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Posts posted by jEFFREYk44

  1. OK, I am a burger freak as well, well frustrated burger freak as I come from the home of In-N-Out, and you and I and JR run into each other here often. My biggest secret is I love Jack in the Box tacos and yes, no way they are even close to mexican food, they are a weird food unto themselves.

    The meat was always weird yet tasty to me and then I went to a copy cat recipe site and found out 1/4 of the meat is frijoles, go figure

  2. American Embbassy has always been very cordial to me, and they do have to put up with not only a lot of people but a lot of grieg

    26-27 years ago or so, when times were VERY different and I had met my first wife, I wanted to bring her with me on a vacation home with me. I was and dumb and had no idea about visa and stuff. Anyway, I had a small window to get her the visa and we were sitting in the consulate waiting for our number to be called when in walked a staffer who went to a door to get to his office, in he went and before the closed I jumped up and got the door and went inside! Explained my situation and he asked me to bring my g/f inside and he kicked me out and interviewed her, called me back in and told us to come back in the p.m., we had our visa.

    Very different times

  3. The ban or proposed ban this weekend seems a very late afterthought as there are some major events scheduled this weekend. Think LOSO at Xcyte in Pattaya ?

    This lunacy has got to stop. Close a couple of days in August and we'll swallow it. Close 5 or 6 days in December and you're screwing with people's lives.

    Close 5 or 6 days in December and you're screwing with people's lives.

    Isn't that what this election is for? -Ooh a touch of satire there, (as Ben Elton used to say) :D

    Has a survey been conducted to assess what effect drunkeness would have on the election result? I'd be fascinated to know. Do CND believe PPP voters are more likely to be intoxicated? If so is there a chance they'd mark the incorrect box and the democrats would get in? :o

    I'd have thought the guardians of all that is tasteful, sharply creased and preternaturally wealthy would rather they fell asleep in the gutter on the way to the polls. I'd have to be comatose before someone put my hand in Samaks box. If you know what I mean...

    I apolgise for the overuse of the little yellow men in this article :D ,

    oops more satire....... :D

    You cannot be British because I thought they had good satire

  4. I think much of the anxiety is that the ban for this weekend was kept a secret until yesterday in a few cases, and maybe a secret until tomorrow in other cases when they are raided by police. I would doubt that "ignorance of the law" would hold water. <shrug>

    It has been in the media for well over a week now.

    There goes Chloe being smart and pretty again

  5. Bilip, you nailed it! F. House has some good stuff, a North Face jacket that they sell for B2,500 (can ask for discount sir) sells in Central World for B16,000. There is an F. House on 1st floor as well..................Thanks to all

    Now, about boots There will be lots of snow, any ideas?????

  6. Thanks to all for your input, think I will check out billip's idea first, sounds perfect for me.

    To Sutnyod, I will be going for two years (6weeks on/#weeks off) so the investment will be worth it.

    Ade100, I went to MBK about 5 years ago to see Suryothai, the movie. Nearly froze and even after going outside I shivered for 30 minutes, LOL

  7. Is it just the basic one for WP or a fuller one the company demands?

    I went to Bumrungrad but it was all fully claimable

    Depending on age and how far you want to go ie PSA, Treadmill, full bloods and chemistry, ultrasound on prostate and abdomen costs can vary a lot.

    It is for a job in Russia, not a w/p, company will pay

    complete med, blood count, urinalysis, chest x-rays, electro-cardio, spirometry

  8. Damian, wow, I think there are alot of good people here, I signed on here several years back and never posted, I was wary after my first marriage if I ever wanted to comeback to Thailand, I finally did after 17 years and it is a great life and post now. The thing that has surprised me most are the farang woman here, they are great, enjoy their Thai partners as I do mine(she is Thai), never say bad things about Thai's because they understand them, reslient ladies.........yes Damian, a lot of jerks here, but they are not the type who will be here a long time

  9. Thisa is my take on the subject and maybe been tp a park or two but not sure. The point is is they reduced the price because they could not maintain the parks, hello! Keep the price and maintain the parks!!!!!!!!!! Ok to all farang complainers, how many of you make B10,000/month? If I want to go, I will pay, this is Thailand and the people are this way.I live with it because I have no way to fight but to move, complaining on TV helps in no way

  10. I love the food there as well, but Greg admitted that the Bkk Post called him for an "appointment" before coming for a review, how professional a review is it, or any of those in the "Top 100" are? Restuarant reviews are done anonymously. The post is sad, ever read Trink's book reviews, also a joke.

  11. This was the best ever thread I have read on TV, just fascinating except for the CPT thin, hoping to revive it.

    I knew a guy, Joe, in the old Thermae, always sat in the corner of the bar near the bathrooms, claimed to be o\ex-x\cia or whatever, interesting guy or good bs'er, he was there every single time I went in! Also quite a number of deaf woman in there.

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