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Posts posted by Rhys

  1. SAD, Sad, SAD....This was a turkey shoot... The Army will now strut around, with even a more upturned now.

    We shall never know..what the intel on the situation was like. A mixture of business interest and "THIS IS THAILAND.

    Yet what does this say, when the masses rise with primative weapons, against M-16As....This is only a small gambit..More comming soon.. Lock and Load

    Stay Frosty :o

  2. WAD...They did not do it the old fashion Essan way... Someone did not take the test for her? Certainly would have saved the trouble..

    I do recall a certain PM needed a MBA..and had trouble... writing his name in English... because that was the only English skill he had developed.. Obviously, he had more important things to do. LOL

    Actually, feel sorry to the kid.. But I hear MC Donald's is hiring?

    The whole things is too funny.. First, the Oh.. that's not my money,, then the son, oh..those notes in my back pocket..only waste paper to wipe my behind, now..Oh..dad, could I have the test, so I can pass... Besides, send the C student to her dad's unversity..already...

    Hey, but doesn't "stuff" like this happen in your own backyards.

    Take a look at all the black Athletes getting the short end of the stick, while the college get rich off their sporting performance..

    How many of those folk passed the SATs....OR attend class, but I do admired those who got a B in Introduction to Walking 101.

    LET them have at it.. YES, those degrees are not accepted..rightly so..

    But alas.. The new Curiculum at Chula should include:

    Introduction to Mia Noi 101, Advanced Mia Noi Techniques, Thesis Project

    Education can be a dangerous things..... ASK THAT DAX SIN Dude

  3. Is true that the swatsika was / is a religious symbol at one time? Valid question here...

    Oh..please the culture police need only look at the waste of money and tasteless fashion a few months back on the main drag.

    I have seen Buddha boobing head on the dashboards.. so

    Needless to say it was one of the Khun Ying types..you know the type.. the hair thing..and penciled in eyebrows.. that saw the add..

    Pray for hot weather :o

  4. Do agree with the English use in China, as I have been involded in that area.. What a pleasure to read a "perfect sentence," and to have it written clearly.

    Hmm not much else to say, but the Lingual Franca is a key point in English learning in Thailand or unless a supermotivated Thai students want to go for a scholarship and study abroad.

    Mix and Match with THAI Nationals as English teachers... Some are truly gifted educators,and then the others have been "assigned to teach"the class.

    But again here.. the money talk and the BS walks.

    Yet in the end, a smile and a few words in Thai to Thai Nationals make it easy..They know you are trying, the meta communication comes across, unless you're DH. "We have seen the UGLY American"..and others...

    I'm an Asian American born in CA..but living in Thailand people mistake me for a Look Krueng... I have had this conversation in Thai many times.. and even from westerners on the sky train.. Your English is very good, where did you study? Your accent is excellent... <deleted>... Then I smile.

    From the days of the dirt floor classroom to the shinny and clean classroom floors of KKU, and CMU, ...hard to believe it.. but the Ministry of Education, has actually made progress.. in English teaching, contrary to what we read, and hear. Ff they could keep the dudes out of the way, and let the women do the job... But...

    Insightful curricululm planning, interactive approaches, and a native teacher or non-native teachers with excellence pronunciation will do it.

    SORRY...the English Teachers with the rolling "r"s an "b" or "p" don't help. Take them out coach. The medium is the message.... Go do. :o

  5. Having worked in the Burmese Refugee camps and dealing with the various GOs NGOs...It is wise to pick the battles. Too much sadness occurs in the camp, yet you cannot help but admire the determination of the DP...and that of some of the workers in the field.. not in the AC offices,scooting around for funding to justify themselves and payoff the ""T"" officials.. :o

  6. The standard approaches to presentation are given at EF, BC..those places.. I do think there is a Toastmasters in Thailand/BKK.. locate the Toastmasters internationalist site.

    However, you are in a different situation at the format changes, thus the techniques are not applicable.. for example.. ask a Thais to turn off their telephone during a presentation.. or answering the call while your are moving to the next point.


  7. Bash..the Thai Thai Thai works for the you you you...

    Alas, it is the Ph.D. woman lying about having a MP patron.. and saying I don't have a boyfriend.. then having the MP call your work place and threating the director to fire your BUTT.. then sending out... the threat squad..

    BUT the fun part.. the MP using the director...as a mouth piece.. Did you sleep with her?

    That's a fun Lock and load

    for many of the Thai women, even the ones with the alphabets at the end of their name.. honesty is like a complex sentence they just never seem to understand or get right. :o

  8. While I'm still here for another month. I will enjoy my daily "information load" from sage warriors. A different approach.. I tire of endless do gooders from the NGOs, the GO, the missionaries....no that mercenaries....

    The quick information hits are good... The rest.. well it is the same and fullfills.

    Catching the set.. high speed low drag gents :o

  9. Spend sometime upcountry helping in an NGO program.. give your time, not money...AS for BKK...you have already done it. The making merit THANG does not do it for you.. so... do some exercise... play tennis, join a fitness club, swim,...yes you can do those things in BKK..and you'll meet some interesting people.

    Your night wandering patrols on Sukhumvit.. need to stop, your checking out Siam Center, need to be short. and you need to stop jeeping sow..

    Then.. dealing with the alone factor is part of it... DEAL with IT..

    Red Flags are posted at home.. deal with that as well..

    Best wishes mate :o

  10. Dudes....if she is like a dog..do it on the paper...

    If she is like a cat...do it in the kitty litter..

    If you treat them like a hag...u get the rag.

    The college age female at time can be interesting but of course..it is not the same thrill of the moment...

    Actually the Cocktail waitresses are fun.. it is dark... and and the end .. you really don't care.

    Do have to agree... seeing a fine young Thai BABE.. with an "Crafty Older Gent" is a bit much.. Oh..the wonders of the Pfizer riser.. TRT has :D not outlawed that yet.... :o

  11. When the time comes, I will return these immigration challenges in spades to the Thai officials acrross the pond.

    Outta here....but enjoying that last of it before I leave

    EACH orrifce at the I office does not know Shinola from Fecal material. The Good Constable up in CM... An interesting X.... but we know april fooles are special.

    Yes Times are changing.... and we shall overcome... WE have a cause..and our wrath.. .will come... for it is written....For he ....wait a minute BEER Break.. :o

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