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  1. Thanks, how long do these last for? Presume pain free and normal use of knee/s was it both? Thanks
  2. Hi, had quotes from Medpark Hospital, estimate 15-30k plus 5k fees. Bangkok Christian Hospital 12 to 20k plus fees. Both say need to see a consutant first. None stipulated brands/shots. The Arthromasid seems to be about 2500 pounds but apparently as Sheryl mentioned not here yet
  3. As always, thank you very much Sheryl.
  4. No stopped max, more time under resistance and more stretching..
  5. Hi, I've had one injection about 7 months ago, (in south Thailand, now in Bangkok for a while) and it really worked well, no pain and full gym exercise again, but the pain is coming back, said it prob would after about this time, usual bone deteriation, had xray and showed onset of osteoarthritis, 73 but fit etc. Does anyone have any recommendations for this treatment here? Thanks
  6. What if the assetts/gains are held in an ISA or simlar to which ever country you're are from, these are tax fee holdings, consequently the tax implications are where the funds are raised. Presuming the person concerned still has an address they are using of tax based country and still registered for tax payments there. If not then the tax requiremnents here will probably still apply?
  7. Thank you ever so much, this is so much appreciated. šŸ™šŸ˜Š
  8. yes my thoughts as well but for some strange reason non of the over the counter pain killers even touch it, and have done the physio acu etc, acu did start to ease the heads so will prob go back to that, thanks..
  9. Thank you, am in Krabi but am happy to travel up to Bangkok which may be the sensible answer. As mentioned the back pain is caused by incorrect walking posture for many years, weak muscles due to severed nerves in the neck, actually started the Tramadol/Ergot route after taking way to many NSAIDS over the years, stomache started complaining!!!... I'll go with your first suggestion and decrease the regularity, using various Physio/Acu and gentler painkillers, when it flares up. Was hoping that longterm small dosage of Tramadol may be ok but seems not to be the case as you kindly pointed out. Will ease up for a month or two and reasses after that. Once again thank you for your time, and a pain/nerve specialist in Bangkok would be much appreciated.
  10. Blimey seems worse than I'm using! šŸ™‚ worth a look though ta..don't think so though..
  11. Is that Gabapentin?
  12. Thanks will have a look..
  13. Thank you, no the egotamine is only for the head pain and for some reason it seems to work even in a very small dose, not throbbing heads but seems to clear them, may be related to the back issues which are caused by bad walking gait due to neck nerve damage years ago, nothing I can do about it, hence the gym to build spine muscle support. Yep if I can cut them down to fewer times a week would be a sensible solution, think I've tried most other remidies! diet acupuncture physio etc, had enough! Maybe someone will suggest a similar pain killer with less side effects, thanks..
  14. HI, I've done a lot of research but can find no definitive answer to long term use of Cafergot (ergotamine) and Tramadol in "small" doses. I know it's suggested that both are not for long term use and Tramadol can become addictive, but since using for constant back pain (nerve damage) and headaches (possibly linked) life is much happier. Been taking for a year or so, and am not needing to increase the doseage as the body gets used to it. Iā€™m only taking half a tablet (25mg tramadol 50 mg Cafergot) prob 5 or 6 days a week,sometimes together, sometimes alternated, when necessary. Mid 70s very fit, gym 5 days a week, minimal aclohol and no other health issues whatsoever, but need to know if anyone else has been using any of these for a long time? And any issues that may have developed. I've tried all the usual pain killers etc but none really work. Any info/advice much appreciate thanks.
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