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    Khon Kaen

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  1. Just a tad late for that I believe?!
  2. Sincere condolences to the boys parents. Very traumatic to lose someone of that age. However, stupid is as stupid does, and there is no cure for stupid. The stupidity is in the serious lack of driving instruction. The serious lack of police in doing the job they are paid for, and the serious lack of education in any form, where people expect the other person to be aware of their own stupidity.
  3. Perhaps in another 50 years, maybe? The quality of teaching in Thai schools is appalling, but as it only really got started about 30 years ago, its still in the practice stage.
  4. Thailand and sense in the same sentence!!!
  5. Bars in tourist areas will ban the entry of Thia's on these days then? Yeah, right!
  6. Just how low can these Thai MPs stoop? Even third world countries are better than this crowd of clowns.
  7. Much as I may agree with your sentiment, why get all worked up about something you have no control over? Anyone who has been here for a week or more should know Thai roads are death traps. Even the sidewalks are not safe from morons who ride their motorbikes on them.
  8. Looking out of my window, I see a flock pigs going over! 🤣
  9. Take a look at this UK THAI DTA. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a80bddc40f0b623026953eb/uk-thailand-dtc180281_-_in_force.pdf
  10. Have a word with the UK PM. He is the son of a tool maker!
  11. "Could have been"! But you don't know and possibly never will?
  12. A totally unnecessary description of a person you don't know, or the circumstances of the overstay. Or is it your go to description of anyone who doesn't fit in with you obviously high and mighty standards?!
  13. Can't argue but may well be true!?
  14. The app keeps records and has done for the past 9 years. Any records are easily downloaded as are statements as required.
  15. Could be funny if it turned to fisty cuffs!
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