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Posts posted by davethailand

  1. English is a complex language, and, when used properly, avoids all ambiguity. For instance "I rode" and "I was being driven" are two completely different concepts.

    "I rode" past an accident gives the impression that one was in charge of the vehicle and could have helped, which is what OP posted, and was the way I interpreted it.

    But come on folks - if you saw a person lying in the road with a motorbike on top of them, wouldn't you at least try and help?????? No hoverboards or capes needed.

    If others were there probably not too be really honest.

  2. Found the part across the road from

    My house at a pool supply shop. Lol

    Thanks guys.

    Anyone know where I can get a UV black light from In pattaya

    Most electrical lighting shops will have black light tubes.


    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  3. Also a soi dog with a new collar on?

    Means he's being cared for which is a good thing.


    I do wonder sometimes about the ownership status of some soi dogs. Be careful if you injure one, someone will claim ownership of the dog....and will want compensation. It does happen and has been reported in tv before. Best to treat them all as owned by someone from the outset.

    If the dog is in the soi and you hit it and "somebody"wants money,it's a try on and you would be a fool to pay.

    I know I wouldn't be paying.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  4. I hate to admit this,but years ago i lived in a small and narrow soi off Pattaya Klang.There were houses only on one side of it,and the other side had a low wall over looking a car wash.In the soi there started a group of soi dog's maybe 5/6, who slowly became feral due to the fact that no one would feed or water them.They were noisy at night and very dangerous.We asked if anybody owned these dogs,to which every body denied owning..They were reverting to being a pack,with an Alpha male and female.I observed them for some time and could see the change in the dogs as time went by.it got to the stage where they would chase motorbikes down the soi.One small girl was actually bitten by one dog.A man living a few doors away was also bitten on his calf muscle,and paid a fortune for medical tests for Rabies.In fact it was a guantlet run,to get out of the soi.The dogs would continuously chase motorbikes and bicycles.And yet,still, no one would admit ownership. It became a game of chance,being able to get out the house and return safely.My friend and i got so fed up with this,that one night we made a stew of pork,Zanex(heavily added) and Rat poison.As i say,i am a dog lover and not proud of this.We distributed this concoction around the soi during the day,which was the best time.Over the next few days,the dogs disappeared and were never seen again.I suppose like cats,they go away to die.And would you believe it?All of a sudden people started lamenting the loss of their wonderful dog and threatening all sorts of action to get money from the foul murderers of their beloved dog.Which they suddenly laid claim to.As i say,i am not proud of this ,as i am basically an animal lover.But what else can one do? to solve a problem such as this,where life and limb are in danger.


    Rabies shots cost a pittance.

    Hardly a pittance, normally a course of 4 or 5 over a month or so.

    A few thousand from memory.


  5. Also a soi dog with a new collar on?

    Means he's being cared for which is a good thing.


    A collar means nothing. Could still be mistreated, hungry etc.

    Dogs should be given a loving home behind a locked gate not allowed to roam free, and get injured on public land.

    In an ideal world.

    At least a collar shows that there is some attention.


    The collar only signifies that someone does not want this dog taken away when the dog catchers come around. It is quasi ownership/responsibility at best. Attention to the dog being given only when it suits somebody to do so. The dog will not be picked up by the authorities and taken away to somewhere where it will be looked after properly.

    Should the dog cause problems with somebody while it is on public land the collar owner will run away as fast as responsible. Persons who put collars on street dogs are cowards, animal abusers, irresponsible idiots who should be euthanized.

    Maybe some.

    I wouldn't say they are all bad.


    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  6. Also a soi dog with a new collar on?

    Means he's being cared for which is a good thing.


    To me cared for means having its injury set by a veterinarian.

    A collar means nothing more than it is being occasionally fed and not chased off the lot.

    Again in an ideal world.

    A friend and I used to care for a soi dog that lived outside my old bar including vets etc.

    I was annoyed to hear that she died due to illness and the bar opposite not telling us otherwise we would have sorted her out.

    Funny as times as I'd be walking along walking st and all of a sudden I'd be barged from behind by her and then pestered until I played with her.


    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  7. Also a soi dog with a new collar on?

    Means he's being cared for which is a good thing.


    A collar means nothing. Could still be mistreated, hungry etc.

    Dogs should be given a loving home behind a locked gate not allowed to roam free, and get injured on public land.

    In an ideal world.

    At least a collar shows that there is some attention.


  8. Glad to hear it.

    Good thing you didn't finish it off with a tyre iron like some of our resident hard men suggested.


    One thing I learned from this ordeal is that mercy killing is even more alien to Thai culture than I realized.

    When I finally made it over to the service department, it was close to closing time. The counter service staff were in nail filing mode, just waiting for 5 o'clock. The service bays were all empty, and several of the mechanics were chilling in the customer service area, enjoying the air conditioning before they went home. So I decided to strike up a discussion about the dog.

    Of course, they already knew all about it, and assured me that the dog hadn't died. I told them about how I had discussed what happened on the internet with foreigners living in Thailand and that many had said that I should have killed the dog to end its suffering. Everyone was like: 'Say whaaat?" I asked one of the mechanics if Thai people ever kill a dog which got hit by a car in order to put it out of its misery, and everyone shook their head, saying that that was never done.

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around how Thais perceive this, but my impression is that they see death as a natural process, not to be interfered with. I get the feeling that there is an aura around death which needs to be respected.


    A Thai girl I know who spent 10 years being educated in Paris asked me if I could help her with her dog which had (I believe) kidney failure and was also blind with old age.

    No Thai vet would euthanise the poor dog for her as it's against their beliefs (or something).

    I did a fair amount of research and couldn't find a single vet that would put the poor animal to sleep either.

    Eventually the dog died after much suffering.

    I've had 3 dogs put to sleep in Pattaya over my years there by a very good vet.

    All of them were my personal pets and all were beyond help.


  9. Disagree, if you want the best girls 9pm is prime hunting. It is not a benefit to have a ton of other guys there. No worries of kissing her and getting a salty taste either.

    Not worried about the girls it was more about the amount of customers out, 10pm onwards IMO is better.


  10. I went to Walking Street last night (still high season yes?) and went into one of the more popular a go gos for a beer at around 9pm. For the whole time i was there i was the only customer. Something must be wrong.

    9pm is way to early for a WS gogo most punters still in the beer bars, peak time is 11pm till 1am,

    Agreed, way to early.


  11. and what would those venues be then? The gogos are a miniscule part of WS now and the barbeer complexes are very popular for people watching.


    Pattaya is changing fast and Walking St is not immune especially if there are less sex tourists and that definitely seems to be the case.

    It makes economic sense to alter the make up of Walking St to more venues that appeal to the general population.

    Why do you think people go to WS anyway? Without the girls how many would want to walk up and down a dirty smelly street?

    I would.


  12. Windmill mentioned can get quite wild .Its a small place ,and they try to go the extra mile .

    is quite wild a good thing then?

    IMO no, not a very nice place.

    As for ping pong shows I thought they were a thing of the past although no doubt it still goes on.

    Up to you of course but I'd stick to Walking st and the bigger gogo's.

    I had a bar off of Walking st for almost 13 years and although I haven't been there since August 2014 I have never been concerned about Russian Mafia influence etc, same as being conned for drinks, if you look at the prices first etc no problems.

    I would avoid the Russian dance clubs personally as you probably will get stuck for high prices and tips.


  13. DON'T BUY A HOUSE if you are asking questions like this, especially if you met your wife in Pattaya.

    Wait until you have been married at LEAST 5 years. Based on living here over 30 years and seeing a lot.

    DON'T BUY A HOUSE if you are asking questions like this, especially if you met your wife in Pattaya.

    Wait until you have been married at LEAST 5 years. Based on living here over 30 years and seeing a lot.

    Superb advice. That said, we've been married 25 years and met in the US. Trust me, if I had met her in Pattaya a few years ago, we wouldn't be having this conversation. biggrin.png

    I'm an exception to that rule as mine is different. tongue.png

    Met in Pattaya in 2001, married in Pattaya in 2003, lived in Pattaya in a bought house until 2014.


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