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Everything posted by 747man

  1. I long for the day when the Ruble crashes. ....I Thought it Already Had !!!!!!
  2. It Could've been a LOT Worse,What if they thought it was a " Happy Ending " ,Massage Place ??
  3. During their relationship, the couple stayed together at the condo and the victim trusted her Iranian boyfriend and gave him the passwords to all the safe boxes in her room...... What a SILLY Woman......
  4. Also the Same Forecast for Nong Khai.....That's North East last time I Checked.....
  5. Now IF it had been a Taxi !!.......WTF, Would you get a Bus IF You had 200k In yer Pocket.....Get a Taxi Tight Ass !!
  6. They are SHOITE .......No NOT Ryanair, The Thai one RION AIR !!
  7. Errrrr, According to www.accuweather.com WE in The North East have a HEATWAVE Starting Tomorrow ( Thursday ) Until Saturday....
  8. Misleading Headline that in'it ?? Omura’s whale spotted in Thailand’s Surin Islands for first time
  9. This unfortunate incident has tarnished the reputation of Pattaya, a cherished tourist destination. Surely it cannot happen to this Beautiful Family Seaside Paradise.....
  10. But Maybe he thinks he's got An Adonis Like Body & A Huge Penis ??
  11. Yep, EVERYTHING is Copied Here.....
  12. Thank You, Saves me Blocking You
  13. I have sued police here sucessfully......I DON'T Believe YOU,Pinochio !!
  14. Been Cumming Here since 1976 Laaaddd, So You got a Bit of Catching up to do....
  15. 1st Trip ?? Been coming here for 47 Years, Soft Sh*te !!
  16. Not Many Do.....Only Lufthansa !!
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