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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. Who said it is not worth studying? They simply cover the war differently as they are not part of Europe and didn't face the same atrocities the Europe did. Over 60 Million people died in the war but there is only one number (6-Million) drilled into our head in the west when it comes to deaths.


    In the UK and Europe we are taught about more than just the holocaust.

    The Thais prefer not to "just cover the war" as they were allied with the Axis powers and were on the losing side. Thai history books omit critical parts of their history in order to save face.

  2. Thais make typical error of poor judgement due to lack of sensitivity, education, etc.

    Thais rightly admonished for idiocy, insensitivity and crass behaviour.

    Yet some foreigners continue to try to defend absolutely everything they do without question. It's like Stockholm Syndrome on steroids.

    Every post I see from you is saying negative things against Thais, as if you are superior to them. Kinda ironic on a thread about nazis.

    Why are you here?

    Very ironic isn't it. Pretend a few Thai kids and teachers were being intolerant of others in order to express intolerance of all Thais.

    I'm not pretending they were being intolerant.

    In my post I said they were displaying idiocy, insensitivity and crass behaviour. Quite clearly they were.

    So try again.

    I do wish you'd at least try to debate instead of these continuing personal attacks though Nisa, they are becoming tiresome, and lessen your relevance as a decent poster.

  3. One of the reasons why Thailand is as prosperous (regionally speaking) as it is, is because it knows when to play ball. When the U.S. says jump it says "how high, sir?" this has always been true especially during the post-colonial era when Thailand aided in a number of wars and allowed military bases. Even with the whole Victor Bout thing notice how fast it got resolved once the president got on the horn with the P.M. On the exterior Thailand likes to present itself as this independent almighty vanguard nation that was never colonized but it knows who pays the bills and pulls the strings in the region (U.S.A.) and knows who to not piss off.

    It has to some extent been controlled by US influence since the end of WWII, when the US did not punish Thailand for being on the Axis side so they could extend their sphere of influence here, taking over from the British, who were formerly much more influential over Thai affairs.

    It was colonisation by any other name until the early 90's here.

  4. BTW, the PI in this case was hired due to the sheer ineptness and inability of the British Embassy to communicate and help the family. Because of the British Embassy the family felt there was no choice but to hire a PI.

    The PI helped locate the poor Toby's body. From which point of course the Thai police took over to complete the investigation, and see that the murderers were brought justice under the Thai justice system. Life imprisonment.

    Anything else I can help you with, just let me know. :)

    The Thai Police were completely inept during this investigation, quite incredible that you are defending them on that particular occasion!

  5. Don't know that it has anything to do with Thais. Generally when people are involved in legal proceedings they will go for the route that appears to be to their advantage, what ever it might be.. Nothing surprising in the above. AS for you Thai wife. I very much prefer my Thai wife to my first wife who was American. And to all my former western girl friends for that matter. Actually I remember that always right as a common theme with western women. God. Its amazing, all the Thai bashers who contribute to this forum If you don't like Thais, what are you doing here?

    There's a big difference between pointing out injustice and corruption and 'liking Thais.'

    Someday you will hopefully learn to make that distinction when you have more time under your belt here (or maybe not, as there are many who have lived here years and take any criticism of Thailand as a personal insult).

    The same people crying out for the extradition of Lee Aldhouse to Thailand to face justice are strangely absent on this thread. I wonder why?

  6. I think 2-people have been executed in the last 8 or 10 years.

    Again your information is inaccurate and misleading. The numbers are higher than that.

    There were 2 executed in a month in 2009, and 4 in 2003 by lethal injection after it replaced machine-gunning as the preferred method.

    How many since 2009 since executions began again in earnest I'm not sure but there definitely have been several others.



    "Between 1984 and 2002, Chavoret Jaruboon shot dead 55 prisoners."


  7. Given there is only one semi-competent forensic scientist in the whole country (and even the Malaysians think she's incompetent and she's facing legal proceedings accordingly), I wouldn't rely on Thai forensics to prove anything.

    It must be a very scary thought having to face the Thai justice system, for anyone, innocent or guilty that hasn't sufficient funds or the right contacts to buy their way out.

  8. So none of the governments after the coup were legitimate? Were you here for that election - Samak won for PPP, Then was replaced (unnecessarily) by Somchai, who lost majority when some MPs decided that they were unwilling to form a coalition with electoral cheats. This is a legitimate democratic process, forming an armed militia to overthrow the government is not "fighting for democracy," but he, and others, fail to see that.

    Were the blockades of Government House and the country's airports part of this "legitimate democratic process?"

  9. So Chalerm blames the previous government for doing nothing to help a fugitive from justice and then cliams his own government has done nothing either.

    Now we all know Chalerm isn't very bright, even PT know that as they use him as their sacrificial pit bull, but surely a few active brain cells are required to be a deputy PM in this goverment?

    The only prerequisite is to be an arrogant bully I believe.

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