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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. So whats the best place to go as of now.. we need a kitchen in a month or two.. Mostly in wood and american style.

    Seems to me some of the really good looking kitchen benches, cupboards & drawers are made with chipboard which you cannot see due to some nice material on the outside but eventually the damp gets in with the high humidity & then they deteriorate quite quickly. I would suggest a good cabinetmaker. I recently did a renovation on a home where we used a cabinetmaker throughout the house including the kitchen. He came up with some good ideas & drawings plus you can specify what wood you want to use so it will last. PM if you would like his contact details. Pleasant, honest & speaks good English.

  2. Big Bill formerly from Rock Hard Ago-go.

    Hi Bill.

    Ah that Big Bill. Good bloke. When friends were visiting Big Bill could be persuaded with a vodka to pick a certain number so my friend could win the tittie tequila contest. Ah, the good old bad days.

  3. Sounds to me like there were two, maybe more, people having problems about/with their dogs.

    His story in the paper, playing the innocent victim, seems pathetic to me.

    Not sure if I understand yo correctly but are you saying he deserved to be attacked & if so why, other than the suggestion he has a dog who attacks other dogs (or simply fights with other dogs as dogs do). If there is more to this story then it should be backed up other than just innuendo. It is interesting as it raises all sorts of issues about dog control not only on the beach.

  4. I was just reading about the owner of the renowned K Hotel being savagely attacked by a dog at Surin beach last week. He has had to have a couple of operations & it was all he could do to stop his baby from being mauled. The dog was killed straight after the incident, the owner has reported to police his has been killed but no mention of charges, beach locals were earlier warned to carry sticks because of aggressive dogs. So <deleted> is really going on there as this sounds pretty serious & the usual case of horse bolting. Seems like being pro active, even when it comes to safety, is just not part of the language or culture. Even after shocking tragedies one only hears mealy mouthed platitudes that are never followed up.

  5. I think my hometown has the record for the steepest street in the world yet it is tar sealed & has been for much longer than 7 years without having to renew the seal. It was probably badly planned originally but now they see the mistake it looks open to quite a lot more expense & .....

  6. For all you lovers of Adam's Kebabs I heard they will be closing for 4 months soon.

    dam_n, do you know when? They did not mention anything to me yesterday.

    Heard it from an American guy who lives next door & hangs out there a fair bit. He said he thought they would close soon until October.

  7. It's cable as they are also transporting TrueVision over same wire. I doubt very much they are running fibre to the pole and then coax into the house, but hey, it's Thailand...

    Modem is Motorola Surfboard SB 5101NE, and I'm pretty sure it's coming in on coax.

    Been down twice since yesterday, but otherwise it's a super connection.

    Looks like you nailed it. The people I know who know this stuff say that you've probably got a Cable TV connection - that True is running Cable TV to your house, then providing the 20 Mbps line over cable TV coax.

    It ain't fiber optic. I just changed the description of True's 20 Mbps line on www.phuketinternetspeed.com

    You say they're offering TrueVision over the same cable. Any idea about prices? If it's significantly cheaper than the dishes, hey, I'll change in a New York minute - especially if they offer HDTV on more than just two channels.

    Correct. I spoke with the True guys who were running cable near my home & they confirmed it was coaxial to provide both cable TV & internet. From what I have been reading here it sounds pretty sensational.

  8. Last time I went to the aquarium all the tanks were clean & the signs were quite informative (English & Thai) as to fish species & habitats. The people who work at the aquarium & research centre do a lot of good things to help protect the marine life.

  9. GOM, even though the setting is nice Friendship Beach is not worth a visit...of course, this is my opinion. The few times I have been there (none in the last year), the service was bad & wait staff rude, the food mediocre and the menu overpriced. I've never seen live music there, so I can't comment on that. Personally, if this place was suggested to me, I'd give it a skip!

    Have to agree, especially with the service.

    You can be the only customer there and still have to wait 15 minutes before any waiting staff will deign to notice you.

    Last time I was there I had to call loudly to get someone's attention just to get a menu.

  10. Easy to check the heat as the display units run all day. I have noticed differences between brands for the LCD/LED units. Although LED is more expensive I am aiming to buy one of those, probably Samsung Smart TV although not 50" as I want it for the bedroom which is not too big.

  11. I recall promo's for this on ESPN Star. Did you check their website?

    espnstar.com has nothing about rugby. There is a website called ESPN Scrum which has something about live streaming but where I am live streaming is not at all smooth.

  12. These could be of interest. "On Eurosport: TV viewers will get coverage of the entire event with re-broadcasts of

    all 48 matches and a daily talk show live at 10.30 pm." & "Sky TV will broadcast all 48 matches live on satellite television" (however this Sky is from NZ) & "ITV secures television rights to 2011 and 2015 Rugby Union World Cups".

    Yes Mitch apparently True have not even considered pay per view as per their email to me "Please be advised that we have not secured the right for broadcasting Rugby World Cup this year."

    It appears at this stage that cable is the best solution as they do have Eurosport. My cable company seems to be consistently showing Astro Sport 1 & 2 (these have been showing a fair bit of rugby), Golf Channel & Eurosport.

  13. Does anyone know a supplier, in Phuket, who can guarantee broadcast of this year's rugby world cup via TV. Astro seem hit & miss on what they are showing for rugby so far, I have received an email from True stating they do not have any broadcast rights. I would rather watch it at home than go to bars. I feel live streaming is not the way to go given the state of internet connections here which may be great one day but so good the next. Super Sport from SA would be perfect but since moving satellites it appears they cannot be had unless someone is taking if from their satellite & feeding it on.

  14. For sure, he describes coming from Rawai Beach to Chalong, "Mangosteen turn (right)", well, the Mangosteen turn would be on your left if coming in that direction, then Vijitt Resort (left) also opposite.

    I'll look for the bamboo fence but which side of the road? Vijitt side or Mangosteen side? Thx, GOM

    Mangosteen side not far past the soi that leads to Saiyuan if coming from Rawai

  15. "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?

    Haven't seen the movie, truly wanted to kill somebody when hearing the song, will not try and follow your directions OP but will look for it.

    OP's directions are confusing. Just need to look for the bamboo fence as it is right beside it. Tried the buffet yesterday & good value for the price in a nice clean atmosphere.

  16. So no planning for any new roads & no mention of the parallel airport road. Phuket desperately needs more secondary roads connecting the main arteries as our current roads can barely cope. A good example is Kajonkiet on Chao Fa West which becomes an utter shambles in the morning & evening. Then you come to the section which runs alongside Promphan that should be wider but hell will freeze over before any of those businesses or homeowners will relinquish any of their land unless it is for a vast fortune, land IMO part of which has been obtained by squatting.

  17. what happened to Franco from flash agogo ( where is he these days?)

    Now there's a thought. I always considered Flash to be much more fun than any of the others. As for Franco I seem to recall he got badly beaten up a long time ago.

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