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About MarleyMarl

  • Birthday 08/05/1980

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  1. Same thing happened to me at Bangkok Bank where my company has an account. It’s a big branch in a stand-alone building, tried selling some b.s. insurance product. Politely said no, then got it’s “full”. It’s very frustrating.
  2. There is some good content but most of it is annoying and having them come up in my feed are people who lived here for 6 months talking like they are experts in all things Thailand.
  3. Let guess, if you live here, pay taxes, you still get hit with this...
  4. The alternative, which is how Biden left Afghanistan seems worse than carefully planning an exit. The hasty exit gave the Taliban billions in military equipment to use/sell, and US troops and other innocents died. The spending has been huge in Bidens presidency too. I don’t know the finer details on all their policies. As an outsider, and trying to be objective, Trump presidency wasn’t that bad. He is not without his flaws, like Biden. But for the last 8 years, the media/dems relentlessly attack anything he does and makes up so much crap I.e. Russian collusion and several other b.s. impeachment attempts, all proven wrong. It is so obvious the machine does not like the orange man.
  5. If you have any ounce of reason, are a centrist on most issues, you are far right.
  6. 2016 - 2020 was a pretty good time for the world, except for covid. No new wars, Abraham peace accords, plans to pull out of Afghanistan properly, making peace with North Korea, keeping sanctions and restricting funding for Iran. I'm not American, but objectively it's hard to see what the big deal was, democracy did no die, WW3 did not happen, economy was booming. I guess if all you do is watch CNN all day, and go along with the agenda.
  7. I usually buy all my stuff from JIB online, and it comes to my house in a few hours, pretty amazing convenience. Never had an issue.
  8. Here is a view with Hornbill on from my first apartment/condo in Bangkok back in 2009.
  9. KWEB - Chinese tech ETF (up 20% on this already). BATT - EV/Battery manufacture/material ETF. Third pick, I'm not sure, been looking at GRAB recently, or just continue to DCA into A200/VHY.
  10. In my Kbank and Krungsri I was able online to add my account from back home and transfer out, though I think for Kbank I had to fill a PDF document before it would get added as an option. Also my wife was able to send money to my foreign account without hassle from her account.
  11. Just make sure if you buy through your company, you have control over who owns the other half of the company (if not US amnesty treaty company), you could also buy under your company then have the company lease it back to you for 30 years, but for it to be official you have to pay some tax on it and it goes onto the title deed. It's worth taking as many extra precautions as possible. If you are new to Thailand also, I would just rent for the first few years.
  12. Probably more than putting solar on every house on the island?
  13. Just putting this out there, I've lived here for over 10 years and never done a 90day report, and never paid more than 2k thb fine come extension renewal time...
  14. Some of these shop houses have been standing for 80+ years, I doubt they're going anywhere fast.
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