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Everything posted by Rhys

  1. Send in Darrell Brooks to the meetings, and what justification does the good captain have then?
  2. Richard click on the space with an ariel battle with....... It did not come out in the copy.. it states Ultraman..
  3. Original Mothra first appeared in 1961 and disappeared before fighting and being killed by Godzilla in 1964, however her child survived and ended up aiding Godzilla against King Ghidorah. She once again appeared in 2017, after the awakening of her evil twin Battra. After Battra in a city, in an attempt to wipe out all of humanity, defeating the AKDF and getting into an ariel battle with Ultraman Legacy, Mothra appeared and attacked Battra, turning the tide of the battle. Legacy and Mothra quickly joined forces, and together the two managed to defeat Battra. After the Shobijin bid humanity farewell, Mothra flew off back to Infant Island. Thanks mate, but it appears that the two have met...
  4. Well good on you mate for letting your fingers do the work... Do you have enough of the Thai flavor of teaching situations? Seems your going to try for the junior-senior high level students.. .hmm.. that can be a disaster and a complete discouraging experience or you can luck out and hit a homer. Pay.. all various levels.. even at some unis even with an MA...some start you out at 30K .. sad to report.. I Have taught in the rural village high schools with an Government Agency, and that was a blast, because you had the support of the Government resources, and the focus was different. Later on into the unis and some issues and then a great administration, then key people retire and the new crew of XXXXX come in and muck it up.. thus the exodus. Someone wrote it early on this thread.. if you want to come experience Thailand and give Teaching a try go for it.. it will be a year of adaptation. You can search for the organization that provide program placements for a fee. Since you are new to this you need to put in the time and jump the hoops. As far as your degrees, all part of the game, however many schools do keep a watchful eye out for the SO-CALLED - Degree. Come for the fun but then go back and get a proper degree that will allow more acceptance with better qualifications. Cheers
  5. Yike mate sorry to hear this.. hmmm, sadly, you are going to have to endure this... or... for a really good night sleep find a guest house closer to your favorite part of town before you move out from your lease...
  6. Explanation regarding the death of the fish?
  7. Motorcycle alert.. RIP to the familes.
  8. Took the CB 500X to the shop to have the under engine bash/skid plate installed.. only 100 baht for the labor.
  9. Like CS45 this LOON will pull the same strategy and receive the same pass.
  10. Because this guy is better.
  11. I daresay, a bit on the old monty aye?
  12. Where ever the Young, fresh, creative, flexible and an intense desire to please... reside.
  13. Oh Really, they are toking up now to consider the next ..store front.
  14. WAD, he did not display his WEED FOR ALL shop prominently over the store?
  15. First conditional, <deleted> sense.. lets see, he lets his offspring play in the freeway, if they get hit, then he will make more...
  16. I was having a bit of thumb pain... So I built up my grips with Tennis re-grips/over grips seems to help.. very easy to apply..
  17. It will be interesting to learn of the Froggie's' reason for this attack, yet still not acceptable,.. off with the frog's' left testicle..
  18. Bro.. if it smells like it, avoid it... don't loose your money.. in the end a good deal will become a money pit.
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