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Posts posted by MrWiggle

  1. Turn left at Khaneg Koi on highway 2 where the sign says for Ban Na heading from PakChong to Bkk......along here are many tree farms and they should have what you want.

    About 20k down this road, you will pass a police box, take the next left around the corner also and down this road are many more tree farms......hundreds.

  2. What vegies prefer and do best in a well raised bed.

    I have read it is essential for tomatoes.

    I would also think it is needed for carrots.

    Any others ?

    We have raised beds for the whole vege garden presently, but not quite enough i think for some of them, so going to double up on one row and make it twice the height of the others and want to make the most of it with several different vegies in it.


  3. Stop the search !!!

    Found my original company.

    The website company mentioned above does supply a similar product, different look and at 1700b per sqm.....is a tad expensive for the replacement of traditional thatch and it only lasts 10 years.

  4. Not sure, as i said I only saw them at the Architect show a couple of years ago, looks similar for sure, but I cannot see any synthetic thatch on their website.

    Shall call. thanks anyway

  5. Might add that also the synthetic thatch or fiber thatch might be an alternative, dependant on cost.

    If anyone has the details of supplier for this in Thailand. I had a brochure fromm the company I got from the architect show a few years ago but cannot find it now. Google did not help.

  6. Cannot becuase of the time of year, wet and they are a small backyard maker.

    Also someone said a lot of sap in the bamboo this time of year, so attractive to bugs, but these people apparently use the bug resistant variety, so need it.

  7. Anyone know where to buy quality thatch from in the Nakhon nayok, Korat, Pak Chong, Saraburi areas ??

    The 7 baht stuff is to thin and cheaply put together, fine for chicken huts and workers quarters !!

    But I am looking for the thicker woven stuff and the ones that use the bug resistant backbone that does not see dust raining down on you all night in 3 months time.

    A friend has a supplier, but they cannot supply any for some time, so seeking other sources.

    All the thatch along hoghway 33 is poor quality.


  8. If you know a bit about propagating, I'd have a look at Golden Bamboo in pots,

    Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonse Kerr Bamboo', I paid 400 each for 4,post-53559-1244007287_thumb.jpg plus pots.

    Also, Tabernaemontana Holstii, 300 each for 4, plus pots. 5' tall & in flower


    Worth a look are Michaelia Champaca & Cananga Oderata, both used in the perfume trade and are very strong, night scented plants.

    Thanks, I have considered Bamboo and would like to try it. know nothing of propogation though, but usually know nothiong about everything before I start.

    I have 2 rai of flood prone area that I would love to plant with several bamboo species. seems to be the best use for the area so far I can come up with. The area only floods for short periods.

  9. I usually cut the upper part, not sure if correct or not. My reasoning is that if it is deadwood, it can attract ants and termites and it looks stupid anyway. So cut and let the new growth takeover.

    We purchased around 50 large trees. All but one golden shower and one large palm survived so far. We also planted 10 1.5m coconuts and 4 died, seems coconuts harder to transplant and I have heard this before.

  10. I bought 5 'Bowen' mangoe trees from JJ market and their fruits become very large...1kg plus and taste great.

    There is also another good variety from Darwin in Oz called kensington pride but have not found them here yet.

  11. I visited my new friends sheep properety the other day, he has around 200 head but only 70 on the property I visited.

    They are a south african variety crossed with the local sheep, by local I mean apparently the British brought in a lot of sheep to Burma and now there is a local sheep breed about.

    Anyway, they look good and it certainly smelt like a sheep farm.

    I love the smell of sheep shit in the morning.

    He has had no problems with dogs, but has had problems with internal parasites and some deaths over the years.

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  12. Does anyone know how much the old wood shingle cost to buy and how many roughly in a square meter.

    Not after the new shingles, only the old recycled ones.

    Also what is best to put under them for waterproofing ?

    I have seen metal sheet, both flat and corrugated. Also seen something like marine ply and then a layer of silver sheet over the top. Something that works and is relatively cheap.


  13. Ok, will do, but my internet connection is non existant currently.

    Can anyone advise best method for success in germination of tree seeds.

    I planted 40 seeds for a great tree and only 3 germinated. If read above, I used a variety of ways to plant them and only the healthier looking seeds sprouted and the ones near or on the surface. other than that they sprouted in both the soil mix and the coconut mulch.

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