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Posts posted by daboyz1

  1. I remember being told by a "lady of the night" here in Thailand that she allowed herself to be the "play sextoy" for the Farang to feed herself.....I asked her did she eat regularly in the Hilton?      That is a true story.


    Yeah the help the family thing is a ploy to extract the maximum amount possible from the do gooder farang. It probably makes him feel better because he's not really shagging a girl for money, he's performing a public service.


    In the end everybody wins. The girl gets her expensive toys. The boyfriend back in the province (or here in bangkok ) gets his booze and gambling cash. The farang gets a hot young girl that wouldn't even make eye contact with him in his own country.


    I guess the only people getting screwed in the end is the family back home stuck raising whatever kids the girl has generated in the process.




  2. Why would you assume he cannot borrow in America? Because he has loans with a German bank?
    would you assume he can't get a Ford because he drives a Porsche?
    Married  a Slovenian woman , can't get an American?
    how about you?  Living in some third world hovel because things were so great in your home country?

    [emoji2] [emoji2] [emoji2]
    We were talking specifically about Elon Musk. He already made his money. After that he, by all accounts, has a dual purpose: to improve society and make money doing it—if only to show others that it doesn't *have* to be either/or

    I think you're confusing what one does with their own money versus what they do with investor money.

    The creator of PayPal did it to make a profit. The investors expect that. If it happened to make the world a better place. ... great.

    You won't have many investors if your primary pitch is making the world a better place while ignoring the bottom line.
  4. 4 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

    "People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts," Trump wrote in his 1987 best-seller The Art of the Deal. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion."

    (Trump - The Art of the Deal)


    Trump has always played loose with the truth. He has always employed his lies, exaggerations, and half-truths as a means of attracting attention to himself. And it has always worked. Until it continued to "work" in a manner that he didn't like. Lying/exaggerating as a means of self-promotion are more or less benign in business, so long as you are not committing fraud (like with Trump University). However, when you are running for office and asking for basically unlimited power, you can't expect a tactic like that to go unchallenged. And the one thing Trump can not tolerate is being challenged. He has to win.


    He started his campaign lies all the way back in 2011 when he was toying with the idea of running against Obama. The press called him out every time. He despised that, which formed his hatred of the press. It has never been the press being malicious. It has been them refusing to allow him to pass off his BS as the truth, so they have persistently gone after any and all claims that he has made, the result being his almost incalculable number of falsehoods being exposed. Now, the orange one has labeled the press as "an enemy of the people". Dictators do that. In banana republics. Not politicians who recognize the First Amendment and strive to defend it. No President has had an amiable relationship with the press. But Trump's over-the-top adversarial relationship is of his own doing.


    And his followers lap it up. Lemmings.

    It's one thing to call him out on lies, of which he has many.  He lies constantly as do all politicians.  It's something entirely different when the media starts doing the same in retaliation.  They are no longer the unbiased media IMO.  They have become entertainment, the same as the Kardashians. 

  5. Please, oh wise one...do tell. What about the headline is misleading? Is the number factually inaccurate? Is the fact that he is in debt factually inaccurate? Or, is it within the realm of possibility that you skimmed the headline and ignored the article entirely, far too eager to rush to the comment box and toss in your thinly veiled allusion to this being "fake"?
    See, had you actually read the article, you would have discovered that the figure comes from a disclosure form filed with the Ethics Office, likely by Trump's attorneys. So, the only thing that you have succeeded in doing is revealing yourself to be nothing other than one more rather sad Trump supporter who can not tolerate anything negative being said about your orange messiah.
    Next time, try working with this formula...read first, then comment. Hopefully, you won't wind up sounding so ill-informed.

    Based on the tone of your post, you've already made up your mind and presenting facts to you would be a waste of my time.

    Keep on living life with your head buried in the sand and believing everything the media spoon feeds you.
  6. Both parties have a vested interest in keeping the flow of illegals coming in to the US.

    The right to serve their corporate masters and supply them with cheap labor

    The left needs the Hispanic vote to survive. They can't count on the unions any more because they basically are a shell of their former selves. Michigan went from Trump in the last election which speaks volumes.

  7. 23 hours ago, Scott said:



    There are people who are in the process of attempting to adjust their status who are being deported.  

    I'm pretty sure filing adjustment if status stops all removal proceedings until the case is adjudicated.. If the AOS petition is denied then the deportation case resumes.  Even then it takes years. 


    Bottom line is they're illegal. If people have a problem with this, there's a process in place to change the law. 


    You can't choose to enforce the laws you like and ignore the ones you don't. 

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