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  1. 84 weed shops! When I first went there (only visited twice) I dont think there were 84 buildings in the village.
  2. The poster says, that he doesn’t experience any slow down either using bridge mode or not. I posted that if he doesn’t use his router in bridge mode then he will create a double NAT.
  3. Damn, I thought the some of locals were stupid. Committing a crime, on a rental motorbike, presumably with the plates on it, and wearing recognizable clothing. Classic.
  4. Yes, I loved the first seasons, funny as .. Season 4 is upcoming. I watched e02 last night, wife gave up on it first, wishing for the new episode of the “hotel” to drop, and my mind just wandered, just too much going on. Bambi is dead? Wt? I thought Richard Gere was a good choice for The Agency but I thought DeNiro was just thrown in there to add to a bad concept.
  5. I bought an sh optiplex from Lazada - now you mention it, it was missing the power cord. Mine was the cheapest SFF I could find (3000B) with an i3, was hellishly sluggish even tho it had an ssd. I used it for testing out docker containers, it didn’t get much use and then one day, I went to it and the power supply had gone south. I would buy another USFF but not an i3 maybe i5 or i7 like the Lenovo posted above, they are ok.
  6. You may not notice any difference when not using bridge mode on the AIS router, but you create a double NAT - https://kb.netgear.com/30186/What-is-double-NAT-and-why-is-it-bad it makes it difficult to be connectable to the outside world which may not effect you, depending upon your setup, security cameras, maybe if you play online games which depend upon speed, torrents will find it difficult to connect, but peers will eventually connect to you. It’s not really good practice to have a double NAT.
  7. Oh. The new series of The White Lotus appeared.
  8. I like it, it’s a bit sci-if, a bit conspiracy mystery. I just finished Tehran S03, was good, maybe a lot more action than previous seasons, a bit more like Fauda - the subs aren’t with the file, so needed to be pulled from another source, but then I leaned that I can set the background to 100% opacity and block out the Hebrew subs. I tried watching Prime Target and gave it up after two episodes .. is it worth continuing? I started on The Sketch Artist a Canadian drama, French language - maybe worthwhile, it was on Walter pres. last week. and a new series of Yellowjackets, im still confused.
  9. It’s “veg material” totally unbelievable, unbelievably craap - Thai subs, the missus likes it, it’s a winner if it means Thai TV is on hold. Talking of carp, I just started watching 2025 season of pawn stars seems so dated and cringable, unbelievable that they made so many series. Another missable series is The Hunting Party
  10. I have had a couple of calls from immigration - they go along the lines of “Hello, your darling? Yoo? Darling - - yoo?” or “S-peak Thailand?”
  11. Nice .. do you really benefit from two subs? I have a Polk 5.1 system, i have the capability to add a second sub but not the floorspace, just wondering if I am missing out. Do you have neighbours btw?
  12. Have you tried contacting the ISP? They might be able to help. If you want to ditch your router and want a cleaner solution, you could use a Huawei EG8010 ONT. You can find them on lazada. There is a guide here on how to put them into bridge mode. I am on 3BB which has been bought out by AIS. I use the Huawei ONT which I get from the ISP, it’s rock solid, apart from when I move house and then everything goes to crap - there is a guy at the 3BB office who actually does understand and he helps me out, there is a bit of config on the isp server afaik. You could try contacting someone on the ISP team and explain that your want to use the SPF port on your own router. I was a structured cable engineer, it’s not really my dept. but there would be a cab in a data center that would contain the kit for the ISP. You wouldn’t have a bank of cheap wifi routers in bridge mode hanging off the back of the shelf. What do they do in Thailand? Try speaking to anyone at the ISP about enterprise solutions and no one can speak to you. Good luck, just out of interest, what are you using a unifi or fortinet router?
  13. Smart TVs are generally underpowered, our Samsung would never run the AIS play app, always stalling and buffering - I changed over to an android TV box and all the issues went away - If you use an iPhone, then consider an apple TV, it’s a pretty slick experience.
  14. Yes, this is the way - I was busy at the time building, so I had other things to think about. Some may not think it’s just being “ridden” but during my time here I have had a couple of visits from the police who didn’t bother to do any homework. One Sunday evening we heard the gate of our town house being shook and pulled, the wife and I poked our heads up off the sofa to find a couple of police trying to get in - apparently there had been a report of domestic violence, somewhere, not in my house. It was comical, but I wouldn’t be happy if I found my old bike had been used to transport yabba and for the front door to come off its hinges at 5:00 am or something similar.
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