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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. Hun Sen is a a Khmer Rouge death merchant

    As are the Thai special forces units that fought and worked with the Khmer Rouge attacking Vietnamese troops along the border and in the Western regions of Cambodia all through the 80's and into the 90's.

    As is the Thai special forces unit that was assigned as Pol Pot's personal bodyguards while he was living at his safe haven in Trat Province.

    As is the Thai army which is partly responsible for the huge proliferation of land mines along the border areas, making the Western area of Cambodia the most heavily mined area in Asia.

    As are the Thai military personnel that were involved in the Preah Vihear Massacre where thousands of Cambodian civilians fleeing the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge were slaughtered, raped and robbed.

    Etc, etc, etc.

    I would love to know where you got this information. My in-law family lives in Trat, but I never heard anything like that.

    In particular, can you give me your source for:

    - Thai special forces assigned to Pol Pot

    - Land mines put by Thai forces in Cambodia


    Thai Special Forces Unit 838 was Pol Pot's personal bodyguard during his time in Trat.

    The Western area of Cambodia and border was heavily mined by all sides involved in conflicts during that era, the Thai Army was certainly no exception.

    Forget it man, this cats someone who sings the red flag and hates capitalism.

    I think if anything the border guys helping Pol Pot were guerrilla insurgents and not thai sf troops.

    No, I just know my history. See above.

  2. As an ex-Khmer rouge criminal Hun Sen should be on trial at Den Hague... right now :)

    As an ex-Khmer rouge who defected to Vietnam in 1977 after his disgust with the KR, and his part in planning and assisting the overthrowing of the Khmer rouge in late 1978 you mean?

    (Hun Sen was a officer in the Khmer Rouge. After witnessing the excesses of the Khmer Rouge in 1976, he defected to Vietnam in 1977 and quickly became an important leader in the Vietnamese-backed resistance to the Khmer Rouge. When the Rouge regime was overthrown, Hun Sen was appointed foreign minister from 1979 until 1990, with a brief interruption from 1986 until 1987. As foreign minister Hun Sen was a key figure in the Paris Peace Talks which brokered peace in Indochina. He became prime minister in 1985, shortly after the death of Chan Sy . From 1993 until 1998 he was co-prime-minister with Prince Norodom Ranariddh. He has been reputed for using intimidation tactics in politics to remain in power. )

    Or for not cow-towing to the uneducated Thais who still think they built the Angkor period temples and should have it all back with most parts of north-eastern Cambodia when in Angkor times Thailand didn't even exist? Why shouldn't the Thais be on trial for letting the British SAS and US Marines train the Pol Pot-led forces in a UN owned area in the south of Thailand. Or the killing of thousands of Cambodian refugees, men, women and children, when the Thai military pushed them back into the mine fields by Preah Vihear after they had escaped the Khmer Rouge in 1979/80.. ?

    In the most notorious episode, in 1979, 42,000 Cambodian refugees fleeing the murderous Khmer Rouge were forced back down a cliff into a minefield by the Thai military. Survivors said many of them died.


    ..Or for the murders and rapes of hundreds of Vietnamese boat people in the early 80s escaping the Viet Cong?










    ..Or the almost weekly killings of (illegal) Cambodian loggers and mushroom pickers along the Cambodian / Thai border?

    Hun Sen should probably be on trial for many things, and so should many Thais Americans, Brits and all kinds of other people.. But if you are going to talk of things you know nothing about, back it up with facts.. or else it's just like 90% of the posts on this forum. Bullshit..

    Excellent post.

    I notice some posters still denying the Preah Vihear Massacre committed by Thai troops that you linked to. The Thais have done well in erasing that period from the history books.

  3. Hun Sen is a a Khmer Rouge death merchant

    As are the Thai special forces units that fought and worked with the Khmer Rouge attacking Vietnamese troops along the border and in the Western regions of Cambodia all through the 80's and into the 90's.

    As is the Thai special forces unit that was assigned as Pol Pot's personal bodyguards while he was living at his safe haven in Trat Province.

    As is the Thai army which is partly responsible for the huge proliferation of land mines along the border areas, making the Western area of Cambodia the most heavily mined area in Asia.

    As are the Thai military personnel that were involved in the Preah Vihear Massacre where thousands of Cambodian civilians fleeing the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge were slaughtered, raped and robbed.

    Etc, etc, etc.

  4. Not only two people are looking down on Cambodia... I do as well, and this for ages!

    As an ex-Khmer rouge criminal Hun Sen should be on trial at Den Hague... right now :D

    By that rationale so should Thailand, for allowing Khmer Rouge fighters and their leader, Pol Pot, safe refuge in Thailand while giving them assistance in the fight against the Vietnamese from within Thai borders and backing the Khmer Rouge in the UN as the rightful government of Cambodia. :)

  5. This just proves that there is some real nasty farang charactors hanging about here in Thailand.

    Can not understand why the Thai authorities do not terminate the visa runs and vet all foreigners applying for long stay in Thailand.

    One such action could be to impose that visa applicants submit a police document from their home countries that displays what is on criminal file or not on criminal file against them.

    I doubt very much that criminals are concerned with their visa status, criminals after all tend to break the law. :)

    There are some real nasty Thai characters hanging about in the West too, not much you can do about that I'm afraid without starting to infringe on peoples' human rights.

    The real criminals will always find a way to beat the system, so you'd be fighting a losing battle.

  6. Earlier this year a couple of Thai nationals alledgedly fled Australia back home after knifing to death an Australian good samaritan who got involved in a dust up. I wonder what the chances are of them being brought back for trial. Greater than 0 at least it seems.

    They are still hiding out in Thailand I believe. Three Thai nationals that were living in Australia on Thai passports. They are well-connected Thais so they will not be extradited to Australia any time soon to face the punishment for murder they deserve.

    Here is the link to the original story.


  7. Try buying a pirate Thai artist's CD and then you'll understand. Piracy of foreign software and music is seen as a victimless crime, or at least a crime that doesn't affect Thai Intellectual Property and Thai company revenue, so it really doesn't matter.

    100% Correct and needs reiterating.

  8. Is this the same Hun Sen who tried for years, in every way possible to squelsh the legal proceedings on his Khmer Rouge buddies. Nearly succeeded.

    It is, but don't forget, it is already difficult to prosecute Khmer Rouge cadres when they have the backing of the US as the official Government representatives of Cambodia at the United Nations and while their leader Pol Pot aka Saloth Sar enjoys protection from Thai Special Forces units at his safe haven on Thai soil in Trat province.

  9. It's a fact that many people would have voted Yes because there was such a big Yes campaign. There was not a "No" campaign it simply didn't exist and lord knows what would have happened to someone starting one.

    A lot of people simply voted yes because they believed it was the only way to get a general election. They believed there would be no election and an indefinite time frame to army rule if they did not vote yes.

    yep, that is right.

    What is funny is that the usual suspects here expect us to believe the vote for the 2007 constitution was somehow democratic while it was organised and promoted by a military junta with vested interests.

    They really are only kidding themselves.

  10. I agree. We can all laugh about 'crackdowns on crackdowns' etc but I get the feeling there is a serious attempt to clean the place up this time. I have been hearing a few whispers lately that there is a couple of very senior untouchable 'secret hands' giving directions. Sit back and think about how widespread corruption is in this country..both horizontal and vertical. Imagine what it would take to clean it up...a very long and difficult endeavour. After all, Rome wasnt burnt in one day! Have patience, times are changing. :)

    Crime has risen sharply since the coup so times are definitely changing, for the worse.

    Beggars everywhere, record unemployment, major industries in turmoil, drug use sky-rocketed, etc, etc, etc.

    The Police have visibly lost control in places in central Bangkok, or just lost interest in enforcing any semblance of law whatsoever.

    This place is in the worst condition in the 26 years I have lived here, and nowhere do I see any improvements whatsoever.

  11. That, in microcosm, is what foreign companies can expect sometimes, when doing business with Thais.

    100% correct. The most dishonest and untrustworthy people I have ever had the misfortune of doing business with.

    In Scotland we have a word to describe people like this: Sleekit.

    Thais caught with their hands in the till again and the foreign company gets the blame.

    So familiar, so typical, and so, so Thai.

  12. Why do people feel the need to constantly state the obvious "scams happen everywhere in the World", or bold or highlight foreign places they have been scammed in some lame effort to protect Thailand or its reputation?

    Thailand is awash with scams, trickery, deceit, lies and crime and people should be informed if they come here.

    Luckily the internet and programs like 'Big Trouble' have highlighted the problems and people are now seeing Thailand for what it is, despite Thai officials (and some posters here it would seem) best efforts to the contrary.

    The truth always comes out in the end folks.

  13. Well, we disagree.

    Personally I don't think universal law and order are in place.

    Personally I don't think Thailand has universal suffrage.

    Personally I don't think Thailand is an honest or trustworthy place, either in government, bureaucracy, or judiciary, and the evidence for that is overwhelming and beyond question.

    Personally I don't think the Thai education system is socially serviceable or useful.

    Personally I don't think the standard of living in rural areas has kept up with the standard of living among the elites at all (in other words the gap between the haves and the have-nots has grown wider throughout the past 60 years). rather, it would be true to say that the standard of living of a select few Thais has improved very satisfactorily (for them).

    Personally I do think that Thailand is on the verge of becoming a failed state, for all of the above reasons, and I am very far from being alone in this, in fact one prominent person spoke recently about the country 'falling in to ruin' as I recall. The Thais who are ruining Thailand are ruining it for all people who live here, Thais and ex-pats alike, this is the context of my previous comment. Thankfully, it is only a minority of Thais who are determined to maintain their present privileged positions who are doing the ruining, and (so far as I can see) are making a violent overthrow pretty much inevitable, but these are the ones with influence at the moment.

    To think that any of the above is not true is (I believe) to fail to see what is blindingly obvious. But that is only my opinion.

    Good post.

  14. Caf that was the truth. Last I HAD seen, it wasn't doing well,

    and I don't follow footie enough to keep current. Facts.

    I know how to play it and I follow big end of season match up when in the company of fans,

    but otherwise it's nothing too high on my radar at the best of times.

    And this change of topic was used to avoid discussing the due diligence issues.

    The OP points out they didn't vet him properly at all, and when the Sheik got the place it was

    A shambles and losing... last I had seen.

    I am of course happy MC is back on the tracks.

    One line out of several was singled out based on out dated information on my part.

    But that doesn't make it a lie either. Nor a reason to derail the actual point.

    You just can't admit you were wrong can you?

    And they did vet him and he passed the Premier League's 'Fit and Proper Persons Test', so do yourself and us a favour and stop posting on a topic you clearly know absolutely nothing about.

  15. There is a decison this afternoon opn whether to prosecute the cabinet of the time (Samak) for signing an international agreement backing the listing of the temple as a world heritage site without seeking parliamentary approval.

    As the site is not historically, culturally or even demarcated as Thai then no-one should be prosecuted for allowing the U.N. to come to the correct and fair decision to grant the area World Heritage Status.

    Just a bunch of sour grapes from the fascists, and really, their bullying and threats are getting awfully boring.

  16. Due diligence was not applied in vetting Thaksin in any way.

    MC is now at the bottom of the heap again; one bloke to blame.

    And he is such a wonderful business man, he can save the country from the world wide recession,

    but can't managed a footie team... Oh yeah lets give him back a nation to run in tough times.

    Yeah! Right! "That's the ticket!"


    If he was running the nation right now and the military hadn't stuck their oar in I'd warrant we'd be in a better position and more Thais would be better off.

    What an utter, utter mess it has turned out to be since the coup though.

    Citeh are doing fantastic after Thaksin's exit, the country certainly isn't.

  17. Be skeptical of BOTH.

    Yes, but more sceptical of the Thai Army, logical, given their past record as I clearly highlighted in my previous post.

    Why don't you look at Khmer record of twisting the facts and going bonkers before you give any credit to whatever accusation they come up now?

    I do, however the Thai Army simply cannot be trusted on this issue either.

  18. The Thais have a long, long history of shooting Cambodian civilians, indeed they massacred thousands fleeing from the Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese at Preah Vihear and were guilty of torture, thievery, rape and murder during the 70's and 80's, supplying Pol Pot and his KR Cadres with weapons, logistics, tactical support and even a special forces unit to guard Brother Number One himself. Unsurprising that Thai history books show none of these atrocities but rest assure the Cambodians remember them well.

    Some posters saying we should be wary of Cambodian propaganda, I'd suggest we are more sceptical of the Thai military's version of events given their atrocious record of deceit and lies when it comes to their conduct, most recently of course the murder of the Rohigyna boat people and subsequent cover-up.

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