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Everything posted by 747man

  1. Like the 11 Year Old Girl driving on the WRONG Side of the road who hit my Nearside Rear Door that Must have had ANY of those, Luckily Only Minor Damage to my Door about 5,000 Baht ( But GUESS Who had to pay to have it fixed ?? )
  2. But The OZZIES Are Very, Very SLOW
  3. That's a Hell of a lot of OXO Cubes M8
  4. As for age! Seen kids as young as 9/10 riding helmetless on the 2022 (Ban Dung to Phen road). .Come to Nong Khai M8, You'll see that Everywhere HERE !!
  5. Which Bank is Giving Those Rates ?? I Must Hurry Along with my GBP !!
  6. Eventually someone is going to write, "Does that mean farang's pension income too......I Haven't Written it Down, But it what I was Thinking !!!
  7. I Think You mean HIS Majesty's GOVERNMENT !!
  8. I Cut the Corner Off my Old One,But it was in the Prescence of VHS In The Trendy Building, No Problems
  9. Suggest the OP visit where the new pp was issued......So according to YOU Dr.Jack, He'll Probably have to go back to Liverpool or London then !!
  10. Wifey Tired ?? What to WALK About 200 Yards....??
  11. bUT HIS cAR dIDN'T HAVE ANY brakes !!
  12. Did You say " Girls " Oh Yeah You Did......555 !!
  13. Paetongtarn Shinawatra said on Tuesday that her father, Thaksin, who is receiving medical treatment at the Police General Hospital, is still under stress and suffering the after effects of COVID-19 What A Shame,But He's ONLY An ordinary person now,Isn't He ??
  14. What A Shame,But He's ONLY An ordinary person now,Isn't He ??
  15. Was it a Baseball Bat ?? I Need one so Do @Lazada THSell Them ??
  16. Of Course, White Bread is Not good for You...
  17. Just greed, stupidity, and superstition. Perfectly describes the entire country to be frank...... Yes Because The Idiots Still pay 100 Baht for a 80 Baht Official Price for a Ticket.....Who gets the Additional 20 Baht is What I'd like to know ?? Answers on a Postage Stamp,Please !!
  18. I Heard it's not that bad, If yer take the bones out first !!
  19. So Who Took the Video of Her Ass being Grabbed DOWN, Come on Own Up.....555 !!
  20. They are called Skylabs because the Drivers are Mostly all Ex Astronauts 555 ! They Fly around Here !!
  21. No Don't, They Stole all the Deckchairs Then !!
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