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Everything posted by Blueman1

  1. And also where I Live in The North East......Isaan....
  2. That is 700 b a day lots of poor British do it with their lousy frozen pensions, so I guess it is possible...It HAS To Be Possible, I Don't even get that much but Somehow We My Wife & I Just about Survive but it is a Major Struggle.......
  3. It's FAR From Easy M8, Beleive Me !!!
  4. What kind of job does she have on the islands?....Go On Have A Guess !!!!
  5. She Only Wants the Adjustments so she'll be noticed by OTHER Men ( Oooohhhh She's Got BIG T*i* & A Lovely A**E )
  6. An old fool and his money parted......You forgot ONE Word.......SOON !!
  7. Mixeed with a LOAD of BS ??
  8. I'm NOT That Either M8 !!
  9. you can find local cigs for about 20 to 30b per pack.....Yeah Maybe for 1 SINGLE Packet, Last time I Went to Laos they were 300 Baht a Sleeve & That was by those shops OUTSIDE the Duty Free Shop on the Friendship Bridge
  10. i often buy cigarettes abroad where they are 20b.....Where's That Then ??
  11. He WON'T Especially after you said he is Stupid.....You've got NO Chance !!
  12. Wee That's Very Lucky for YOU In'it ??
  13. Hi folks, I’ve moved to this condo in and I’m a non smoker. I’ve chosen this property due to the view of the beach and sea breeze. I have this neighbour below me that frequently smokes and i can’t keep my windows open . The smell of the cigarette is just too disgusting for me......Does the Sea Breeze NOT Work where You are then ?? Like Dont it Blow the BIT of Smoke away ??
  14. Most smokers are rude....How Bloody DARE You,Who do you think you are ??
  15. Are YOU That Normal Person Lou 555 !
  16. DID I Say it was LEGAL To Smuggle it OUT Of Thailand ??, Numbnuts Read it PROPERLY !!
  17. Of Course it DOES M8.....Starting with The Whole U.K. Government !!
  18. Jordan.....ALL Muscle,But Very Little in The BRAIN Area !!
  19. Many SICK People in this Country.....There FIXED It For You !!
  20. 555 ! You Caught him out there M8.....
  21. Pity he didn't get caught at Bangkok airport.....But It's LEGAL In Thailand....
  22. Was it Definately a SNAKE She Saw or was it a Large FLOATER ( Turd ) ??
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