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Everything posted by 747man

  1. NO She RENTED A Room in the House it's an Air Bnb !!
  2. Yeah, She looks VERY Experienced !!
  3. YOU Said 30 Minutes, Don't you mean more like 3 Minutes ??
  4. FYI, There ARE Transactions.....Our WONDERFUL U,K, Goverment SEND Me a PITTANCE Every Month....So There YER GO !!
  5. Me Too, Sheryl......But Got NOTHING in Either.....I'm Very POOR YENO ??
  6. Waiting for a Swell ?? NO They are NOT Their waiting for an incoming Tsunami !!
  7. I Guess One of Those STUPID Posts was the one from the IDIOT Asking me if that was my Brain ??
  8. Cysts usually burst on their own.......Really, I've had one on the back of my Head for " Over 50 Years " & That hasn't Burst, My Doctor in the U.K. Wouldn't Touch it Too Many Nerves & Blood Vessels in that area.....She Told Me,If it's not causing ANY Pain,Just Leave it alone.....
  9. So,YOU Know the Boy Personally then ??
  10. ...M8, He Does if he's Mentally Capable.....
  11. So he'd need to have been banging her every day since he was 8 to have a 50% chance of infection....Who KNOWS Maybe he Has !!
  12. Wondersed Where the Cat had gone ??
  13. Well,I'm HOLDING Onto Mine.....NO Begging Letters Thank YOU......
  14. Do That M8 I'd be Obliged to get my 8 Years FROZEN Increases back.....
  15. Yeah !! The Most Famous Club to join is " The Pattaya FLYING Club "
  16. Wierdo's !!!
  17. Well He's Not the 1st,Niether Will he be the Last.....
  18. Maybe One of them Likes The Rear Entrance also.....
  19. And with the AMOUNT of Money they ask for a Boom Boom !! 15000 Baht, They're havin' A Giraffe Surely ??
  20. Like Get Out to Thailand & Rent a Bar & Become a Millionair ???
  21. I would imagiune he was very fit after all that running.& I Would think Knackered ??
  22. But Your NOT ENGLISH or BRITISH,YOU are SCOUSE !!....555 !
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