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Posts posted by chrisinth

  1. My missus has no problem with confronting uniform or authority, an area which I have seen a lot of others falter. But this stems from a life where interaction with people has always been there whether it be hotel management to her own restaurant. She will sort her own problems out every time.

    But, she will normally never complain over trivial matters, especially if she is out with me. Her explaination of this is that she doesn't want to be labelled a "Mere Falang" (which she technically is anyway). She says that too many women married to foreigners think they are Hi-so when they aren't (and never will be), show off in public and give the rest a bad reputation. They have already forgotten where their roots are!

    I think she has a very valid point and would never change that attitude. Even if I could :)

  2. Great balls of fire!

    The thai's are going to be very calm and peaceful for a little while.

    No more big headed prik behavior which comes with the use of ice.

    Hope they get rid of the source ,

    the "cook" .

    The packages look suspiciously chinees style.

    Thay even have a stamp on them.

    Show the kids at the age of 14 ,what its like for an adictict to over dose on speed.

    It may help a few from going down this path of self distruction.

    A day in day out adict lives about 10years on meth,and then he's fisicly finished.

    and then thay need the help of all those they were such a prick too for so long.

    I was addicted to this drug for many years. I first did speed in the late 70's. I finally figured out that my life was not as good as I thought it was after 4 prison sentances and a lot of drug programing while in prison so I got off and have stayed off. I last used the day of my last arrest in a drug lab in 1999 august 28th to be exact. I have come a long way and yes I had help from my family and friends to get to where I am today. I have a 6 figure a year job and a happy marrige to a wonderful Thai woman. She does not want to know about my past as she says what is going on now is what matters most. I tend to agree. I think I may be one of the lucky ones as my brother and a few friends did not come out this end of the tunnel we were in. You can't see it when you are in there but life has spirilled out of control. You believe that the crazy way you are living is normal. I can look back now and see how stupid I was but you sure couldn't tell me that then. Bottoms are different for everyone some people can hit theirs pretty fast. Mine was a long way down. Started in the late 70's and ended in 2003 when I was released from prison in Arizona. I am glad people were there to help me along the way as I would not be where I am today without help. I thank God every day for the chance to start over that I was given. I thank God for letting my Father see that he did raise me right before he passed in 2009. I thank God for letting me meet the woman who is my wife now. I am truely lucky to have all that I have now. If addicts do not get educated about why we do what we do they will be stuck forever in this. It is not good.

    Goood on ya mate! I think that is a pretty good description of the path of drugs.

    As an aside, what would your views be on legalising drugs; hard-core like meth as in these busts not the recreational drugs? Maybe you could educate some of the legalisation lobby as to the advantages of doing this for high addiction gear.

  3. I was reading that there are about 3 million people in Thailand in need of psychiatric care, a figure that I could quite believe. It's a mammoth task and I wish the Thais well in reaching out to these poor people.

    Mental illness is a terrible affliction that can strike many people at some point in their lives, this man could be written off as just another statistic but he was somebodies son. I hope they can find peace and solace now.

    Whereas I agree wholeheartedly that mental illness is a terrible affliction, and often ignored as a major concern by those "uneducated" in the signs, it is a major concern to me that there is no need for a further investigation because the family have accepted that it was suicide.

    The prison authorities recognised the mental issue (as he was on medication for it at the time) and with it being such a minor offence (possible release in less than a week) then you (rather I) would assume something triggered the incident. I would not consider it would be easy to premeditate something like this (preparing the strips from the blanket) and then carrying out the act in the "communal bathroom" without anyone being aware or involved.

    Certainly not trying to start a conspiracy theory on this, just looking at a fuller picture. It maybe that the term prison communal bathroom freaks me out a bit when involved in incidents!

    • Like 1
  4. Fails to amaze me that they consider an exercise like this a "major crime suppression operation", when the results are anounced an hour after it began.

    Actually, with the results they got, I am further amazed that they wasted anymore time by announcing them! 400 police and volunteers appears to be a waste of manpower for the results they achieved for that one hour period (IMHO)

  5. Well IMO the cause of crime in this case is the lack of incentive not to rob someone.

    Nicely put.

    And you might well be right in this case. In her defence she could possibly claim that an impoverished backround and her decision to live life as a woman, meant that she had few career opportuniies open to her.

    She could be an air stewardess on that new airline they started recently................wink.png

  6. Okay, understand the jibes at the unrealistic time frame to learn fluent English, which by the way, many English cannot speak or write!! But turning this on it's head, how many Farangs can speak fluent Thai, having in many cases been here a dam_n site longer than 2 years and have opted to migrate to this lovely land? Pot calling Kettle Black maark, maark, me thinks.whistling.gif

    I think Tourist Police are mostly aimed at Tourists, how many of them would be speaking fluent Thai?

    And if they could, what would be the point of teaching Tourist Police fluent English?

    Just askin'

  7. The questions should be, how many of you can actually afford to have mistresses or illicit affairs in Thailand, other than going short time on the commercial sex scene?

    This practice of having a partner or a bit on the side was probably not unusual 20 or so years ago, but these days the fairer sex is one of the most expensive commodities in Thailand and the luxury of being able to afford more than one partner is not going to be possible for the majority of us.

    For these reasons I very much doubt if Mia Nos or sometimes described as second wives are all that common these days, whether the official wife knows about it or not.

    Dream on, baby.

    My misses is still trying to get me to marry her sister (and we will all live together).

    And I'm not loaded.

    They obviously just want you for sex!

    And enthralling viewpoints on widespread subjects............coffee1.gif


  8. My problem with the Mia Noi thing is that while it can (and does) work, there will be a time when Mia gets jealous, wrong time of the month, whatever and it could be "feed the ducks" time.

    My biggest fear of this is becoming as forgetful as women and not lifting the toilet seat after a pee.............sad.png

  9. Sadly, I'm not wealthy enough to afford a Mia Noi ... crying.gif.

    sadly, my wife does not approve of a mia noi... ermm.gif

    Donot tell the wife or just get a gik.

    what is a "gik"?

    Mia Noi in training.............smile.png

  10. I have 2 girlfriends, but I keep them well apart, 1 in Thailand and 1 in Bali!

    Don't let either of them know what your TV username is or read the General Topics....................thumbsup.gif

  11. I want to phrase this delicately so I don't upset the OP, and OP don't take it the wrong way.

    Sounds like she's not interested in you. If she's not interested in you...everything else really doesn't matter. Like, "well if she's not interested in you there must be something wrong with her" or "it's a Thai cultural thing". Or maybe she's not into you. For whatever reason. Like, I know it's incredibly hard to believe, but some women just aren't into submaniac too. I know! Unbelievable, right?!?! But if "not interested" leave it be and move on. I don't need to speculate as to the reasons why. Whatever reasons for not being into you or not, or not finding the "right man" or whatever, it's her call. Maybe she was in love and had a tragic love affair...whatever. Not really anyone else's business as far as I am concerned.

    I am awaiting the chorus of "if a woman doesn't fall for me then she's a lesbian." coffee1.gif

    "If a girl doesn't fall for me then she will when my wife knees her in the balls!"

    Only in Thailand. smile.png

    Said with such tenderness....... cheesy.gif

    Would have to assume they would be tender after that..............wink.png

  12. "Tarit said Thailand was trying really hard to crack down on intellectual property infringement after being on the US' Priority Watch List for five years now".

    Not trying hard enough evidently, there's plenty of market stalls open all over Bangkok openly selling fake merchandise. Places like MBK, Panthip, Pratunam and Platinum Mall are full of the stuff.

    Sssssshhhh!! There may be people in authority reading this thread.....................rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  13. Have you noticed that it is always the MINI VANS that are the cause of road accidents!? How many passengers have died from MINI VANS accidents? The driver said his vehicle was parked when the accident occurs, I don't believe him for one moment! This scum bag must have reversed into the motorcyclist!

    Are you for real?? Reversed??

    Look at the damage in the photos, and two people killed. How fast do you think the driver was reversing??coffee1.gif

    RIP young couple

    I think that Masaomi's comment was what is known as sarcasm, but you never know, his theory is not beyond the realms of possibility.

    And if it was correct, the impact speed would have been a combination of both vehicles, not just the van's. Eg., if the van was reversing at, say, 5kph and if the bike was doing 40kph, that's a 45kph impact.

    Actually, no, that theory has been scientifically proven wrong, in crash test studies.

    The German just didn't see the van and slammed into the back corner.

    Plus if the van was reversing the reverse lights would have been on and he would have been easier to see. The van appears to be relatively new so I doubt the lights are burnt out like on so many vehicles in The Land of Miracles!

    I'm sorry, I was following your thread nicely up to "Actually, no" and then it went a bit fuzzy.

    If you have 5kph of reverse momentum and 45kph forward momentum, then what would be the impact speed?

  14. Street smarts just about cover it on the security front, nothing special in Thailand that you won't encounter anywhere else. NeverSure has made some valid points earlier, but my personal preference would be to use your own notebook before an internet cafe if using online banking.

  15. Quick story about salt in Thailand.

    When my wife was running her restaurant here we had a regular couple come in. The couple were in their late 50's, he was in the oil & gas and they had spent the last 20 or so years in SEA. On this evening they were in the restaurant, had something to eat and B, the lady had two gin & tonics. She commented that she was feeling a bit funny, got up to go to the toilet and collapsed in a dead faint before she got there.

    I rushed to where she was, did the ABC and moved her into the recovery position. As she became consious, I spoke to her and asked how she felt. She said she felt OK but had tingling in her left arm and couldn't feel her left hand. We called for an ambulance immediately and got her off to hospital thinking perhaps she had had a stroke. Her husband came back a couple of hours later and asked the wife had she used MSG in any of the food as B had a bad reaction to this. The answer was no, we never ever used MSG.

    What transpired was that both of them were on a diet and part of the diet was to reduce the intake of salt. They were keen golfers and walkers and had done both the evening before coming out. The reason for the faint was salt deficency, pure and simple. And this from a couple who had spent 20+ years in this climate. The lady was released from hospital the next morning (after a saline drip) none the worse for wear.

    I know this is slightly off topic, but feel it is something for visitors to be aware of. If you are feeling a bit off, two simple tests you can do. First, lick the skin on your upper arm. If you do not taste salt from the sweat, then you need some in your system.

    The second is to put a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, stir it and drink. If this tastes sweet (seriously) then again, you need salt in the system.

    The doctors in western Europe (UK anyway) many years ago had a mind change about sodium intake. In the services we used to get salt pills issued if travelling to hot climates. These were stopped; they were big tablets and the thought was that the big hit of sodium would do more harm than good. What they didn't say was that you still need the extra salt in hot climates!

    And as a poster said earlier, there is a big difference between consumpsion and intake.

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