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Posts posted by MrWiggle

  1. In 7 years we have not left our kids 'away' from us for a night....not one.

    In 7 years we have not needed any 'away' time either and I have a great time showing my kids new things. it is also called learning.

    My son still remembers a trip to Oz when he was 2yo, so base your points on other experiences you have.

    I do agree with screaming kids on flights, but that is life, people have to travel these days, whether be for holiday or not.

    It might come as a surprise to yu mark, but some parents do love their kids immensely and want to share and show them everything. Your parents probably had different thoughts and may have wanted you out of their lives asap.

  2. Can anyone tell me which is best for shopping...

    Nong khai....or Poi Pet ....or Chong Mek.

    All 3 are border market places.

    Anyone been to these places and can recommend one over the other ?

    Anyone ??

  3. No pics, only in my head and a drawing for the guys to build it.

    I only need to circulate the water, not lift it from anywhere as we already have a pump and tank for that, the tank can gravity feed also when required.

    So what I want is to circulate the water all day and night, this is required for the fish I want to grow in it, so it will be taking the water from one end of the tank 4 meters away and lifting it to about 1.5m at the other end to feed into the tank, this also creates the aeration required round the clock.

    This is not a commercial deal, just for family, friends and some priviliged workers. So it does not warrant any great technical design or headache.... the good old 'KISS' theory sounds best.

  4. Gippy, can you post how you make it.

    When you say no pectin, is that same for all sweet fruits and how much sugar do you use. I am a little put off by the amount of sugar recommended to use in various websites. I like healthy as possible, which means as less sugar as possible.

    Never doen this before and thought you needed to seal the lida somehow so they keep for a long time....as in 'preserve'

    We will be doing,

    Jams....Banana, Mango, Papaya, Pineapple.

    Pickles and Chutneys from cucumbers and tomatoes.

    Dried fruits & veg... papaya, mango, banana, pineapple, tomato.

    Seem to recall my Mum using a bottling kit that had a ring thing that sealed the jars airtight. Also seem to remember someone using wax on the top to seal some things.

    All info welcome.

  5. Anybody know about the system where the toilet and grey water is piped out into underground rock beds with various stages of plants above ?

    Cannot remember name, if i google bio toilets I only seem to get the commercially ready made toilets etc. Dont want a toilet, want the system after the toilet.

    I have some designs, but they all seem to be lacking the essential details, such as stone pleacement, sizes, piping, holes in pipe, depth of various stone sizes etc.

    Also they mention plants that are good at this kind of job, but never actually mention the plants name.

    I am attempting to build 2, so certainly want some more specifics rather than try my own experiments. Don't want the shit to hit the fan.

  6. Any clues on how to pump water for filtration in a small tank 4m long x 80cm wide and 1m deep by any means other than electric and a enviro friendly way ?

    I have not as yet seen a system for solar that is cost efficient. Wind is not suitable as need it to pump 24hrs, solar can do this with battery backup I think.

    Any advice, no matter how miniscule welcome.

  7. Can anyone tell me how to keep the water for redclaws clean enough for them to do well ?

    I have read they require relatively clean water, dirty as in muddy is ok, but not as in slimy and smelly.

    Then I have read they feed on rotting vegetation.

    So, how do you provide rotting vegetaion and clean water at the same time in small tanks, large dams and ponds I can understand, but smaller tanks cannot.

  8. Advice always helps, heopefully.

    Problem is I think I made the compost heaps to big......Doh....to hard to turnover. Also the chicken crap is mixed with rice husks, so need to actually shuvel it all over and thats hard work, pitchfork no good.

    Anyway, we pulled the rice growth out and shall use the rest in future as hot compost prior to placing on the surface, now we have time we can do this, before we had nothing and needed to put a mulch down quickly so could not wait the month or so for the compost to heat up and do its job.


  9. They would be about 20cm. I am raising one of them a little more now and the others will stay as they are.

    We piled on the mulch/compost the other day.

    Not sure when to put on the chicken dung, it is mixed with the rice husks and been sitting for a month now. Do you just place it on top or have to dig it in ?

    Waiting for an expert to come visit.

    Our watermelons are maturing, the super corn is super high, over 2m, couple of pumpkins growong, several tomatoe plants getting there, couple of thai vegies doing well. Starting again with the rest.

  10. I bought the 450d for 22k end of last year and the lense you mention for 7k just a few weeks ago.

    The lens is fine, but if you really want serious nature closeups, then it will not suffice and should go for the other recommendations.

  11. So turn right at Khaeng Koi then for ban na.....or come the Rangsit road at Future park to Nakhon Nayok and there are tree farms all along the highway 305 and then you hit highway 33, turn left and about half a k past the lights in Ban na you can turn right to Khaeng Koi, cannot remember highway number now....but takes you to highway 2 and either Saraburi or Nakhon Ratchashima.....tree farms everywhere along there.

  12. Just another stooopid law.

    How do they expect every Thai in the country to know about this and what to do.

    As stooopid as their 90 day requirement, but not as stooopid as having to report every time you are in a different province for more than 24hrs.....how stoooopid.

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