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Posts posted by daboyz1

  1. 8 hours ago, Estrada said:

    The wires which are currently suspended in the air and subject to the monsoon rains are waterproof, as are the junction boxes. These can be submerged below ground without problem. They will be installed in ducts anyway. The electrical cables will have to be replaced and uprated as there is no air cooling below ground.

    Actually no. Aerial cable and buried cable are completely different types of cable. Cable buried in the ground is generally filled with a gel or pressurized. Aerial cable is not.

  2. That's what I thought but this barstool expert was telling Mr that if I ever wanted to get permanent residence that I would have to renew the SAME visa for 3 years and not get new a new visa everytime because that resets the clock. This got me thinking "how do you renew the same visa?" I didn't think that was possible and it appears it's not.

  3. I currently hold a one year multi entry Non Immigrant O visa based on marriage.  I'm hearing conflicting information on what to do prior to it's expiration.

    Can I renew the same visa for another year?  I was told if I ever wanted to apply for permanent residence, that I would need to keep renewing the SAME visa for 3 years

    If it's possible to renew the same visa, can I do this within Thailand at the Chaeng Watthana office?

    Or do I have to leave Thailand and get an entirely new 1 year multi entry via from a Thai consulate in another country?

  4. 7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Democracy is the best of a bad bunch. At present there is no better system. If you want to have democracy, you have to educate your people to a certain level. You can't complain when they fall for people's lies. Trump elected, the Brexit, these are things people voted for, and boy are we learning as we go along. 


    In the US they have the electoral college. This is supposed to ensure that America doesn't vote in a mad man,  but ironically 'Trumped' the popular vote that Clinton won. We now have Trump and are learning the hard way. Trump is also learning the hard way that he can't simply do whatever he likes. Checks and balances. 


    Democracy will never function well in a country where there are no checks and balances. It's up to the people to speak out and fight against corruption and injustice. Sad but true. As for dictators, you get an unhappy peace. You'll never develop as a country with a dictator in charge. 

    I hear the electoral college argument alot. It's hard to predict what happen if the president were elected by popular vote. Basically 8 swing states decide the election. It's possible the popular vote would have turned out in Trump's favor if there were a popular vote because I argue that the voter turnout would have been much higher in states that are a foregone conclusion.


    That said it was nice to live in a state where it was a foregone conclusion. It saved me from the endless political ads on TV.

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