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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. Thank you to all,

    1 / I had tried TOT technicians first but they have problem with the management of my condominium building and refused to come even for private matter. So this is no more an alternative for now and for the future.

    2 In fact the problem is really the TELEPHONE> The ADSL connection works normally. Only the phone is not working.

    So I would like to have a telephone specialist or company that could take care of this problem at the moment and for any future events.


    Silly question but did you try another telephone?

  2. IN Rawai on a building sight near where we live adult males are paid 190 baht for a 8 hour day

    Females and Junior employees are paid 170 baht for a 8 hour day

    They work a 6 day week before overtime which they get on a regular basis

    This is the wage which Burmese and other foreign workers are paid

    It works out to 4560 baht for males and 4080 baht for females without overtime

    Its a lot more than they could earn in there home country, thats why they work here

    these payments are offered, and they take them for a few weeks, then the qualified ones with their team (wifes/relatives) are picked up by better employers to do higher quality work at better salaries

    Yes, big companies offer these sort of lower rates, but workers soon find a 'private' employer that pays much more. 6 years ago we were paying 200 baht for the ladies and 330 baht for skilled men. Sure this is a shorter term deal, and these rates include free accommodation, electric, and water. Paid every 2 weeks.

    I too pay a lot more than what Peter has quoted & higher (for the men) than what PTP had in their election promise plus room & board. They come to us because they get lower wages or not paid at all from previous employers but they leave for spurious reasons. The other day one left as he wanted to do contracting even he had been ripped off doing this previously. Another left for a lower paying job because he did not have any friends in our camp after having a fight with another & of course they always leave without notice directly after getting paid.

  3. What a horrifying story & I hope the couple at least get full compensation for their medical expenses. I wonder if there are any regulations to cover this industry. Seems like they are able to operate with impunity although they must be paying someone. It is widely known elephants can suffer from depression & little wonder given the conditions they are forced to live & work in here in Phuket. As usual the owner does not seem willing to accept any responsibility & pointing the finger at the mahout for Captain's previous rampage.

    Incidents such as this & in other industries will continue forever & a day, with tragic consequences, until business owners are forced to accept responsibility for the actions within their companies.

    Valentine are there any regulations in this country that people follow ???????

    If the regulations are in place at least there is a mechanism for people to lay charges or get civil cases to court. Can a civil case proceed if no law has been broken? I realise many do not follow regulations but Phuket is rapidly becoming "the wild west". At least in the movies the bad guys get their come uppance in the end.

  4. I wonder how many people in Phuket are HIV+. I think AIDS is defined when blood counts drop to certain levels in HIV+ people. If the article is correct in that they are only providing statistics for AIDS then there is probably at least 10 times that amount who are HIV+ many of whom will not even be aware they are infected.

  5. I believe I saw the new car park yesterday as there were parking markers in a grass field. It will be a fairly long hike to the terminal. My overriding impression is that the airport authorities seem to have given up any control over the car park with the transportation companies running the show & they definitely do not want private cars in the area. I still maintain they should build a two or three tier parking building above the existing car park with covered walkways to the terminal. The way it is now the airport authorities are serving private companies rather than the general public.

  6. According to the other paper, Peau Thai are planning a mass pardon of prisoners for HM's 84th birthday.

    They say this is because that there are 90,000 more inmates than the jails can accommodate.

    I'm not sure this is so they can find room for Thaksin, or so that they can slip his name on to the list, but either way, look forward to 90,000 crims back on the streets.

    As a side benefit a clever way to buy future votes?

  7. What a horrifying story & I hope the couple at least get full compensation for their medical expenses. I wonder if there are any regulations to cover this industry. Seems like they are able to operate with impunity although they must be paying someone. It is widely known elephants can suffer from depression & little wonder given the conditions they are forced to live & work in here in Phuket. As usual the owner does not seem willing to accept any responsibility & pointing the finger at the mahout for Captain's previous rampage.

    Incidents such as this & in other industries will continue forever & a day, with tragic consequences, until business owners are forced to accept responsibility for the actions within their companies.

  8. I have some water lines which need to be pressure tested. So far someone from waterteam turned up, 2 weeks after we first made contact, to have a look & said no problem I will send you a quote & can do the job within a couple of days. Now 2 weeks later still waiting. Another guy showed up on Sunday & said the same thing but now will not answer his phone. It is not a hard job but I do not have the equipment to do it. Does anyone know a reliable plumber or anyone who can do this?

  9. No one can ever say that the request for a pardon is out of the ordinary because pardons have been given before.

    That doesn't apply to anyone being convicted in court, be it the Supreme Court, as in the case with Thaksin, or any other court for that matter.

    That's never occurred before.

    A pardon not in compliance by being requested by the allowable persons to do so, such as is the case with the Red Shirts, has also never occurred before.


    I believe the generals were not convicted by a court as is the case with Mr T. Forget about comparisons between the crimes & popular mandates. Mr T was convicted in a court of law & did not appeal. He has since shown no remorse nor offered an apology which seems to be the norm for those who receive a royal pardon apart from the fact that those who do receive pardons are in jail. I believe Mr T is trying to get an amnesty such as those which the generals bestow on themselves after a coup.

  10. I say let Thaksin come back to Thailand, then start serving his sentence and then "maybe" he can get a pardon. Otherwise, let him live outside Thailand the rest of his life.

    Which states concisely the situation for the past few years. The problem being, once he has returned to serve his current time, how does he continue to stall all the other cases waiting-in-line, for his presence in court ? :unsure:

    Let's face it, he's coming back. Give him a pardon now so we can blather on about what a great job he's doing as the new PM.B)

    Thanks for that, makes me feel quite nostalgic, for the good-old-days of 2001-2006 ! :lol:

    The amnesty can be worded to absolve any supposed crimes in the past.

  11. This is the procedure to test for a leak:

    1. Determine the amount of evaporation by doing a bucket test. If its not evaporation then continue

    2. Turn off all pool equipment and wait for water level to go down. This will work if the level is dropping fast. It will stop dropping level when it hits the point its leaking from. Ususally a pipe in the wall. The level th water stops at will identify which pipe is leaking.

    3. If it doesnt lose water when the equipment is off, then its probably a leak in the pipework leading from the pool to the equipment. If you are getting air in the pump, then its a suction leak between skimmer and pump. If there is no air in the pump, then its a leak in the return piping.

    To test for a pipe leak, either do a pressure test on the individual line concerned, or do a sonar test to 'hear' the leak.

    If you still have problems post a question on domainpools dot com dot au in their forum page


    We have a problem with our pool, and would like to know how you do compare the loss of water from a small bucket to loss of water from a 8 x 4 pool.

    Obviously i'm wrong, but i would have thought the bucket would have lost a lot more than the pool over the same period.

    For your info, we are losing about 5mm /day, obviously the measurements were done on a dry day, broken cloud and sun.

    Any help or info would be appreciated.


    I would consider this normal evaporation.

  12. Called Dr Pool.. First a very encouraging conversation assurances that almost anything can be fixed and a 'send email with photo'..

    Then a call back.. Yes yes can repair easy.. You buy new pump.. only little money.. only 30,000.. little bit money for you..

    No interest at all in trying to repair it or source anything.. Sole focus is selling me a new pump. Not the result I was shooting for.

    I would say there is a problem with the mechanical seal as aside from the other things that is what causes pool pumps to leak between the wet & dry end & if not rectified then the pump will soon burn out. BTW cost of a new replacement pump should not be more than 20,000 (good quality from Australia not like the Chinese one you have).

  13. A while ago the Blaupunkt car stereo was not working so took it the big auto accessory shop on the bypass road. They were pushing me to buy a new unit as the required parts would take a long time to come & be expensive. It is a really good stereo so I went for a 2nd opinion to Man Auto opposite Mission Hospital. 20 minutes later they had it up & running for the princely sum of 200 Baht. I have used Man before & will continue to do so as I have always found them to be fair in their pricing along with good service.

  14. Russian specials in Phuket Deli - home made for true russian food lovers

    Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins 60 Baht only for 200g pack - Блины с творогом и изюмом


    Dumplings Mix Meat (beef and pork) 150 Baht only for 500g pack - Пельмени с мясом (свинина и говядина)


    Dumplings with cottage cheese and sugar 150 Baht only for 500g pack - Вареники с творогом и сахаром


    Dumplings Cabbage 120 Baht only for 500g pack - Вареники с капустой


    Dumplings with Potato 120 Baht only for 500g pack - Вареники с картошкой


    Russian Cottage cheese 90 Baht only for 300g pack - Творог


    Online shop for best food and drinks with free delivery www.phuketdeli.com

    Store location on Google Maps http://g.co/maps/tgvj

    You should mark the prices properly on your website. You are using commas (,) instead of a proper decimal place (.). It looks very unprofessional.

  15. Is it possible that some of these politicians all suffer from some form of megalomania & feel they do not have to follow the same rules as the majority. Judging by news reports over the years many of them have managed to circumvent the law & seemingly get away with very serious crimes. It continuously astounds me that others get thrown in jail for long periods, even for what I consider minor crimes, yet the rich & powerful never get brought to book. You could probably count on one hand the number that have actually served time. Until some serious charges & jail terms are handed out politicians will always treat Thailand like their own personal fiefdom & we will never see any sincere people in government.

  16. Flame post removed, unfortunately the 2 innocent replies to it as well.

    Please hold your horses and stop flaming or you risk a suspension


    I am unsure how you define flaming as to me it seems Suparik is flaming big time as he does not present anything to back up his statement of scabs & a..holes. I personally know one of the volunteer police who also happens to volunteer a lot of his time doing charity work & IMO is a very upright person & certainly not deserving of those slanderous comments.

  17. I bought a pair of New Balance, model number 1244, size 47.5 2E at the sports shop in Central a couple of years ago. I bought these as they have really good support in the heel. They do occasionally get big sizes or perhaps you could ask if they can order.

  18. Did Police Captain Chalerm's legal brief cite ANY previous occasion where a fugitive was granted a Royal Pardon?

    Or ANY situation when a Royal Pardon was granted to anyone who had not served so much as even a day of their sentence?

    Or ANY convict who received a Royal Pardon who had never admitted guilt?

    You disagree with the law. What else is new? The onus is on you to show that the law does not allow for a pardon request to be made. A pardon can be requested, but a pardon does not have to be granted. Have you even read the law? Look at what it says;

    Individual Royal Pardon is granted as a matter of routine procedure. Any convicted prisoner or a concerned person wishing to petition his Majesty the King praying for pardon may do so by submitting such petition through official channel. However, whether or not the pardon is granted shall be subject to the King's discretion based on the recommendation submitted by the Minister of Justice. Source- Thai Department of Corrections & Justice


    I suggest that you and your friends make an effort and read the law. The request for a pardon is lawful. There is no requirement for there to have been any time in custody served. Read the big paragraph below. If you have a problem with the law, go and lobby to have the law changed.

    The pardon may be either in the form of an unconditional release,a commutation or reduction of punishment. This depends on the discretion of HisMajesty the King as stated in Section 221 and 225 of the Constitution (B.E.2540) and Section 259 to 267 of Division 7: Pardon, Commutation and Reductionof Punishment in the Criminal Procedure Code Amendment Act (No. 23), B.E. 2548.Source- Thai Department of Corrections & Justice.

    The reason that the pardon process is being moved along now is that other pardons will most likely be granted on December 5.

    You're mistaken in your belief that I disagree with the law. I don't.

    I've read the law, including the actual provisions that aren't on the general info webpage for the Corrections Dept. that you quote.

    What I was asking of Chalerm, and you too now, is what I wrote in my post.

    Has there ever been a situation whereby someone was granted a Royal Pardon under similar circumstances?


    By GK's law quotation above it would seem that you have to actually be in jail for the convict or anyone else to apply for a pardon.

    The definition of prisoner.

    prisoner [ˈprɪzənə]


    1. (Law) a person deprived of liberty and kept in prison or some other form of custody as a punishment for a crime, while awaiting trial, or for some other reason

  19. Valentine,

    "If buying a brand name computer buy one which has a local service agent & you can go directly to them instead of getting frustrated with the original seller." Fully agree. Your recommendations please? Who Where?

    Many thanks in advance to all.

    I would go to X-Net or Advice if you want to buy a brand name PC or notebook. Advice will most likely have the cheapest price & whatever machine you buy check with them who & where the local service agent is. Acer seem yo have the best warranty service. By going direct to the service agent you should not have the delays as mentioned above. If you want a desktop PC I suggest you have one built. PM me if you wish to do this & I will send contact details of a very reliable guy who can recommend the best components for your budget & put it all together for you. The individual components in a custom built PC all have the same warranties.

  20. I was there on Friday for my 90 day reporting. The form in the passport did not have room for anymore stamps so I was politely asked by the Thai immigration officer to get a couple of photocopies, which you can now do directly underneath instead of out the back. When I returned the officer filled out the new form, stamped & stapled the other piece in my passport. I thanked him & left, all done in about 5 minutes including getting the photocopies.

    What form in the passport?

    You must report to immigration every 90 days if you are here on a long term visa & do not leave the country. The form they staple in your passport is proof you have reported to immigration. That same form will be stamped every 90 days until it is full & then you get another one. Usually takes over a year or two before it is full.

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