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Posts posted by mario299

  1. We have experienced, as have several of our fellow pig folks, the unexplained death of either all or part of new-born litters of piggies. We just had a new litter today and the total delivered was eight, but four died upon birth (or perhaps before birth...I can't get an answer), so the result was four. They are big, healthy newborns but I'm not getting any answers on why half did not make it...I am not Thai literate enough to be understood. This has been going on with several of our friends that raise pigs for awhile, and I am curious if anyone has a clue about why some litters don't make it at all, or maybe only half do.


    Ideas or experience?



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  2. Apparently a direct strike lightning hit to the overhang at the entrance. Hard to comment on the good/bad of construction when something likes this happens. RIP, we shopped there recently....who'd a known?

  3. Easy one, and already answered by previous posts. You asked her to price a necklace, she said the one she wants is BT24,000. You figure it's one baht, excellent chance it's more than that, or she's asking for more than what one baht costs.

    Every Thai woman knows the exact price of gold and gold jewelry.

    No mistakes here, other than you not knowing what she is pricing.

    Good luck with it


  4. pictures

    Red shirts are hanging out here in northwest Korat province. Asked the wife if we should do the same. No, she said, as the ghost does not like farangs! Feel much safer now.

    They seem to have spread to many other parts of Isaan now!

    Quite comical really 555

    They are true believers in our parts (Prasat area), my wife puts on a "Feed the Ghosts" feast every year. I rather like it, lots of good food and beer and stuff, and after the ghosts have had their opportunity to eat and drink..well, then I get to.


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  5. I too am sorry about the death of this man, and don't mean any disrespect, but there is no information as to what transpired to take the life of the Crazyswede. It apparently happened near his village/home near Surin, and that another poster mentioned that he had heard - heard, mind you - that another car was involved. No proof, just 2nd hand information. Then a bit more speculation and comments regarding Thai drivers.

    But what actually happened? And how did he die (blunt force trauma to the head, possibly because he wasn't wearing a helmet)? And was his Harley, as many Harley owners are wont to do, fitted with loud aftermarket pipes, because some riders are certain that 'loud pipes save lives!'? (which in this case possibly, proof that loud pipes are just loud annoying pipes and don't do squat to save lives - my opinion, in that I don't know if he in fact had loud pipes on his bike - just saying!).

    In my opinion, the only thing that saves your life on a motorbike is the attitude and abilities of the rider. As a rider, I know that you can't for one moment let down your guard and take your eye off the road. Perhaps the Crazyswede was looking at his map or GPS, looking into his cellphone, maybe fiddling with his radio controls (if he had a radio on the bike, or CD player or whatever) or doing something else for just a brief moment before realizing that he was about to have an accident with ??? ).

    All this is speculation, and no one will ever know the exact details. However, there is not ANY information regarding this tragic death. But I would like to know if the Crazyswede always wore a good helmet and other safety gear while riding his bike, and that these failed to mitigate the situation that took his life, or was the Crazyswede another victim of 'false notions' about safety and freedom.

    You decide...CrazySwede the day before (I believe)


  6. Because there are many people who cannot except other peoples views , wether right or wrong , Many good posters do not post now because of it, they Just lerk in the back ground,Some times I think i am right but when some person posts different, i think again , that's the difference some people don't.

    You missed a couple of commas. You need a period after "back ground" instead of a comma, and it this case I think background should be one word and not two. You need a gap between a period and the next sentence. The correct spelling is "lurk", not "lerk". And, "wether" needs an "H" after the "W".


    Carry on

    What kind of grammar-nazi are you?

    Should be "cannot accept other people's views"

    Now carry on.....


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  7. At least the Thais don't seem to have a penchant for mowing down roomsful of schoolchildren, or wholesale slaughter in cinemas.

    And Americans don't either. Because a few retards did, this is not a picture of the rest of society.

    Well I listened to your esteemed president announce since that last massacre (1 mth) 900 USA citizens had been killed by a gun, thats quite a large number dont you think?

    Well, I don't believe much Barack Obama says, much like you probably don't believe your politicians, so I would ask for your link of proof for this statement. Nine Hundred USA citizens killed by guns in the last month? That is quite a large number, but is it true?


  8. A few days ago the wife's uncle was killed in a car accident. Because it was an accident and he couldn't know it was coming, they have to bury him for 3 years before they can hold the usual ceremonies. Villagers didn't want him buried on the farm because it was too close to the village. Noone in the village will go out at night for a week for fear his ghost will approach them, her uncle not knowing he is dead.

    He was a very nice guy. RIP.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Yep, went to one of those parties earlier this year. They dug the guy up on the second day, brought him to the house for the party, burnt him the next day. Don't know if it is a Thai thing or just rural Issan, lao thing. Jim

    just asked mrs scotty and she was saying that if its an accident then they bury them for a while then dig them up for the cremation.phibun /ubon area


    We are Prasat area, just about 35 km from Cambodia. The lovely wife's father was killed riding m/c about two years ago, hit head-on by a truck. He was cremated after 6 days of Merit, but his bones needed to be buried later (a year or two later), so two ceremonies. They are all Khmer around here, so no burial at all.


  9. Agree with all of the above...have had packages held up for customs fees, as well as for "it was raining". Take all the info you have about the package to your local Post Office and be prepared to help them look for it.


  10. Sure did, and the wine country...Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino..Great trip!


    What were some of her reactions? What did she think of the various things? Surely she was amazed or something was funny or cute?

    Too many and too much to list, but one very funny occurance was when I'm driving along and asked her, "what time is it honey?" Her: "Do you mean today?" Me: (slightly sarcastically) "No honey, what time is it tomorrow?"

    Dead stare..."You do know I am native Thai speaker?"

    Been together seven wonderful years, she still cracks me up.


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  11. Our first trip to the States was exactly this one, the drive up the Gorge, then over Mt. Hood, done in March when it was still beautiful. We then did a later road trip from Portland to Stockton, CA, west to San Francisco then north up the coast to Florence, Oregon. What a great experience for her, many different things for her to see.


    Awesome. She saw the redwoods.


    Sure did, and the wine country...Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino..Great trip!


  12. Great thread. Thanks everyone.

    If I take a gal to the US, if at all possible I'll land in Portland, OR, rent a car, and make a loop through the Columbia Gorge swinging up and back to Mt. Hood (will she ever again see a 14,000 ft mountain with permafrost?), on through to the sagebrush desert, and whatever else I had time for. I wouldn't want to just drop her into the Midwest or Florida or something. If that's not possible then I'd make it something like Denver and the Rockies. I could do any of that easily in a day.

    Thanks again. Carry on. smile.png

    Wow!....even Id like to see a 14,000ft mountain!.....They are lucky the Thai girls getting to see the world like they do. God bless em!

    Our first trip to the States was exactly this one, the drive up the Gorge, then over Mt. Hood, done in March when it was still beautiful. We then did a later road trip from Portland to Stockton, CA, west to San Francisco then north up the coast to Florence, Oregon. What a great experience for her, many different things for her to see.


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  13. I'm afraid Jim had it right all along. There's nothing you can do if you don't have number 1 insurance. Take what they offer and be done with it. You have an old vehicle under-insured. You have no witnesses. There is no right, no wrong and no logic.

    How much did the repair cost you. Would the cost of number 1 insurance been more than that? Weigh the difference. You can't win with logic here. Chok dee.


  14. In the villages near us the interest is usually 2% per month. In the Bangkok area I have seen 5% - 10% - 15% per month. How much did this person borrow and how much interest rate is he being asked to pay for 200 baht per day. ??

    Do they have a bad record of repayment previously, are they "risky"?

    Many questions here. The banks charge a bit high as well for high risk borrowers.


  15. Not ideal to mention on a public forum about other (dubious) fanangs in your soon to be hometown??

    Are there any bridges there?

    Only Jeff.

    And Beau and LLoyd. My goodness, Lanhansai is a nice little cross-roads, do you think the Mafia have found it yet? Hope not, and where is the OP now, anyway?


  16. bloody hell and heres me hoping ide get a game of 5 and 3s or at leats a game of doubles,


    Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking, not actually seen a set here sad.png

    Have a set, wanna play? See me Dec 27th

  17. HSBC no longer takes new retail business in Thailand and will soon shut off all retail accounts. Just open a Bangkok bank account with internet access. They offer a low cost transfer system using their New York branch.

    Agreed, did this with Bangkok Bank for my US Social Security checks for awhile, was deposited into Bangkok Bank New York and then transferred to my branch in Prasat, Thailand. Have since learned that transfers from my US Chase Bank account should be done in US Dollars, then exchanged to Thai Baht after arrival in Thailand. If you let your "friendly" bank do the exchange to Thai Baht and then transfer, it will cost you about $30/per $1000 transferred.


  18. Thanks BJ and Naam. I am going to go buy a few bars Sunday. I don't have a safe. Where should I hide it? They are really pretty with the name and amount and purity engraved in the bar but I don't think I should have them on display. I don't have a clue where to put them. Very small one baht bars.

    Under your matress

    PM me and I will send my address and you can hide it under my matress

    I have safe at home and will gladly put it in there for you...whistling.gif

    Don't trust any of these guys, I'll keep it for you!

    clap2.gif mario299

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