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Posts posted by mario299

  1. We eat mot daeng {dead, of course} in some dishes. Only when available and can be collected in quantity. Quite nice, actually. Gives the soup {or other things} a rather acid-citrus flavour. Fantastic stir fried with red rice!!!!:)

    Just had some night before last, very delicious! Big ants complete with eggs....yummmmy!!


  2. Not sure, but I think it's a tamarind. No idea of the name in Thai.

    Lots of big seeds covered in stringy fibre. If I remember correctly, supposed to be quite nutritious, vitamin-wise.

    Rather awkward eating, though, with all that fibre and spitting out the stones.

    However, could be totally wrong. Only posting because no one else more knowledgeable has.

    The wife says not tamarind, it's part of what the older village folks chew, and they do get a kind of "buzz" from chewing it. No idea of nutrition, etc., probably not too much good for you.

    mario299 :jap:

  3. So, just out of curiosity, I am wondering for all these men who think it perfectly acceptable to be 20 + years older than their wives. does the reverse hold true? Do you stand in judgment of women who prefer younger partners or do you think its just as perfectly fine as your own relationship?

    This post has gone a long ways and has offered a lot of opinions, but , as I answered earlier it seems to me that age doesn't matter as much as attitude between the partners. I am 20 years older than my wife, we have been quite happily married almost 5 years, known each other for seven. My brother is 15 years younger than his wife and they have been happily married for over 35 years. My mother was 4 years older than my father, and they were married almost 50 years.

    So I guess, SBK, it does go both ways if it works for both. I really think age is not the game-breaker, it's attitude.

    Just my opinion.


  4. Remember - first date to mark in.... December 1st: Buy Diary


    LOL, when in Thailand, one has too, otherwise diaryless fo the rest of the year.

    PS. Another strange thing is, Thai Financial year ends in August, so you would think they will sell August to August, but thats also a negative

    As another off-topic aside, have you considered switching to de-caf? No offense, but it might ease some of your pain.


  5. We are twenty years apart, I'm 62, she's 42, but what really matters with us is how we think and live our lives together. We are very much alike and I consider myself very fortunate to have met and married her. Wouldn't have it any other way or wouldn't have any other. I have seen many many couples with vast differences in age, but I don't think the age difference mattered as much as the mental difference. Just my opinion.


  6. OH pls.really it can happen that people think they know what the are talking about, heard from someone ? or just thought it was so, no i dont think they do that deliberately, but if you dont know it , some people think they know more than the really do.

    I was the one that started the topic and ended up gettig really strange info from some

    There you go - a genuine post by me and 4 or 5 <deleted> replies. Kind of sums up TV really. I am out of here.

    You know how the quote goes - "Ask a stupid question. Get a stupid answer."

    You know, I was reading another thread the other day, and someone named Pikey said:

    "There you go - a genuine post by me and 4 or 5 <deleted> replies. Kind of sums up TV really. I am out of here."

    This thread is certainly getting more than 4 or 5 replies, does Erik know Pikey?


  7. A lot of the "old-timer" or "senior members" just have a bit of fun and don't take the General Forum seriously. If you do have some specific questions about some specific things then take a look at some of the other forums and I'm sure you will find them very informative and full of excellent advice and experience. I have personally used the DIY forum with great success as well as the computer/entertainment forum and the Issan forum. Not so many jokesters there. Take a look around, but take the General forum with a grain of salt. A lot like the Pub forum stuff.


  8. What in the world do you do all the time wherever you are most of the time now?? Are you the type that must be entertained, or can you create your own entertainment? Do you sit in a bar a lot being entertained, or go out and find fun, entertaining, educational things to do.

    Up to you, as they say. Go there and find, or go there and be depressed, or don't do there. Up to you.


  9. Hi

    I was just in Thai Immigration Office at Nakhon Rachasima (at the pottery village) on March 23, 2011, last week, and they said you CANNOT do by post, must be personal appearance but can be personal appearance in ANY Thai Immigration office. They are concerned with cheating, hence the reason for personal appearance, but the reason for my question was to save myself the 150 kilometer drive from Prasat. This means I can go to Chong Chom, 25 kilometers away...much closer!

    mario299 :rolleyes:

    With a view to moving to Surin Province in the near future, I've been researching all things (visa related stuff included) and I was under the impression that you could always do the 90 day report at Chong Chom, it was just extensions you couldn't do there and therefore had to go to Korat. Is this a relatively new development then?

    I believe one can still do both - 90 day or extension - at Chong Chom. Caution, as it changes as some change their underwear. Even better news, there will be a new mobile service {experimental} preparing most visa/immigration needs in Surin and Buriram sometime this month I believe. Not sure of the exact date......a few here on the Isaan forum would be tune with the exact dates though. The location for this "mobile" visa service will be located in front of the main post office. All this nonsense aside, it's just less of a headache to run off to Korat.

    Chong Chom - 90 day check-in yes but the yearly extension no. For extensions you must go to the pottery village.

    Yes, agreed, this ia also what they told me...90 day reports at any Thai Immigration office, annual extension only at Korat. Sorry if I confused, hope this clarifies.

    Chok dee!:jap:


  10. Every arch of the roof tiles along the wall is just an open passageway to the outside. I want to fill all these in. .

    Most supply houses carry "bird-block" coverers for the roof tiles, and they usually can be installed pretty easily from either inside or outside after the roofing tiles have been installed. They are usually done when the roofing is done, but I have done them "retro-fit" with a little bit of firring and fiddling to make it work properly. The roof tiles probably are identified on the inside of each tile so you can identify the proper bird-blocks, and if there is no gutter installed on the outside you can probably pretty easily install them from the outside. Hope this helps, they aren't expensive.

    mario299 :jap:

  11. the question is how to react when this happens to one self?

    I believe it calls for one penalty stroke, so depending on what the par was on that hole you could be looking at bogey, at least.


    Mario, you completely forgot about the water hazard :D

    What was I thinking??? Two strokes, (heck, make it all three), and at least a triple bogey!

    mario299 :bah:

  12. *Bump*

    Would it be possible to find the information about owner and related data on the internet, now that it is 2011 in the rest of the world?

    Possibly a stupid question, but still...

    Now that's funny! It may be 2011 in the rest of the world, but this is Thailand. Hope you don't have a big problem to solve.

    mario299 :blink:

  13. "... all i know is that I don't have to pay taxes since I did not earn over 91,000 dollars. but i still have to file."

    BTW, where'd that $91,000 figure come from? Wish I made "only," say, $90,000 and didn't have to file.


    Yeah, I want to know the same thing..."only $91,000 and I still don't have to pay taxes"?? Back on subject, I used TurboTax for many years to figure my taxes for my sole-proprietor business in the US, up to 2009 filing, then I tried TaxAct for this years filing. Both are very simple, they walk you through everything step-by-step, provide the forms etc, and you don't pay until you are done and satisfied...ready to file. I recommend both.


  14. I sent my TM47 last Saurday to the Nakhonratchasima Immigration office in a pottery village by registered mail and today six days later the New stamped extension was in my post office box. So 100% they will accept and process TM47 90 day reporting by mail and in my case in a very timely manner.


    I was just in Thai Immigration Office at Nakhon Rachasima (at the pottery village) on March 23, 2011, last week, and they said you CANNOT do by post, must be personal appearance but can be personal appearance in ANY Thai Immigration office. They are concerned with cheating, hence the reason for personal appearance, but the reason for my question was to save myself the 150 kilometer drive from Prasat. This means I can go to Chong Chom, 25 kilometers away...much closer!

    So kamalabob2, if they are letting you do it by post, keep it going, maybe you just get the odd success story, can you tell me if you also play the lottery and what are your numbers?:lol:

    Seriously, if it's working, keep working it, but they absolutely said absolutely no to me when I asked last week.

    mario299 :rolleyes:

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