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Everything posted by Blueman1

  1. Astonishing I havent read every page bar OP but these people knew there was no annual uplift......NO We Were NEVER Told our pensions would be Frozen SO How were we supposed to KNOW ??
  2. I live here as a facsimile of a rich man on my own personal pensions and investments accumulated from 40 years of real grueling work.......Your a Very LUCKY Guy then Ain't Yer ??
  3. That being said, how does not receiving GBP490.00 a year turn one's retirement from comfortable into a "nightmare"? Maybe he should have just stayed at home. Retirement in Southeast Asia isn't for cheap Charlies any more.......I Think YOU Will find it Much more than an extra 490.00 Pounds in Extras !!
  4. Terrified, Ms. Arom attempted to pull the snake off by grabbing its head,.....It IS A Horrible experience having your head grabbed & HELD on to I Speak from Experience !!
  5. I Am a Local,But I Didn't get my Aid Package from the Food Bank,So Come On just who has " Nicked " it ??
  6. Neither Did I M8, Been Married since 1993,Still going strong although we do have the occasional small argument like ONCE a Day....555 !! I Just don't win ANY......555 !!
  7. I Think YOU Need to Spell too, My Name is NOT Basil FAWLTY !!!!!............Stupid Boy,How Old are You ??
  8. A fractured hip on a 71-year old is a serious injury....I Fractured Mine in 19 Places when I Was 16 Years Old,& Spent 11 Months in HOSPITAL So Yes it's a SERIOUS Injury at anytime in your Life !!
  9. Two weeks in an ICU unit would indicate either a serious injury....So YOU Are saying that a Fractured Hip is NOT a SERIOUS Injury then ?? I Beg to differ having suffered one many years ago.....
  10. Oh ! YOU are So " FUNNY " I Guess You've never had a Broken Hip ' Ave Yer ??.....I HAVE & It's NOT Funny !!!
  11. But.............DON'T Hold Your Breath !!!!
  12. Ahhhh !! 90 Quid for a Return THAT Would've had me doing about 10 Trips a Year, But NO Such luck !!!
  13. Not sure what your referrence as to purple palace.That's what we call the licence place up in Isaan,Maybe because the building is painted PURPLE !!
  14. And my 1st trip was in 1976, But I've not done anything like the amount you did....You MUST Be Rather WEALTHY ??
  15. I can think of something else to spend the money on, that puts a much bigger smile on my face....Yeah Yer mean with a " Happy Ending " Don't Yer ??
  16. Never Encourage them to UP the Price....
  17. I've genuinely flown London to Bangkok I think its 169 times (several of friends my age have done more and nearer 200)...Do You & Your friends only CUM For the Weekend then ??
  18. Why Didn't You Son Just " Do It " Himself at The Purple Palace ?? So EASY But BORING ( Watching That Video Thingy )
  19. Your a Very Sympathtic I See !!
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