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Everything posted by 747man

  1. The JAL A350 Was Flying into Haneda, Tokyo......
  2. Yeah, I'm SURE You Are !!
  3. YOU Must be Fun at Parties too M8 ??
  4. Thanks for your Help my friend,I'll be Excempt Then.... Thank God that not all readers are as AGGRESIVE as the one before You....RALF001....
  5. Do you even bother reading posts ?....Only Sometimes, But THANK YOU For Your HELP......
  6. Does this mean that my very poor U.K. State Pension is going to be Taxed HERE In Thailand, I Recieve a very POOR 130,000 Baht a Year ??
  7. Correct, It has ENOUGH Of it's OWN !!
  8. Oh ! Well WHY Didn't YOU Write that ?? YOU Wrote Advanced Member 6.6k Posted Thursday at 09:12 PM Minivans are really ok,not like before the big clean up. They do not go over 90km per hour now and the drivers are a lot better......I Thought YOU Were talking about Minivans in General ?? A Little Sensitive Are WE ??
  9. Minivans are really ok,not like before the big clean up. They do not go over 90km per hour now ........So You Ain't been in one in Isaan LATELY I Gather ??
  10. Can YOU Find me one to do it for 12.5k WITHOUT Attending the Immigration Office then......PLEASE ?? So Jimn,Have YOU Found me one............YET ??
  11. But......YOU Said YOU Live up Country, Didn't YOU ??
  12. NO................What a Total Ar**hole YOU Mean !!
  13. Yes, I live upcountry.....So Do I Sheryl, But I've got an Agent Up Here in Issan NOT That far from where I live.....
  14. CORRECT !!
  15. Can YOU Find me one to do it for 12.5k WITHOUT Attending the Immigration Office then......PLEASE ??
  16. But There ARE Loads of Dodgy Ones that live in Jomtien too ( Agents that is ) But I Guess you didn't know that !!
  17. It Might be O.K. for YOU But.....At least have a Little Sympathy for Other People who are Down on their " LUCK " !!
  18. I Smell Money, Money, Money......
  19. Yeah Your O.K. You've Got The Money to " Just Sit There " A LOT & I Mean A LOT Haven't !!!!
  20. they just don't seem to want to put it in a Thai bank.....Can't Blame them for that !!!
  21. Maybe he lost a little sleep over it. .....I Very Much Doubt That !!
  22. But NOT ALL Taxi Drivers,They're are SOME Good ones....
  23. The last neghbour spent all night banging his girllfriend.......oh .oh....oh.......oh., urgh,...............urgh.........urgh.........Kamikaze......he was Japanese and sounded like he was killing her....But HOW Did he keep it UP,ALL Night.....Lucky Guy !!
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