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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. I go to a school in chalong, if you go right at the circle towards the pier, it's about 100m up on the left. Called TTT language school. Not overly expensive, nice people, I think the teachers are quite nice. whether you find it fun or not will depend on the other pupils in your class.....

    thanks, do you mind sharing how much are the fees? how many studends in the class? thanks

    Like Steve I too wish to improve my Thai. However, the TTT website is not very helpful in that it shows they teach many languages except Thai & I cannot find any pricing. Another one which I thought might be OK is Chalong Language School but the link to their website shows the domain name has expired. I just checked the fees at Walen for group courses & they are pretty comparable to the other schools although initially I thought they were more expensive.

  2. Although they hand out a card when you go in fees will not be charged until next month. I made the mistake of going in there on Monday thinking parking would be OK considering one now has to pay but it was the normal chaos including cars parked all over the place on the roads outside.

  3. Khon Kaen seems pretty hopeless for pool tiles, anyone know of a national supplier who can give me a decent price?

    I don't want mozaics, they fall off (not my words) and grouting is a nightmare, may as well just grout the concrete.

    4"x4" would be nice, plain colours, or other alternatives.


    The cheapest ones are about 350 per box. 4", shiny, flat & thin, light blue, dark blue, black, white, ivory. They do not look as nice as Keera, Sri Thanee or others that come from Lamphang but are very practical & will last for years.

  4. 1. I had bought a submersible pump

    2. I had a 3 metre length of 50mm pipe

    5. When I ordered my fantastic bag filters, I also ordered some 100 micron nylon netting which I had a local guy sew into some small bags, 15 baht each, oops!

    but most of all my system was free.coffee1.gifviolin.gif

    I said this was just for a laugh...... but I had the pump, which was now doing nothing and the 3 metres of piping and can't return them, so as far as I am concerned they are free. The netting was ordered for making fine mesh nets for cleaning, cost very little and I had some left over, so again free.

    By free I mean the alternative is to throw it away, or store for insect homes. If I want a "proper" cleaning system I have to spend money, a few thousand baht.

    Chill out man.....................passifier.gif

    I have done this out of necessity on a liner pool. The pump had to be taken away for repair so we attached the bag filter, with some chlorine tablets inside, to the submersible pump. Worked just fine.

  5. Let's keep it really really simple.

    Practice makes perfect.

    Most Thai's do not have perfect english

    Therefore they need more practice.

    End of story. Learning from books and "studying" grammar is not practice. If all they did was talk English 50% of the time in English class their English would be far far better. No qualified teacher can outdo practice no matter where they went to school or what books they bring to the class room. The best English teacher in the world would be one that made them practice, practice practice.

    Any new program that doesn't implement a lot of practice will fail.

    I reckon this is the way to go & would be a lot more fun for the students to improve their English as the majority of them do not get any exposure to English speaking people once outside of school. Encourage them to speak English amongst themselves outside of class as well. My girls ask me grammar questions from school which I cannot answer yet I consider myself pretty proficient in reading, writing & speaking English. After all, I grew up in NZ. It seems that the English curriculum put a lot of emphasis on the nuances of grammar & ignore the basics of speaking & increasing vocabulary.

  6. Does anyone know of or have have had "Supartz" joint fluid therapy for the knee (commercial url link removed by Moderator)

    I am trying to avoid knee replacement as I take warfarin as an anti coagulent which is a risk factor in any major surgical procedure. Thanks in advance for any info.

  7. No great loss.

    The premises was disgusting and kebabs were just ok.

    so so so wrong

    Decor was pretty spartan but clean & the kebabs were excellent. I wonder if the new one on Sai Yuan is any good as comments on the one in Wichit Rd have not been very good.

  8. Lets see here. The Netherlands with a long history of flood management offers to help and it is declined.

    They seriously think of a tunnel wider and longer than any other tunnel in the world that can be used as a road in the non rainy seasons. And they are going to build it cheaper and faster.

    Not a word of clearing the present drainage channels of any thing impeding the flow of water and keeping them clear. Not a word of stopping the deforestation which leads to more run off.

    Refusal to look out side Thailand for a answer.

    Winnipeg in Canada has flooding problems and they have come up with a new type of water barrier that is quick and easy to set up.

    I guess that won't work here because it wasn't thought up by a Thai academic.

    Folks the best we can hope for is a reasonable amount of rain. The present government is going to do nothing other than talk. And bring their benefactor back from his residence in Dubai.

    The big flood tunnel looks to be a project of epic proportions & based on local history could well result in epic corruption & mismanagement. Simple approaches as described above may not be 100% effective but certainly much better than what we have now. However, this type of approach does not have nearly so much fat to trim off.

  9. I am getting heaps of "mail undeliverable" messages showing all sorts of subjects, including porn, that have supposedly been sent from me. I ran Malwarebytes which did not come up with anything & MSE which found one malicious file but I still have the problem. My email account is with Loxinfo & the best they could come up with is to re format my PC &/or change my user name. I have not done either yet hoping I can find a programme to remove the offending file. However, I am guessing the spammers who are now using my address can still continue to do so. It is worrying what friends & acquaintances will think. BTW I also get occasional spam mails from my daughter's old hotmail address.

  10. Good point, Thai drivers can neither make a 90 degree turn, or turn without cutting in fron of the car in front of them first.

    They seem to have very little depth perception besides having no idea about full wheel lock when turning or perhaps they think it damages their car. Pulling out to the centre to turn left into Central or Lotus when cars can be coming up from behind at speed is quite dangerous.

  11. Anyways 89.5 is amazing. Music all day long.

    Music to english people i mean. It's 90% pre-recorded UK shows. crappiest station on the island

    92.75 seems to be new with music 90% of the time. lots of alternative and jazzy music.

    I have no idea what you are talking about with your 2nd sentence. Please clarify.

    DJ Doris is on 91.5 in the weekday afternoons & also does a great show, "The Old Record Club", on Monday nights from 7pm.

  12. Her opinion may change depending on how the government changes the Defence Ministry Administration Act. Taking power away from the military in how they do their promotions could well be a bad move. The military should certainly be held accountable to the people but surely they are in the best position to assess the merits of promotion despite issues of cronyism & buying ranks.

  13. RIP Yvon. Not a close friend, just lived across the road from me years ago. We made small talk in passing. At that time I knew he had a number of property businesses all called 'Easy' something or other. What a terrible way to pass.....

    I met him a few times. Seems like he was doing quite a bit of development under the Easy brand. He talked about sponsoring schools for the underprivaleged but now I wonder if that was just a ruse to defraud.

  14. OK, Best way to get there??????

    I think they did the go to Itaky when I looked but never found them. I Tried the sign in Nai Harn but never saw them and ended up on Vises via the Temple.. Went up from Nakita's and did see them also. Any help would be great and do MP me with a link etc.

    Coming up from Nikita's, turn left, then right & head up to small estate where it is at the end of a dead end soi. I originally found it by following the signs but that was a couple of years ago. Interesting they are open for lunch which is a better time for me.

  15. I saw a classic left hand overtake on the bypass road a few years back. A trailer truck was lumbering along & I was directly behind it. I could see a pickup in my mirror zooming up on the shoulder & he quickly swept past me. As he got alongside the truck the gap was not so big but was OK as long as he continued straight ahead. However, he over corrected & started fish tailing which then sent him off at high speed down the embankment & without slowing down he ploughed through a bunch of shrubs before coming to a sudden halt by hitting a tree head on. Prior to that I occasionally overtook on the bypass by using the shoulder but not anymore.

  16. And you cant stay away from the old farts drinking Chang can you BTB?

    So resurrection is not a Christian myth after all.

    I agree the forum can be a bit like friends/acquaintances sitting around having a chat over a drink or 10. Opinions are just like the hole in our backside, we all have one. However, there are those who have great big pots with equally great big spoons.

    For me the good side of Phuket & Thailand in general far outweigh any negatives but I feel I am entitled to complain on occasion without being told to pack up & go home.

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