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Posts posted by ihunnieibee

  1. Please help! I have been to a few weddings here but I'm not sure where I stand about tomorrow.

    This wedding is a friend/co-worker of my boyfriend.

    I have a dress that I've worn before to weddings and it's fine but I really don't want to wear the same one again.

    So I know it's taboo in American weddings to wear white. I have an ivory dress that I want to wear and it isn't too fancy but nice for an event such as a wedding. It isn't a gown or anything, I wanna know can I wear it?

    I need help :/

  2. This kind of thing has happened to me too but it was around my university it was always some guy sitting on a motorbike waiting a few steps down where the road curved as I walked to the university he would make moaning sounds and say "uhh uhh oh yeah" i never tried to make eye contact with him but it happened SO MANY TIMES and I told some people but everyone just said "ignore it ignore it"

    I just started entering my uni from the back way since I started taking the MRT instead of the BTS but I've had people follow me home before but good thing there is a guy who watches out for me in my soi because he is the one that told me I was being followed I didn't even know >.< basically he told him to F-off..

    Also I've been stalked in NYC, had been told that a guy was looking through my apartment window at times and would get someone ringing my bell at 3-4am and also one night i felt like i heard someone open my door while I was sleeping.

    These things are really scary I feel sorry for you :( I hope that you can get control in this situation or some help but I understand how you feel when you don't think you can do anything because it's hard to be able to have someone with you 24/7 but also after something like this happens it's hard to walk confidently without becoming paranoid

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  3. If you have some extra funds then why not enroll in some International University classes..even for just one semester (maybe you can earn credit for your current uni too perhaps? ..not sure how that works)

    If you do then you can meet girls there that can also communicate with you in English while you enhance your Thai, you can also make a lot of connections and find out where these people hang out.

    OR you could just look for the international university and go eat or hang out some places around there because surely there will be university students around there. That is just an idea..

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  4. Maybe if he isn't able to find a job he could enroll in some sort of school in Thailand.

    Maybe you would like to check out the international schools, just to keep him from being bored?

    He is not qualified to be a teacher and he does not like to be a teacher. And you are suggesting he joins an international school 'to keep him from being bored'? Spare a thought for the children.

    I'm suggesting that he ENROLL in school, meaning taking classes there as a STUDENT -_-

  5. Advertising on Thaivisa would probably be better than advertising on these channels because from what I know this is the main news source for most foreigners in Thailand (if that is your target audience)

    Even if they're not fond of Thaivisa their friends may link stories from here to Facebook or Twitter so many times the end up reading it anyways.

  6. I was just watching something on YouTube yesterday, a true story about a woman obsessed with her kids.

    She put tracking bracelets on them and wouldn't let them go to school or have friends. This in-turn caused problems within her marriage and ultimately the husband wanted a divorce.

    She couldn't even handle the idea of her husband having a few hours alone with the kids for visitation without her being there and she ultimately killed all 3 of her kids. :(

    Sounds like similar thoughts...

  7. I'm just curious but were these students registered in the Thai program or International programs?

    According to some friends I know it is very easy for kids to get accepted to the International programs but not the same as the Thai programs as they have to do really well to pass and more competition.

    Maybe the ones with the GED got accepted to International College and not specifically the Thai University

  8. Hi,

    I believe I was directed to start a new thread.

    I was curious about what if a foreign woman has a child with a Thai man, does she have any rights to stay in Thailand based on that?

    Someone had replied to my previous post & no I am not pregnant lol I was just purely curious about how it goes down when the tables are turned.

    A reply on the other thread mentioned something about getting married. I was wanting to know what if the woman doesn't wish to get married to the Thai guy or if she is already married to someone else? Does she have any rights to stay in Thailand?

  9. Teachers in my international uni speak crap English! So I would say go for it!! ...but please don't expect to be graced by the presence of many individuals who are willing to learn and participate in class because I seriously doubt you will find what you're looking for..

    I try to participate myself but know of very few others who ever interact! I don't know how the teachers do it!!

    Yesterday I gave a presentation to my classmates and wanted to hit my head against the wall!! It's like talking to a brick wall- very boring and lack of effort all around!! :/

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