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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. I can't speak from personal experience...

    ...It's not nearly as pleasant to be there as it is here -- at least as long as you are reasonably within the law here.

    Why try to make a comparison then, when you, by your own admission, don't have any clue what you are talking about? :)

    South Vietnam is great and very pleasant.

  2. Great Breakfasts at AJ's Bar and Bistro right on Rawai Beach (Nai Harn End) English,Canadian & American, Pancakes French Toast good Bacon and Mr Moos Pork Sausages (English Butcher) superb Freshly Ground Coffee no Freshly squeezed Orange Juice but great Fresh Fruit shakes. I take along my own Black Pudding from Villas as its an aquired taste.

    The settting is amazing looking out over the sea to Racha Yai & Noi and very reasonable price (Try the Fish and Chips)

    Hello AJ, how's the bar going?

  3. All in all, I challenge you to have the same quality of life in UK or USA for the same price you can do it here.


    Better quality housing, far better motor vehicles not to mention choice of those vehicles, second hand and new, are available at cheaper cost. Better education, and many other things conducive to a higher quality of life are available in Britain and Australia that aren't available in Thailand, such as safer roads, social security, better healthcare, etc, etc, etc.

    Simply put, the same quality of life just isn't available to 99% of people in Thailand, be they Thai or foreign.

  4. Further to the original story for those that haven't been aware of it.

    Under Saudi pressure, Thailand reopened the case in June 1991 and later charged four civilians with receiving stolen property. Authorities recovered about $120,000 worth of the missing jewelry and filed embezzlement charges against a senior police officer who had initially headed an investigation of the theft.

    One of the four civilians, Santi Srithanakan, is widely considered the key to the affair. A prominent jewelry merchant with high-level police connections, he received much of the stolen jewelry and can incriminate top police officials in the scandal, investigators believe. Authorities want to use him as a state witness.

    Santi was recently kidnapped and held for three days in northern Thailand by unknown assailants, who reportedly warned him to keep his mouth shut. He currently is said to be under military protection.

    His wife, Darawadee, 34, and son, Seri, 14, however, were found dead in a sedan on a highway north of Bangkok on Aug. 1. They had been abducted and released earlier this year and reportedly disappeared from their home again on July 29.

    An autopsy showed injuries to their heads and necks that suggested they had been hit with a heavy blunt object. Initial Thai press reports, quoting police, said Darawadee and Seri apparently had been murdered and left in the car, which was positioned where it was likely to be hit by traffic, to make the deaths look accidental.

    A subsequent report by the police department's Institute of Forensic Medicine was therefore greeted with widespread incredulity when it asserted that the wife and son were killed in a road accident.

    "The forensic commander thinks we're stupid," Saudi diplomat Khoja told reporters recently. "This was not an accident. They want to cover it up."


  5. I.e. Most farangs here in Thailand DO NOT get their info primarily from Thai-based English written publications. In most cases we get it from out own nations publications - as they are all online!

    Beg to differ, most of the current affairs news articles are solely published in the Thai-based media.

    They never make the major networks, let alone the minor ones from our home countries.

    This story certainly didn't, along with 99% of the other political news items posted on this board.

  6. A five year visa worth a million baht? The very idea is preposterous.

    Without TE I would not have considered to spend time in this country. I will never "work" to get the right paperwork to stay in Thailand, I am too young for the other types of visa, and I don't plan to marry the first girl (and end up in deep trouble) to reside in Thailand.

    TE is a wonderful tool for the country to make wealthy people stay (and spend money) in Thailand.

    Come on, you can get a Non-Immigrant 'O' with little or no paperwork for only a couple of hundred dollars, regardless of your situation.

  7. What's the point in film ratings when violence is on terrestrial TV channels throughout the day?

    Poorly thought out and impossible to implement, as is normally the case in Thailand.

    The hypocrisy is so thick that they hand out laws against female company in karaoke bars yet one of the cabinet members is a brothel madam, in charge of a vast empire of prostitution and people-trafficking.

  8. I find it hard to have sympathy with big companies like the one in the article above that move operations to Asia to increase profits then get all upset when they find their products are being imitated by the same slave-wage workforce they are exploiting.

    One of the ways these large companies avoid taking responsibility for working conditions is to sub-contract to local manufacturers and not own any of the factories themselves.

    And to the poster that alleges that Thais don't fake a lot of stuff that is simply untrue. They are just not as good at it as the Chinese or the Koreans, but most of the fake junk you see on the street stalls in Thailand is locally produced.

  9. As a good friend once told me, "I'd rather know I can buy 10 of these Elite cards than actually own one."


    Spoken like people with visa-envy :) ...and in relation to visas, mine is definitely longer than yours or your friend's.

    Oh look, it's one of the 'I'm a better expat than you' brigade.

    I am on a multiple entry Non-Immigrant B and have been for 10+years now. No envy here. I also have a work permit so I can come and go as I dam_n well please.

    And you paid 1 million THB for your visa, while I paid A$220 for mine.


    Just too funny.

  10. I would be interested to know how they define 'scantily' dressed. How short is too short? Who makes the decision?

    Perhaps they could send folks to Iran and Saudi Arabia for training and have their own Ministry of Vice and Virtue.

    Saudi Arabia is a no go unfortunately.

    Little matter of stolen jewels to resolve first. :)

  11. It's just no fun any more.

    So why waste your time even coming onto a Thailand dedicated forum? I m not having a go, just seems counter productive way to spend your time. Personally, I have fun in Thailand. Having fun and a good experience is down to the individual whereever you are. The great blessing than humans have been gifted is that we possess an intellect to guide. One can go whereever they want to go. If you are not having fun, then vote with your feet so to speak, the world is a big place. Just seems pointless coming on to a Thai website and reinforcing your on negativity on yourself.

    Eh? I have lived in Thailand for 25 years and have several businesses here. I visit this forum to keep up to date with current affairs primarily.

    It must be nice to have no commitments and be able to up and leave countries at a moments notice.

    Unfortunately some of us have responsibilities.

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