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Posts posted by Javabear

  1. I've been trying to add money to my Bangkok Bank account from my US account.  I normally do this through the ACH system using the routing number for the Bangkok Bank branch in New York with my account number.  It has worked well for 7-8 years and it's free.  Fast forward to this past Monday and all of a sudden my deposits are being rejected with no explanation.  My wife is going to call the bank and ask but I thought perhaps someone here might know what's going on.  Anyone?

  2. I assume he was trying to save some money by doing it himself. Next time call in the professionals, it may just save your life, that is my advice.


    "professionals" (electricians) in Thailand,.. when you find their number can you please post it here as I've been searching for them for years but never found!

    Had a Thai man out to my house to re-do the old electrics and he did a great job. I'm a licensed electrician in the US so I watched how he did things and I was very pleased.

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  3. Some interesting background from The Associated Press on Sam Bacile, the films maker, a 56 year old California real estate developer who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew, said, 'This is not a religious film, it is a political film'. He also says he believes the movie will help his native land by exposing Islams flaws. He obviously knew what the likely result would be after putting this film out, as do his 100 like minded financial backers, they clearly have an agenda. Meanwhile the headlines in The FT right now,"US and Israel in open feud over Iran". But i'm sure that's just a coincidence.

    100 financial backers? What did they give, 25 cents each? The clip I saw on YouTube was the lowest quality I've ever seen. Really, we made 8mm films when I was a kid back in the 70s that was of a higher quality than that piece of garbage. My acting was also better if I do say so myself. wink.png

    The west had better start getting used to this kind of thing, it's what happens when we get into bed with these fanatics, arming them, financing them, using them as our soldiers on the ground while our Air Forces bombed Libya on a daily basis for weeks on end, pretty much destroying the infrastructure of what was, by the standards of the region, an advanced and stable country. Now our new allies are in charge, looting, stringing up dark skinned Libyans from lamp posts, driving out Christians who had always been free to practice there, including smashing up the graves of allied servicemen from WW2, all the while firing their weapons in the air and shouting Allah Akbar. Meanwhile poor old Hilary Clinton says, "How could this happen in a country we helped liberate"? ! Does she really believe this c--p? Is that how she really believes these people see us? Talk about naive and totally inept. Meanwhile the usual suspects on this forum,(although the cat seems to have got their tongue on this topic), were acting as cheerleaders for these so called "rebels" during the assault on Libya with post after post insisting they were defenceless civilians, never mind that they were 'defenceless civilians' with kalashnikovs, rocket launchers and God knows what else. And now, on any post about Syria they are doing the same thing, acting as cheerleaders to overthrow another regime which was stable and secular, and replace it with the same lunatics who are now running amok in Libya. I fully expect to see similar stories to this one emanating from Syria on a regular basis next year. But i suppose when it comes to the geopolitical interests of The USA and their allies, i.e The big prize, Iran, if they fail to install a compliant regime no longer allied with them, the next best thing is the country in chaos so that they are in no position to act as an ally. Unfortunately one of the side effects of this cynical type of policy, when so called civilised nations choose to abandon their morals and scruples by allying themselves with sworn enemies in pursuit of their own perceived naked self interests, is that events such as the ones today in Libya and Egypt will start happening on an increasingly regular basis. Sadly, decent people like Ambassador Chris Stevens, will always be the ones paying the ultimate price. Also sadly, there will probably be some decision makers in the upper echelons of power who will cynically shrug their shoulders, and declare it 'a price worth paying'. The ends justify the means.The world is on a slippery slope.

    Since they will never leave us alone even if all Western nations pulled out of the Middle East completely, I guess the only alternative for peace is the nuclear option.

    I think you have got it the wrong way round. The West are the ones invading, bombing and attacking their countries, not the other way round. But of course, it's their fault, they have abundant natural resources and have the temerity to want to keep it for themselves. Just a pity they don't have cabbages in the ground instead of oil, we wouldn't have bothered them then!

    History shows us that when the "people" in the middle east figured out that we wanted their oil they welcomed us with open arms to show them how to get it out of the ground. I would think it would be incredibly difficult to drill for oil with nothing but a camel, a wife or 3, and a flock of young boys whose only skill is how to pull a vaccuum. After we showed them how to get the oil and paid them for it, they then nationalized the oil industries and essentially stole all the equipment. After that they started charging much more for the oil that we showed them how to get.

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  4. Some interesting background from The Associated Press on Sam Bacile, the films maker, a 56 year old California real estate developer who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew, said, 'This is not a religious film, it is a political film'. He also says he believes the movie will help his native land by exposing Islams flaws. He obviously knew what the likely result would be after putting this film out, as do his 100 like minded financial backers, they clearly have an agenda. Meanwhile the headlines in The FT right now,"US and Israel in open feud over Iran". But i'm sure that's just a coincidence.

    100 financial backers? What did they give, 25 cents each? The clip I saw on YouTube was the lowest quality I've ever seen. Really, we made 8mm films when I was a kid back in the 70s that was of a higher quality than that piece of garbage. My acting was also better if I do say so myself. wink.png

    The west had better start getting used to this kind of thing, it's what happens when we get into bed with these fanatics, arming them, financing them, using them as our soldiers on the ground while our Air Forces bombed Libya on a daily basis for weeks on end, pretty much destroying the infrastructure of what was, by the standards of the region, an advanced and stable country. Now our new allies are in charge, looting, stringing up dark skinned Libyans from lamp posts, driving out Christians who had always been free to practice there, including smashing up the graves of allied servicemen from WW2, all the while firing their weapons in the air and shouting Allah Akbar. Meanwhile poor old Hilary Clinton says, "How could this happen in a country we helped liberate"? ! Does she really believe this c--p? Is that how she really believes these people see us? Talk about naive and totally inept. Meanwhile the usual suspects on this forum,(although the cat seems to have got their tongue on this topic), were acting as cheerleaders for these so called "rebels" during the assault on Libya with post after post insisting they were defenceless civilians, never mind that they were 'defenceless civilians' with kalashnikovs, rocket launchers and God knows what else. And now, on any post about Syria they are doing the same thing, acting as cheerleaders to overthrow another regime which was stable and secular, and replace it with the same lunatics who are now running amok in Libya. I fully expect to see similar stories to this one emanating from Syria on a regular basis next year. But i suppose when it comes to the geopolitical interests of The USA and their allies, i.e The big prize, Iran, if they fail to install a compliant regime no longer allied with them, the next best thing is the country in chaos so that they are in no position to act as an ally. Unfortunately one of the side effects of this cynical type of policy, when so called civilised nations choose to abandon their morals and scruples by allying themselves with sworn enemies in pursuit of their own perceived naked self interests, is that events such as the ones today in Libya and Egypt will start happening on an increasingly regular basis. Sadly, decent people like Ambassador Chris Stevens, will always be the ones paying the ultimate price. Also sadly, there will probably be some decision makers in the upper echelons of power who will cynically shrug their shoulders, and declare it 'a price worth paying'. The ends justify the means.The world is on a slippery slope.

    Since they will never leave us alone even if all Western nations pulled out of the Middle East completely, I guess the only alternative for peace is the nuclear option.

    We already know how to drill through glass!

  5. The casino option is very easy / convenient and good value in my opinion, but I have to say the wifi connection when I was there a few months ago was truly terrible, quite possibly the worst I've ever experienced. To call it slow would be a vast understatement. Basically it didn't work, couldn't even check my email. Considering I'm not a gambler I was kind of relying on it for my stay and was very disappointed.


  6. The wife and I have eaten there many times and the food has always been good. The decor is very New York steakhouse and they are now using iPads for menus. Bring your wallet. I have spent upwards of THB 15000 for dinner and wine for 2 people.

  7. I believe you are referring to Bedrock Burgers and Guesthouse. From what I was able to gather, the Thai owners of the property refused to renew his lease so they could build a larger hotel there. The property has gone steadily downhill ever since.

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