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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. depends on you. i lived in thailand for a year and cambo for 3 months. they are so different. i personally like cambo more but it isnt nearly as beautiful as thailand and the food is poor quality. in thailand you can eat street food for cheap without problems. try that in cambo. the healthcare in cambo sucks. the people in cambo on a whole are much nicer and more genuine but speak less english. just depends on so many things

    You don't need to eat street food in Cambodia. A bowl of Vietnamese beef Pho in a proper air-con restaurant will only set you back a Dollar.

    I find the Cambodians friendlier also, but find their English to be far superior than the Thais.

  2. Democracy has not been re-established, nor was it really ever established. That said, it's a wonderful place to live and raise a family.

    Disagree. I'd never want my children educated here.

    Those who can afford it, all send their children abroad for education.

  3. This incident will not effect Thailands tourism any more than it already is.

    Headline news in Australia, it most certainly will have a damaging effect.

    Even though it seems to be hiding here in the Phuket local news forum with hundreds viewing and 14 pages of posts... :)

    All over a $60 beer mat.

    The Thais still have a lot to learn.

  4. I suspect she was drunk, was abusive to the police, etc. People often forget they are guests in this country, and should treat it and the people with utmost courtesy. I am amazed at the garbage attitude many farangs have toward Thailand. I think they should get out.

    I suspect the undercover or off-duty Thai Police were drunk, were abusive to the customers, etc. Thais often forget we are paying guests contributing to their country, and should treat us a with utmost courtesy. I am amazed at the garbage attitude many Thais have toward farangs. I think they should wise up.

  5. A mother of four is facing up to five years in a Thai prison after allegedly stealing a bar mat from an Aussie-theme bar in Phuket.

    Annice Smoel, 36, of Montrose in Melbourne's outer east, says she spent two nights in a four-by-four-metre jail with three other inmates before being released on bail.

    She says she was arrested by undercover police on May 3 after leaving the Aussie Bar.

    "I get very scared when I see police. I'm just trying to keep it together, so I can get home," she said.

    Thai police say she had stolen the bar mat and put it in her handbag.

    Ms Smoel told Radio 3AW this morning that she didn't do it.

    Australian mother accused of stealing Thai bar mat faces jail

    Massive story in Aussie right now!

    Apparently this has outraged the Aussies and even the PM has voiced his disapproval at the Thai justice system!

  6. There are huge numbers of highly skilled artists and craftspeople in Thailand. Thailand has far better offerings for tourists than faked gucci bags etc.

    Such as?

    Other than handmade trinkets and throwaway junk everything else is more expensive than back home, sometimes significantly more so.

    Someone mentioned it will drive tourists away--Do you really think people come here to buy fake designer products? And if they do, they are probably the same type of people who come here to get cheap drugs.

    Certainly many tourists buy copied goods when they come here. Whether that is their sole reason for coming I don't know but it will be a factor in many cases.

    It's a bit of a stretch to compare those buying a fake handbag on holiday with those filling a suitcase with pharmaceuticals to make profit back home.

  7. I have worked in Thailand for over 20 years, always in Thai organizations and companies. .......

    Before someone else comes up with a stupid list, think about why your staff don't respect you and fix it.

    At last, someone not talking out of that part they normally reserve for keeping a bar stool warm.

    Yes, because everyone that disagrees with you must be someone who "has no experience of working with Thais", a "Bar Stool Pundit", or "someone who needs to run down Thais." :)

    Quotes from your earlier post.

  8. I allow them to arrive late because I was with them the night before till late, so I know. If they are MSN-ing during the day, I don't care because they finish their work on time. Why worry about the small stuff?

    Before someone else comes up with a stupid list, think about why your staff don't respect you and fix it.

    Turning up late and not working is showing you respect? :)

    Sounds like they are taking advantage of you.

  9. The above is all true. More time than it is worth imo.

    Do what I did, and take your operations to India instead.

    Millions saved and our workforce is far more productive.

    You should also be very much aware of the ridiculous laws protecting Thai employees which makes it impossible to discipline and get rid of incompetent and dishonest staff.

    Hope Fisher & Paykel are prepared because my operations are of a similar size and we had nothing but problems here. One wonders if it was a gamble made in a drunken, horny night in Patpong rather than an informed decision. Time will tell.

    OMG are you serious?

    I have been working with Indians at all levels in Dubai for several years.

    Never ever again.

    Working in Thailand with Thai staff after years of working with Indian management, employees, customers and peers is a blessed relief.

    If I ever have to work with Indians again as 95% of my day to day contacts, I might just consider suicide.

    I would NEVER ever consider India as a place to do business, unless it was based on cost and never actually had to deal with Indians.

    Their education system is a nightmare. No critical thinking or logic or understanding required.

    Answer, and question. No grey area. No variables. No problem solving.

    Aggressive and rude traits generally.

    Very hierarchal. No initiative.


    a bloody nightmare.

    Thailand is paradise for dealing with people compared to India.

    Spend 6 months in India and you will end back here with a new appreciation for the people and culture.

    Either that, or you deserve to be in India.

    In which case, good luck

    The fact that you would "NEVER ever consider India as a place to do business" based on experience gained in Dubai renders your argument moot.

    When you have experience of owning and operating a business in India, which I do, then making a comparison with doing the same in Thailand, which I have done, then perhaps your comparisons would hold more water.

    Most international companies looking for a foothold in the developing World have chosen India. Indeed the country has skills which Thailand simply cannot offer, their proficiency in the English language is second to none in the developing World and the infrastructure for foreign companies looking to invest is better than its competitors.

    Thailand simply can't compete.

    I prefer living in Thailand though, which is why I do.

  10. In stark contrast with the Thaksin years where people were better off and prospered.

    Indeed, having cheap and toxic lao khao is often a sign of being better off and tremendous prosperity.

    Economic growth, GDP, income levels and a massive reduction in those living under the poverty line would be far better indicators I think.

    disagree.... that's the way it looks.

    The Democrats didn't only look unelectable for 10+ years because of their unpopular economic policies post 1997, they actually weren't elected! Indeed, they were defeated in three landslides!

    Fancy that!

    This Democrat government seems dead set on history repeating itself with these tax hikes.

  11. Talking of face, why is admin permitting mc2 to use a Thaksin mug shot as their avatar? :) There would be no LM implication for this forum would there?

    LM implication for having a Thaksin avatar ?

    please share your great knowledge of the LM law, because I fail to see the connection.

    No to LM.

    But the avatars of mc2 and Koo82, combined with their constant flow of pro-Thaksin propaganda. seem to me to be in violation of the rule on political lobbying in the Forum Rules:

    Please be informed that ThaiVisa is an apolitical discussion forum, meaning that we take an unbiased position in regard to political matters in Thailand. As such, ThaiVisa will not permit itself to become a sounding platform for members to lobby other members to effect changes to or suggestions on political issues or Thai government decrees. This does not mean that members cannot voice a political opinion as ThaiVisa is first and foremost a discussion forum, but lobbying for any kind of action is forbidden.

    Lucky for you the mods here seem flexible :D

    If that is the case then SJ, Plus, amongst others are equally, if not more guilty of political lobbying.

  12. Upholstery in the airport lounges is, at least, an improvement.

    Dont think they mean the departure gate.

    Reasons It will NEVER EVER EVER be a leading airport of the world compared to the likes of Singapore / Hong Kong.

    1. Immigration procedure can be slow, unfriendly, dedicated a whole immigration section to FastTrack (15 desks) never seen more than 6 people in the whole area.

    2. No Drinks/ Food available to purchase beyond security.

    3. No Free Wifi (Giving free Wifi would cripple the infrastructure of Thailands Bandwidth hence they do not offer it)

    4. Air Conditioning in Checkin / Immigration areas insufficient they thought with clever design they would not need it - Wrong

    5. Hard Seats referenced above.

    6. Theft from checked in baggage is a daily occurence.

    7. Duty Free Scams

    8. Taxi Touts

    9. Take off your belt and sometimes shoes depending on who you get at security - nonsense.

    Just a few starters. They will never achieve what they intend to be. HKG and SIN just no comparison, with SIN still in my opinion the best airport in the world and always will be.

    Good list but not complete. You forgot,

    Lack of proper security (example: the PAD airport takeovers).

    Tobacco scam by people posing as officials in the arrivals area.

    Parking is over-priced (see the emptiness of the long-term and short-term car parking areas for evidence).

    Inadequate and potentially dangerous location of the long-term parking area. No crosswalks, sidewalks or pedestrian crossings.

    No dedicated bus service to and from long-term parking instead travellers have to use airport employee bus service and it is woefully inadequate, impossible for those with large luggage or elderly.

    Airport grounds controlled by 3 mafia groups (by Thai Police admission).

    Cracked runways.

    Leaking roofs (still in evidence as of last week).

    Buses still used to ferry passengers to and from aircraft despite finger ports (docking stations) being empty.

    Not enough finger ports to support growing use of large A380 aircraft (Suvarnabhumi is already at capacity with 5).

    No dedicated LCC terminal.

    Capacity already met. A further increase in passenger traffic will render the airport at maximum operational capacity.

    Inadequate Duty Free allowance (not really an airport issue but a gripe nonetheless. Thailand allows me 1 litre of alcohol, most other countries allow 2).

  13. Thaksin is fast losing whatever bit of credibility he may have had - in the 'eyes of the world.'

    T smacked the floor of his rowboat with a sledgehammer when he insisted, during int'l viewed interviews on major TV news venues, that there were many covered up deaths during the Songkran riots. In other words, he insisted there were many killings of Red Shirts by soldiers in Bangkok - yet all indications are the soldiers showed incredible restraint, and there were nearly no injuries or loss of lives on their part.

    For any die-hard observers who had held on to the thought that Mr. "I'm Through With Politics" Thaksin had any credibility left after nine years of continuous lying, then those statements on Int'l TV should dispel the myth that Thaksin is anything more than a manipulating self-serving liar.

    This government are playing straight into his hands though, making him a martyr for the rural poor and now he's the figurehead of those dissatisfied with the military's continued involvement and interference in Thai politics.

    Of course you are assuming I meant Thai commandos...

    Which other country would bother getting involved? He isn't Radovan Karadic. :)

    You are going to have to face reality, as has been said from day one, he will never be captured and he will never see the inside of a jail cell if he ever returns to Thailand.

    Case in point: his ex-wife.

  14. By pursuing this course of action they are only helping Thaksin's cause and further legitimising the republican movement.

    Many Thais do not agree with these laws yet are too frightened to speak out.

    Another own-goal from this rudderless government.

    It seems they are determined to make a martyr out of him at any cost.

  15. The danger is that the British will vote in a right wing nationalist government.

    Britain's demise will then be complete. The country run under the jackboot of those my parents fought against.

    The global economic slowdown and harsh times in the UK at the moment will just add further fuel to the fire.

    The excuse for mass immigration was that they were 'needed', no excuses any more for more arrivals as unemployment hits 6 million. The immigrant populus becomes a resented burden.

  16. In general Thai women like young Thai guys.

    They don't really like Western men. They don't like our style, our attitude, our superior education, our habits, our sense of humour and they don't understand us, our culture nor our wants and our needs.

    There are exceptions but that's how it is.

    I know my Thai girlfriend is with me for financial betterment, as are many of my friends' Thai spouses (whether they know it or not).

    Now that's truism laugh.gif . Funny though, they think they look like Brad Pit when drunk (Brad pit's ass perhaps).

    Anyone can be Brad Pitt for a few thousand Baht.

    The sad truth of a nation that so willingly sells its daughters into sexual slavery.

    Of course a few thousand bath worth of booze will turned anyone into Brad Pit or Iron Mike Tyson, but it's not reality is it?

    Unfortunately it happens all over the world. The blame should ALSO be placed on the johns who frequented these places. If it was not in demand it wouldn't be for sale. NOT excusing the parents actions of course.

    Not on the massive scale that it does in Thailand.

    The demand in the main is local.

    Perhaps more a cultural problem than a foreign one, indeed, the first Western visitors to Thailand even remarked on the 'hospitality'.

  17. Reading that original post, it makes me wonder why the Western world is a right fuc_kin' mess and Thailand is doing ok.

    Military coup, judicial coup, riots over Songkran, attempted assassinations in middle of Bangkok, continuing political protests, airport shutdowns, border skirmishes with Cambodia, Government House under siege for months, tourism down an estimated 50% this first quarter, economy in recession and set to shrink at least 3% this year, etc, etc, etc.

    I'd hate to see it when it really is in a mess.

  18. Sad reality, just like increase in military budget - all those coups and coalitions need to be paid for, that's the price for keeping Thaksin at bay.

    So why aren't they being paid with the estimated $38 Billion fortune of those that ordered them?

    I doubt grass roots spending can turn the situation around on its own, it's a question of surviving through the worst period relatively unscathed, same as Dems did for the country in 97-99 when they were presented with 17 billion dollar debt negotiated by Thaksin's personal banker.

    Bitter medicine and the people suffered while certain institutions got fat off profits. The CPB being a prime example.

  19. Speaking of cracked runways... the air strip for his private jet might be a bit tricky on this listing to starboard island.


    He'll land on the mainland and take the chopper over, silly. :D

    Looks like a great place for a commando raid to scoop him up

    and drop him a swampy too.

    Considering the Thais got a bloody nose in recent border skirmishes with the Cambodians I doubt very much that they have the wherewithal to succeed in such a daring, covert operation.

    Indeed, if the courts were that desperate to see him serve his punishment why did they let him leave in the first place?

    It seems incredulous, to have him leave under permission yet attempt to bring him back with a covert military operation on foreign soil. :D

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