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Posts posted by mario299

  1. They are doing it for the benefit of the customer

    Yes, I think it's more as a substitute for conversation...they think they cannot tell you the price so they show you the price, as well as show you the correct change. Good customer service and very easy for them...no language problems, no number/price arguments.

    Giving them the benefit of the doubt...:rolleyes:

  2. V nice looking pup, German Sheps make terrific companions but on the subject of vermin, etc, be sure to keep some anti biotic cream or similar handy as Pepper is sure to have a few scrapes, infections are fast & furious in this country.

    My dog cornered a big Monitor Lizard last week and got lots of scratches in the process, (I rescued the Liz so all was ok this time) she was also 'playing' with a big red centipede yesterday!! yet another narrow escape (I hear they can give a nasty jolt to the system).

    Good sense on the anti-biotic cream, I'll make sure to have some on hand. Regarding the centipede, Pepper is always after them and I usually manage to get them away from him quickly, but I wonder about his safety with these and the scorpions. I mean he just picks them up and tries to run around with them...is he in danger from them? I have heard that humans get nasty reactions from both, is it the same for dogs?

    By the way, after my original post today, sure enough Pepper found a large mouse to chase, had been staying in the A/C unit outside, so maybe he's a ratter as well.

    mario299 :rolleyes:

  3. Really lovely looking GSD. Wish l had a big enough garden to keep one

    She is very pretty. Here is mine, Pepper, who goes after anything that moves...scorpions, land crabs, frogs, etc. Haven't found him chasing snakes or rats yet, but I am sure he will, he's just a year old. mario299


  4. Life is cheap, the world is full of people.

    These events are rare, hardly worth doubling the price of everyones electrical installation.

    This is not America where somebody else is to blame for every accident.

    Sad for the family, but god's will.

    Best not to play with any shower controls after the water is running, just in case.

    I'm sorry sarahsbloke, but that's pretty cold-hearted.

    These events are rare, hardly worth doubling the price of everyones electrical installation.

    A simple, properly done earthing/grounding would certainly NOT double the installation cost, it's just common sense and good practice

    This is not America where somebody else is to blame for every accident.

    Doesn't matter where it is if it's a life we're talking about, but I have to say that as a contractor in America for 30 years, I never ran across this happening there.

    but god's will.

    God had nothing to do with this, poor practices had EVERYTHING to do with it.

    Please get real and get some compassion for crying out loud, this was a young man that died for no other reason that poor electrical procedures.

    mario299 :blink:

  5. maybe a stupid question, but how do I know if my shower heater is earthed correctly by just looking at it?

    I was thinking the same thing and glad you brought it up. For those of us who are electrically challenged (like me), is it possible to show us a picture of what the problem is or what to look for?

    Not an easy thing to spot. Here is a quote from eHow about what is is (I Googled "earthing a water heater" to get this)

    Grounding a hot water heater is the installation of a separate wire attached to the metal frame of the heater tank. This ground wire carries any errant electrical power back to the main electrical panel in case of an internal fault in the electric hot water heater's elements. An improperly grounded or non-grounded hot water heater can lead to a possible shock hazard. Regulations of all electrical installations are governed by the National Electrical Code (NEC). More specifically, the grounding of all electrical devices is designated by Article 250 of the NEC.

    Read more: How to Ground a Hot Water Heater | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5632020_ground-hot-water-heater.html#ixzz1NWrVVQvE

    Hope this can help somehow, I have just learned to take colder showers but I'm still worried when we travel to places I don't trust!

    mario299 :blink:

  6. Most likely the message was sent from some third party program.

    I have had it happen a few times, and recently several times, especially after the recent Osama thing. I get Facebook messages from "friends" telling me this and that but I NEVER use the link provided. If you couldn't find info on Google about this, then you didn't try hard enough, or simply go directly to Facebook security for answers.

    Good luck.

    mario299 :jap:

  7. Wake me up when you hit 6500 views.

    Yup, that's gotta be it...you're counting views as if they were potential customers, successful executive salesman that you were, so now let's see...6500 attempts to close, you keep changing the sales pitch to suit the audience, but still no sale. 6500 interested buyers, but nobody buying your product?

    Go back to sleep


  8. It is possible to both receive a fine AND have to do community service.

    I have a Thai friend who was recently arrested. He was fined AND he had to do community service.

    Agreed....my father-in-law got arrested driving his motocy drunk and he got fined and has to do community service. The judge, if he chooses, can make the community service be one day every month, or one day every six months, or once a year...up to him..depends on the accused and the attitude thereof. My FIL is an A##hole, so he's still doing his community service. Good on him!

    mario299 :lol:

  9. Thanks for bringing this topic of the science of toenail clipping up, as I have felt myself massively out of balance in the past and actually considered seeking professional help from a shaman. Guess I don't need to now, as you seem to have nailed my problem. It seems that I wasn't properly balancing the cutting, one toe was much heavier than some of the others. I'm so happy you have "toed" me this, I think I can continue my journey now.

    mario299 :rolleyes:

  10. I have to agree, I like a little humor but if it's going to kill me, then.........

    You're right, though, many people that post are far too serious. Recently one person said in jest "chill out, dude, you're too serious", and I thought the keyboard fisticuffs were going to fly! (There's a mental image for you).

    On the other hand, many times the answers you get from a question seem to want to be put-downs or "I'm lots smarter than you" answers. Gets a little frustrating sometimes, so maybe it is better to growl and be in a bad mood and live longer.?

    mario299 :blink:

  11. You can renew your driving licence anywhere. With that in mind you could go to Buriram transport office to renew. There they accept a residence letter from the local Police. Agree, but i would try the office at Prakhon Chai, i find them more friendly than buriram and note , you can do you`re `90 day report at chong chom...

    Rizla Thanks, I might just try Prakhon Chai, that's a good suggestion and much closer. I also did know about 90 day report at Chong Chom, appreciate the reminder.

    mario299 :rolleyes:

  12. Whoever is in charge of clearing and delivering your goods in Thailand most likely has a warehouse...unless you have used dodgy removals, in which case you may be taken for a ride when it arrives

    Agreed. When I had my stuff shipped over from the States about 1 1/2years ago, the shipping company could have provided either storage or delivery to us, as we are in the Surin area. Fortunately we were ready for everything so I picked everything up at the docks and that was that.

    Probably your shipment will go to a freight forwarder in KlongToey upon arrival, and you will need to deal with them. Ask about storage. Good luck!


  13. A answer to your other question, who nobody answered, becarefull of driving yourself or better DON'T. If you cause a accident, a Thai is, can be in trouble, A farang is always in trouble, a farang without a licence is in deep shit. So please try to find someone who can drive you down.

    My girlfriend doesn't want me to drive at all, and i have a international drivinglicence and be a trucker, just because of the enormous fines and pay offs of familys.

    Her son hit a child a couple of months back, driving without a licence and insurance, 225.000 bath.

    so becare full son.

    Chock dee.

    Why no one responded to it, because if you have a valid driver's license so you MUST know this.

    Thanks for the good replies, and thank you Cardholder for your opinion of posts like that one I got from Langsuan Man, it gets a little frustrating sometimes. I think I will just take care of my tambien ban (yellow book) and be done with this kind of problem. Khop khun mak mak.

    mario299 :jap:

  14. The OP has many times referred to "the science". and I have to ask what exactly is he referring to?

    Group meetings are not "science", men's clubs etc., are not "science", what is this science he keeps talking about? Is it psychology or psychiatry he is talking about? This, too is not "science" but rather OPINION, and most certainly hearsay opinion based on guessing of actions and reactions of stimulations under certain circumstances passed on by people who were just guessing to begin with.

    Like many have said in the past, there are too many lawyers for our own good. I say, for the present there are too many psychiatrists/psychologists for our own good. When I was growing up if something bad happened to someone they just dealt with it. Nowadays everyone must have counseling for dealing with the trauma of it all. You had too much sugar when you were a child so now you need a psychiatrist or medication.

    Our children of today are over-medicated and over-counseled so if you think you needed a men's group to deal with your problems from your abused youth, then think about what our children will need to deal with their youth.

    I don't know about this thread, but I have to think perhaps it's like someone else suggested...like a recovering alcoholic that now must make everyone see things his way. Best of luck to you, but I do have to say that I am certainly not from the same America you come from.


  15. It's our nature. We are wired to defeat other men who are not part of our tribe. (family) If your not part of my family, your competition for resources ie women and food.

    Food to survive and women to perpetuate.

    Im not ridiculing your decision to attend this group to strengthen yourself. Your tribe was weak, and you left it to strengthen your position. Got it.

    But your like an alcoholic who sobers up. Now you've found YOUR way, you deem everyone else who hasn't opted for YOUR way, as inferior.

    You've attempted to bait us several times with this topic. Some of us, joked and busted your chops, but for the most part ignored you. Now you open a discussion, but won't discuss.

    You only want to project your views on us. It's called trolling.

    You insist that since you have become feminized that it has made you a better person, and I have no doubt that it has. For you.

    Your trying to solve your problems and in typical academic/liberal behaviour you want to demonize someone else (Father). It's your generations and your cultures way.

    Most of us don't suffer from your affliction. Were not troubled about "what" we're supposed to be, because we're to busy being ourselves.

    We don't require a group to manufacture our character.

    You are just tender, and that is OK. It's not the majority of our definition of "manliness" but doesn't make it wrong. For you.

    +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1...and then some.

    Well said.

  16. My neighbor works in imigrasjonen, I'll ask her, wait .......... Ok back.

    Imigration do not send by mail. She says that many traffic stations accept a certificate of residence from the Amphur.

    Thank you very much for going to the trouble of asking your neighbor. I was afraid that this was the answer, but was hoping I could save myself the long drive, particularly since I must do it again on the 20th of June anyway.

    Your courtesy is greatly appreciated, I guess I will just have to make the drive.

    mario299 :jap:

  17. You have one other alternative, you can go to you Embassy in Bangkok and they will be happy to give you a Certificate of Residence once you pay whatever fee they want

    But if you won't listen to Korat Immigration why say " Can't do...must come here" and Land Transport Department who say " same, same last time, go to Immigration for form"

    Why do you think anyone here at TV is going to magically come up with some way to get a Residence Certificate by mail

    I think the appropriate word is obtuse

    Wow, thanks for your great help. I'm trying to save myself a 300 km drive to Korat and back so you suggest a 900 km round-tripper to the Embassy in Bangkok, paying them God-knows what fees instead of the 500 baht fee at Immigration. Then you insult me by calling me obtuse and say I am asking TV members for some magic???

    Just bored today and wanted to show everyone how clever you are?

    Thanks for nothing.

  18. Stop fighting the system, and get the letter at the Korat Immigration. You cannot do it by mail.



    Not trying to fight the system, trying to avoid a long, possibly unnecessary drive. That's all.


    Are you working in Thailand? Work permit is an acceptable proof of residence.

    You can renew your driving licence anywhere. With that in mind you could go to Buriram transport office to renew. There they accept a residence letter from the local Police.


    Am on a Retirement Visa so no work permit. My local Transport office (Prasat) seems to insist on Proof of Residence from Immigration, I'm just trying to get this by mail instead of driving to Korat, that's all.

    Thanks to both, though

  19. Mods, feel free to move to Motoring Forum but I am looking for Issan residents with personal experience at doing this.

    Here's the situation. My one year Thai driving license expires June 8 and I want to go to Land Transport June 9 for new 5 year license. I have searched all the info on the forum and know what I need for paperwork but I want to get the Proof of Residence done by sending the form I downloaded on the Motoring Forum to Thai Immigration in Korat.

    So I called them on Friday to ask if I can do and how I should pay them the 500 baht fee. "Can't do...must come here". Then I go to Land Transport office in Prasat (where I got the one year license), she's very busy and will only say "same, same last time, go to Immigration for form".

    So..please..anyone...have you actually done the Proof of Residence by mail. I am due to go for 90 day report on June 20, so I could wait until then and do it all at once but I will be driving illegally from June 8 to June 21 that way, how about my insurance if something were to happen?? Same situation about the mobile trip Thai Immigration does monthly to Surin and Buriram, they will be in Buriram on June14, so I could do it that way, but I want to do it without making the 300 km round-trip to Korat or the 150 km to Buriram if possible.

    I have decided that I will take care of the Tambien Ban at Korat on my next visit June 20th, so I don't have to deal with the Proof of Residence so much, but that's a completely different kettle of fish, I know.

    Thanks in advance!

    mario299 :(

  20. [quote name='trisailer'

    . If you think that being beaten with a leather belt was OK for you than I suggest you ask your children how they felt about it when you did it to them because you were 100 times more likely to beat your own kids.

    Bull Crap, my father never beat me, but he did hit my older brother with a belt once. My brother never hit his children...ever. What does that do to your 100 times more likely figure???

    And then there are your "facts":

      The majority of these men have not asked for help before their deaths.
    • Social isolation: those who kill themselves often live alone and have little contact with others. They may have been recently widowed or have never married
    • The reasons why the number of men taking their own lives has risen in recent years are far from clear. All of the proposed explanations share a common feature – the changing role of men in society.
    • Boys don't cry..
      In many societies, expressing emotions, for example sadness, fear, disappointment or regret, is seen as being less acceptable for boys than girls.
    • Troubling new data show there are an average of 950 suicide attempts each month by veterans who are receiving some type of treatment from the Veterans Affairs Department.
    • Since WW2 more veteran men have died from suicide than from war.
    • Here's another telling statistic that validates men's mental health. Between 600,000 and 6 million women are victims of domestic violence each year, and between 100,000 and 6 million men, depending on the type of survey used to obtain the data. The health-related costs of intimate partner violence exceed $5.8 billion each year.
    • I don't know what the statistics for men behaving badly in Thailand are but I'm guessing that it is worse. One only has to read the endless stories of men who come here and go off the rails. The US State Department has recently added a requirement for a K-1 visa that the sponsor has not been convicted of domestic violence. No doubt they saw a problem with mens inability to cope with the demands of a multicultural relationship.


    If your life is happy and balanced, good for you. It is likely due to having strong male role models. If you are one of the many who think it gay to have an open mind well, I feel sorry for you.

    Your PSYCHOBABBLE is tough to follow, and it seems to me you have some pretty deep issues. I think you left yourself pretty wide open with your post, but it has at least been pretty good fun for the majority of the people that didn't take you seriously. Best of luck to you in your quest to find balance. If you are now in Thailand, then I suggest you forget most of your American statistics, they don't really apply here.

    Chok dee

    mario299 :jap:

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