who don't know me, I have been happily married for almost 14 years to a Thai lady met in, but not working in, a bar in Thailand. If people have a problem with that, that is their problem, not mine...............wink.png

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  13. RIP and condolences to family and friends, we won’t jump to any conclusions over the cause of the young men’s sad deaths, only white powder stuff found in their room and no one knows what it is doesn’t mean a thing in Thailand anyone could have planted it in the room if they had been snorting / taking anything I am sure they would have finished it off and not left it lying around in the room. For people to find.

    " if they had been snorting / taking anything I am sure they would have finished it off and not left it lying around in the room. For people to find"

    The only problem I find with that statement is that they may have died before getting a chance of hide it from people............coffee1.gif

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  14. The shower in our house in Thailand has zapped both my mother and father (seperate incidences). It's was not earthed correctly. Yes i'm scared about putting my kids in that shower. And yes, there a lot of other things that make me scared of taking my kids to Thailand.

    You think it might be a good idea to get it fixed knowing there is a problem?

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