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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. Khun Abhisit was the best thing that ever happened to Thailand. Such a shame his premiership occurred during the GFC, otherwise many things could've occurred differently. Additionally as most of you should know, a lot of policies in politics take quite a few years to filter through to the people; many of his policies would have helped the rural population of Thailand........ had they been given the opportunity to.

    'His' policies just mirrored those of the previous Thaksin and Thaksin proxy governments.

    Took a while for the Democrats to actually wake up and see that populist policy was the only way forward to compete in an election.

    The damage was done in the 90's for the Dems though, people still remember the corruption in their ranks and their 'Bitter Medicine' policies, and a lot of the same players are still around (Suthep, Chuan etc) thus rendering them pretty much unelectable. It's also a major reason why Thaksin's populist policies were such a welcome change, especially in the North and NE, where people endured hard times under the corrupt Dems in the 90's.

  2. Maybe they didn't use lethal force to evict the yellow shirts out of the airport because they were peacefully protesting without machine guns and grenade launchers.

    And they were not invading hospitals and using there children as shields.

    They initially took the airport by force.

    The protesters turned up later, once the area was secured by the paramilitary element of the yellow shirts who were armed.

    I know, because I was at the airport when the takeover began.

  3. If you are in Cambodia TGM and other Thai made meat products are 50-70% cheaper than in Thailand.

    In Phnom Penh Bayon Market is a good place to start. Packs of pepperoni, salamis, bacon and hot dog sausages as well as other Thai made meats upwards of 150thb per Kilo.

  4. I would love to see some statistics in real terms of how much money Thailand is losing year by year with it`s every dwindling tourist industry.

    Here are some statistics that show that you don't know what you're talking about. "Dwindling tourist industry" my arse!

    2011 19,500,000 +22.00%

    2010 15,936,400 +12.63%

    2009 14,149,841 -2.98%

    2008 14,584,220 +0.8%

    2007 14,464,228 +4.65%

    2006 13,821,802 +20.01%

    2005 11,516,936 -1.15%

    2004 11,650,703

    If you believe those stats, in particular the last 5 years then I suggest you do not have a clue what you are talking about!

    19.5 million people came here this year! laugh.gif

    Oh ma sides!

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