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Posts posted by sunnymarky

  1. First of all, I will state that I'm a pretty loyal customer of Airasia, and I've had no problems at all with their service as well as their prices (I get what I pay for).

    In my most recent trip, and even on many recent press releases, they boasted that according to Skytrax, they're now the world's best low cost airline.

    "AirAsia has been named the world's best low-cost carrier by Skytrax, a Britain-based consultancy that rates commercial airlines..."

    "We are very honoured to triumph over other low-cost carriers like Ryanair, easyJet and Southwest Airlines," he said.


    However, I checked the Skytrax website just now, and I can't seem to find any reference at all to Air Asia being the "best" low-cost airline in the world... not even an "indirect" statement which 'may be' interpreted to say that Air Asia is the "best low-cost" airline in the world.

    If it's true that they are, am I missing something here??

    If, on the other hand, it's a blatant lie, why has Skytrax not said anything?


    Skytrax Website Regarding Low Cost:


    Yes you're missing this


    I'm not sure how they measured it though and if you look at the winners in some of the other categories they seem equal perverse IMHO.

    Airasia can claim what they want. They give C R A P service

  2. However, a spokesman for Thonglor police said:

    "We have new information and are confident of making an arrest."

    Mr Riach last night distanced himself from criticisms of the police. He said: "If there is one thing I want to get across it is that I do not blame Thailand or the Thais for this. It could happen in many places.

    Believe in fairies if you want. this may get more attention because of the publicity . FACT IS, Hundreds of these smiliar "muggings": on Falang get very little police investigation

  3. First, I want to offer my heartfelt condolences to the family. This is a tragedy that never should have happened. Unfortunately, as has been pointed out by others, these types of crimes seem to increase as the economy worsens, and there really is very little the police can do about it.

    Second, about 6 months ago an American expat was buying a new gold necklace for his wife at the Tesco/Lotus on the way to Hang Dong. This individual is not an imposing figure at 172 cm tall and 66k, with a slender, athletic build, even at the age of 60. As he was closing out the sale he noticed two young Thai boys who seemed to be taking an interest in him. He pretended to not to notice, while keeping an eye on them. As he left the store and headed to his motorbike, out of the corner of his eye he saw the two young men from the store come out and motion to two other men about their ages who were straddling motorbikes. The man went to his own bike, which happens to be a new CBR 150, and pulled out of the parking area wearing his full helmet as if nothing in the world was wrong. As soon as he pulled out onto the highway he saw the 2 motorbikes following him. He gradually increased his speed until he reached the intersection of the highway which would take him home. He gunned the bike around the curve, went about 200 meters and then stopped and got off the bike, removing his helmet, and waited for them.

    Sure enough, they came around the corner, and when they saw him standing there they just laughed and stopped their own bikes and got off, thinking they had easy pickings. It took less than 30 seconds to be over with. The police were then called and soon arrived, and then the ambulances, which took the 4 young men to the hospital.

    It turns out that the "little old farang" they targeted had spent 20 years in Special Forces, and now unofficially works as a self-defense martial arts instructor for a local police unit. Naturally he had to go to the station to file a report as to what happened, but was not arrested or charged with anything, while the 4 boys were charged with assault and attempted theft. As one officer put it: "They picked the wrong farang to f _ _ k with!"

    This story never made the news, but I can vouch for it because that farang was me.

    Good for you mate, Hope you made a good job of faces and bodies of the Thai Boy Scum

  4. Lets all be clear and honest those of us living in this country know only too well how the law works or doesn't work here. If you want the Police the launch a serious investigation into catching criminals (particularly Thefts and muggings) you are "whistling in the wind" to use an idiom. Law enforcement , investigation on a lower level is not a priority. PERIOD.

    How many people living here would expect a thorough investigation if they were murdered? It would be a Thai style investigation.. :) enough said.

    Condolences to the Lydia and my prayers for her and family.

  5. You are required to pay employees the 10 holidays
    So China has 10 paid holiday days per year. I believe that's what my contract says as well.

    I started this thread as a clearly labeled comparison of my experiences in living in Beijing and in Thailand. You have hijacked it to southern China, to Vietnam, to US State Dept warnings and you just keep at it, trying to find any way you can to continue to split hairs. Your avatar shows your bias and your defensive posts certainly indicate your deep love of the nation, so you're in the right place.

    But because you worked in some sh*thole in south China that isn't everyone's experience, so why don't you just give it a break?

    Lived and work in China 2 years, Shanghai , Beijing, Hainan. I worked as I wanted (hours and days) . If you work as an employee then its s h i t. Holidays are infrequent. Of course the other negatives are Pollution, over population and lack of western food products ( even in the big cities) combined with the the lack of variety in Chinese food( although Thai diet is same) . Dont want to ever hear anyone telling me about blandness of British food ever again because it "aint" and never has been true. Adding chillies , spicies and oil to a food doesn't make it so wonderful.

  6. Yeah, the thing about websites like saveflights.com is that you cannot check whether a fare is actually available on the date you wish to travel. So the "The 22,000 THB tickets are no longer available, the current price is 32,000" answer is probably quite common.

    However, we are living in the 21st century and there are websites where you can instantly check if a fare is available. I can recommend www.moxtravel.com for flights from Bangkok. Great fares, convenient payment, efficient service. I used to book with saveflights, now i am with Mox.

    Has anyone used saveflights.com by transferring money to their bank account and then they issue an e-ticket by email? I am a little unsure of this method. When I asked if I can go to their office in Bangkok to pay, so I dont transfer money and get no ticket , I was told not possible :)

  7. Amazing how much anger there is out there towards brits. I guess it must make weak minded people feel more secure and confident (maybe they've got small willies or something) bashing people of another nationality in a vain attempt to prop up their flagging ego and libido. Ah well us Brits are very self deprecating anyway so we don't take it to heart - just have another beer and SMILE

    I am British and will condemn foul mouthed , dangerous , yobbish Brits in Thailand , So should you

  8. Quote"Let's call it freedom. If it's not a good place to go to, why don't you go to Ibiza? No cheap girls? Time for you to wake up". End Quote

    Freedom? 12,000 traffic road deaths a year , many Drink related. You call it freedom.. hmmm , says it all about your ideals? Fed up with too expensive Ibiza? so lets go to Thailand where "freedom" allows me to behave like the a s s h o le I was in the Uk

  9. British boys - don't be so quick to shit on your country, while it is going down hill rapidly (mainly cos of the open gate policy with the EU) the U.S have slums and gettos that make our council estates look like holiday camps. We had Hungerford in my life time, they get Hungerford once a week.

    Apologies for abridging your post, but, felt I had to comment.

    Maintain a property in Newbury (Market town beside Hungerford) for the ex and lived there up till 2003. It was Michael Ryan who went crazy with his AK47 and the 9mm browning, that he then took his own life with, my ex lost an eldery aunt in the carnage.

    This was a madman, target shooting in the woods who attacked (Sexually) a young mother, then went on a killing spree throughout the high street.

    That sort of unplanned, slaughter does not really happen in the US of A, what does happen is school massacres, same as what happened at Dunblane primary school in 1996. When all the school children were slaughtered, prompting the hand gun ban in the UK.

    ABSOLUTE RUBBISH. The USA have guns as a fashion accessory and hundreds of random , unstable crazed gun related killings every week, that are NOT the school massacres which occur every so often. In fact we must be due one soon

  10. As a British expat in Thailand it sickens me when I see some of these "Scum Young Male Brits" with their dangerous loud mouth, filthy behaviour. One of the reasons I left Uk and worked In Thailand , China, Hong Kong is to escape the yobbish culture that ran like a sewer through Britains society. I am not often in any tourist area in Thailand but when I visit I am disgusted by some of the antics. Frankly these idiots can kill themselves on motorbikes. it does us all a favour , sadly it impacts on others in the country.

    When teaching in China recently I was always explaining to students , teachers and others who had this "image" of most males from Uk being "British gentlemen". I would kill it stone dead and explain it was from a bygone era, a time when "good behaviour and respect" could be attributed to 95% of young to middle aged men in the country

  11. 6 weeks ago my 2 MB package with T.O.T. was absolutely abismall so we went into their office to complain of the poor service i.e. continually disconnecting etc. Their excuse was, "Now there are so many users that you are now the last house to receive the signal, you need to up rate to a 4MB but this is expensive." OK, to save all of the stress with not having a good or no connection at all, we agreed to have this package. It's now worse than ever!!!! Ever been conned or what? We are continually on the telephone to them making complaints.

    Same with True,( renamed screw) . They just tell you . "Well many users online" Thailand Internet is petty pathetic anyway.PERIOD

  12. The internet these days are HORRIBLE, since the last 3 weeks its been so slow! I'm with TRUE and going on sites like facebook and etc take ages, also playing online is very laggy. It seems my connection is jumping up and down. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    true connection is notorious for being really slow at peak times , evenings 7-10pm. I dumped them some months ago

  13. Anyone thinking of leaving Thailand if Thaksin comes back to power? I am planning to give back my Thai ID and return to Germany should Thaksin ever comes back to power in Thailand.

    don't be such a cry baby.

    as long as fair elections are held .... without military, political, and particularly 'elite' meddling (this was the fate of previous and current governments), then the results should be respected no matter who comes to power.

    if thaksin or one of his family members comes to power than part of democracy is respecting the outcome. if you can't do that, well ..... bye bye :)

    Well look see its a Thaksin Mouth piece, Thaksin who has puppet strings on elastic for his henchmen here in Thailand, As he travels the world hides and gets thrown out of countries one by one when they dont want him.

    If you think the disturbances of recent times were bad be ready for hel_l if a fixed election occured again and its lead instigator returned. Issan and Chiang Mai, Bribery and Corruption centre of South East Asia.

  14. Just happy that the best team won :D

    Australia have lost 3 of their last 4 test series,

    There are other cricketing countries as good as if not better than the current Australian team/squad. They haven't replaced many good players recently retired.

    I did hear on radio that in Australia yesterday morning they were celebrating winning the Womens under 21 World netball championship. :) , trying to avoid the word DEFEAT in sport for the nation at sport.

    Of course Aussie Rules Football would be easy to win in an international competition :D

  15. Where they belong?

    They never leave Lords - the Aussies only ever got a 50 Baht copy! :)


    Actually you are wrong.

    It's so nice to see Ponting after having his words shoved up his digireedoo after he mocked Englands team changes before the last test. So much for the almighty Aussie batting line up..FLOPPED

    Ohhh sunnymarky, you're a sweet kid.

    Haha... Touched someones sensitivity, Im not sweet and certainly my remarks are never that of a kid

    Just give the Aussies what they don't like. I not heard any "Whinging " yet. .. well a few words about standard of umpiring , but gotta take it on the chin and say "we were beaten by the better side" :D:D:D .. I wonder if that quote has come from an Aussie?

  16. "there was neither conflict with the legislative branch nor a policy clash to warrant a snap election...."....but there are other 'conflicts' warranting a snap election.

    the pro-democracy forces are gathering, and becoming telescopically focussed on an election...nothing else.

    an election focussed BKK rally next Sunday bringing this issue squarelly into focus

    these forces are continuing to be ignored at his peril.

    how long can they continue to be stonewalled?

    we may not be at the end of this cobbled together government, but I can see the end from here.

    your red shirt buddies and the guy in your photo hoping for a return to power? No chance Well unless you bribe your electorate again ,, just like the Fake signatures of the Joke pardon for the Criminal EX PM s Royal Pardon

  17. Road safety now a national agenda

    BANGKOK: -- Road accident prevention has been put on the national agenda with the aim of cutting the annual death toll by half within the next decade, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Thursday.

    Mr Abhisit was addressing a seminar of the Network for Road Safety held in Bangkok this morning.

    The prime minister said more than 12,000 people were killed in road accidents last year, an average of 33 road deaths a day.

    Traffic accidents were costing the country several hundred billion baht in economic losses each year.

    To achieve the goal, the government had set up a centre for road safety and was in charge of road accident prevention throughout the country.


    -- Bangkok Post 2009-08-20

    It does make one chuckle :) , I live in a town or small city 100 KMs north of Bangkok and it has busy roads intersections ,junctions converging . It is basically bedlam on the roads at peak hours and even in off peak times it is very busy . With shops and markets alomgide all these roads there are vehicles (usually pick ups and motorbikes) parked, often Double parked, as a policeman looks on as well :D . I have seen 3 accidents in the last 2 months with motorbikes usually involved , but the craziest part of all of this is the fact there is not ONE single pedestrian crossing, even where there are a 4 way set of traffic lights and shops all around people have to dodge the traffic to cross. I see how drivers know how to push the traffic lights to the extreme, going through red because they have 5 seconds before the green showing on another queue. Near misses are regular. Of course all this happens while one or two "policemen" :D are sat in their box watching TV.

    Of course Abhsit won't get far with this. Law enforcement is needed by the Police and he ain't gonna get far pushing that agenda.

    A mad place that is probably mirrored in other areas in Thailand. I leave here at the end of my employment next month. Now... I have to go get some food at the TOPS across the road.. Wish me luck

  18. KLM ROCKS!!!

    The wife, little one and I check-in early enough at BKK to enjoy some lounge time. The boarding is always sensible, non-rushed and organised and we are on the way well before midnight. Nice meal (don't forget to order breakfast!) and a decent nap. Thanks for the extra blanket for the wee one! A pretty awesome breakfast it is before a pre-dawn arrival in AMS. Schiphol is great at this time of the day, hardly anyone about but the essential shops are already open and DF purchases are done easily as we have enough time before the onward 1-hour hop to ABZ. The bags are on the carousel within 10 minutes of clearing immigration at the end of the journey and we are home in time for breakfast.

    On the way back, the afternoon hop back to AMS leaves us enough time to relax in the lounge at Schiphol and another well managed boarding and an on-time push-back. We used to like the cosy seats at the front of the 747 but 'now we are three', the upstairs cabin is better. The meals service from their home-base facilities are even better and the arrival time after lunch in BKK always assures a fast track through Immigration with the bags already on the carousel. Home in time for dinner!

    Always on time, Schiphol is a user-friendly hub versus my options of LHR or even worse CDG. One plane-change, super friendly cabin staff that always have time for a chat. Three round-trips in less than a year; never misses a beat.

    Oh... your freebie MILES have expired. Sorry, I thought this was an anti-KLM thread.

    BTW, I think if you make just one flight on KLM, Air France or Kenya Airlines within 6-months of the expiration, they will reinstate the 'lost' miles. Bloody <deleted> eh?

    more about praise of Schipol than KLM. Can't escape the fact their service sucks and for the price they charge, scandalous. Yes why not keep this ANTI KLM thread going

    Righty ho sunny... seems you need some eyeglasses. The bits in blue were "praise of Schiphol", the rest is ALL about wonderful, convenient, economical and enjoyable KLM and their service.

    Have you tried their late afternoon all-business class Boeing 737-700BBJ service non-stop AMS to Houston lately? Imagine, just 40 passengers so boarding and deplaning is done in 10 minutes! Awesome eh? It leaves Amsterdam at the quietest spell in the day and arrives in Houston after the evening rush-hour... dare I say again, in time for dinner. The return is similarly well timed to avoid the local bottlenecks with ample but never lengthy layovers between connecting flights. The service onboard is top-of-the-line with the PrivatAir cabin crew trained to KLM standards.

    Oh, I see your disenchantment is based on a single flight taken 8 years ago. Sorry, for a moment I mistook you for a serious flyer.

    Well , I think you only comment on flights to the USA. You know there is a world outside the "Big Mouth country". My experience is europe to Asia and comments from fellow travellers and just remember KLM prices are the highest . I think the company has many problems , industrial relations wise and financially. no surprise there.

  19. Sorry Wolfie... When I say "Sunday roast," I don't mean just the hunk of meat... I mean... EVERYTHING.... Choice of meats, veggies, potatoes, salads, deserts, etc etc... A roast MEAL... Now, if your wife prepared all that.... that sounds GOOD!!! Hehehehe.... But I'm thinking she doesn't, nor is mine likely to.

    Barrella, I gather from what you say about the Black Swan, that it is not a buffet...but rather, is a single plate serving... Yes??? I haven't eaten there, although it's very close to my home. In the past couple years here on TV, from what I've seen, there hasn't been any particular comment from numbers of folks recommending the food there. So I've never yet tried. But I may now...although probably Huntsman first this weekend.

    One reason I like the buffet approach like Molly Malone's is not necessarily because I'll eat so much/more. But rather, with a buffet, everyone can be happy. My TGF who dearly loves BEEF can eat her heart out on their roast beef. While I tend to prefer their lamb, but I'll usually have a helping of beef and a helping of pork as well.. She loves broccoli... they have it...and she can have as much as she wants. I like au gratin potatoes... same for me. She doesn't like pasta salad... No problem, just skip it... Buffets make those kinds of things easy.

    First Sunday Lunch at MM today and I would say it was good for the price, Not 349 Baht as advertised, 373 Bht (7% tax added). Roast Lamb was good , Would have like to see more veg , just broccoli and carrots but a glass of wine, Apple crumble and custard, and a pot of tea all included thats good value. Just one criticism . I wish the plates were hot or even warm. They were stone cold which makes the food go cold fast, I know Thais dont mind eating cold rice , meat and veg I certainly dont like my Sunday roast cold after 5 minutes.

    I will go back ,but hope the management of MMs read this thread.I think constructive criticism should be welcome

  20. KLM ROCKS!!!

    The wife, little one and I check-in early enough at BKK to enjoy some lounge time. The boarding is always sensible, non-rushed and organised and we are on the way well before midnight. Nice meal (don't forget to order breakfast!) and a decent nap. Thanks for the extra blanket for the wee one! A pretty awesome breakfast it is before a pre-dawn arrival in AMS. Schiphol is great at this time of the day, hardly anyone about but the essential shops are already open and DF purchases are done easily as we have enough time before the onward 1-hour hop to ABZ. The bags are on the carousel within 10 minutes of clearing immigration at the end of the journey and we are home in time for breakfast.

    On the way back, the afternoon hop back to AMS leaves us enough time to relax in the lounge at Schiphol and another well managed boarding and an on-time push-back. We used to like the cosy seats at the front of the 747 but 'now we are three', the upstairs cabin is better. The meals service from their home-base facilities are even better and the arrival time after lunch in BKK always assures a fast track through Immigration with the bags already on the carousel. Home in time for dinner!

    Always on time, Schiphol is a user-friendly hub versus my options of LHR or even worse CDG. One plane-change, super friendly cabin staff that always have time for a chat. Three round-trips in less than a year; never misses a beat.

    Oh... your freebie MILES have expired. Sorry, I thought this was an anti-KLM thread.

    BTW, I think if you make just one flight on KLM, Air France or Kenya Airlines within 6-months of the expiration, they will reinstate the 'lost' miles. Bloody <deleted> eh?

    more about praise of Schipol than KLM. Can't escape the fact their service sucks and for the price they charge, scandalous. Yes why not keep this ANTI KLM thread going

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