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  1. Could the Thai computer systems problems be due to Y2K!!?? Just a thought.
  2. They need to have it explained to them in words of one syllable. BUT, having agreed with your explanation, they then carry on as before. Typical Thai.
  3. "The downside today is that few Thais have the language skills to communicate in international forums."...And where to lay the blame for that? Squarely at the feet of successive governments since education became compulsory some 20/30 or so years ago.
  4. You are focusing on a very small proportion of the population. Like any other country, there are those who believe the world owes them a living. Instead of focusing on the general population, try taking a closer look at those who run the country. It is they who set the trends and standards, as is the case with all governments.
  5. You didn't pay until the passport was returned.
  6. I believe the banks do charge when a debit card is produced. Many of the bigger outlets absorb this % charge. Many of the smaller outlets can't afford to do that.
  7. You may be having a problem with Bangkok Bank? I can say however, I have no such problems with my KTB and K bank regarding charges for paying via QR code. Was it the venue or the bank which made the charge?
  8. That would depend on who is writing on the paper, and how the info on the paper is set out?
  9. I wouldn't bank on that. There are ways to get them out, but they are not easy and the British public are not as easily roused as the French.
  10. It wold be very nice if sea food was available in Essan. One day they may discover refrigerated transportation?
  11. Many people have now moved up to Morse Code. It works over longer distances. Wires on poles helps. If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes?
  12. The cure you suggest is too quick and painless. A better way would be to work from the knees up, slowly. No, I am not sadistic! However, the pain and suffering these unmentionables inflicted on this young girl, requires slow and painful retribution.
  13. Acid reflux can be caused by the food you eat and at what time before bed. Spicy and acidic foods are the worst. I have barrettes oesophagus and occasionally suffer acid reflux. However, I know most of the foods which cause me problems and can usually avoid them. I keep a little bottle of One Gurd on the bedside table for the odd times it wakes me.
  14. And individuals in many cases.
  15. No seat belt won't kill anyone else!? Sitting in the rear seats with no seat belt could possibly kill or seriously injure those in the front when involved in an accident?!

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