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Posts posted by ray35ty

  1. I have a great idea, Lets say the company does go bankrupt. chances are if the treadmills are not leased, bangkok bank will have to sell them. Keep a look out for an expression of interest.Maybe they will go to auction. Then you can train in the luxury of your own house or condo. I thinnk Tony may like a bargain he will buy them. He probably owns now the most gyms in thailand/Pattaya.

  2. I think its a fairly normal market for the type of destination that it is. Meaning fairly normal ups and down. In my time participating in it I haven't seen overly extreme bubbles OR crashes. That doesn't mean either can't happen but I really don't see the fundamental reasons for either to happen.

    But i do think bubbles occur when they start building and building and building I see so many apartments going up and you see so many cranes. Are they investors or people actually wanting to live here. I think if the demand is high no problem keep building but if there is a hiccup and there is an over supply and no demand there will be trouble.

  3. There are alot of external factors which effect this market. And Pattaya will be the first to go down if there is a problem.

    Evidence to date would show this is clearly not the case, Pattaya has been very resilient during worldwide economic crisis, but will it continue...?, this of course is the million dollar question??

    Yes this is very true, thats why I am amazed. Pattaya has been very resilient during worldwide economic crisis

    I think its funny an Australian Toursist area like Gold Coast, homes and unit are empty cannot rent and are down over 50% from 2007.2008 peak.

    Las Vegas houses and Unit down 50% from peak, Its has the highest percentage of foreclosures in the country.

  4. I am 29yo and am retired live in bangkok and Pattaya. I speak to many foreign people and realestate agents and they all tell me how amazing pattaya realestate is. And how it is going to go up soooo much. And how i should put my money in a condo.... And how people from bangkok are buying in pattaya like mad because of the floods.

    I may be 29yo but im an old man at heart. I feel like banging them over the head. People cannot see a bubble happening ? I feel the rents are highly inflated. And also this is a tourist destination. There are alot of external factors which effect this market. And Pattaya will be the first to go down if there is a problem.

    Am i the only one that is bearish on the property market.

  5. Hi guys I think if it does open, They will have to charge you more than 700 baht a month for life time members. Im just saying that they will need to repay there 90 million debt with interest not just worry about paying the rent and electricty. I feel this 700 will go up to 1200 very soon. When they do more analysis of there financial situation.

  6. Two mistakes cost WOW to fold.

    1) Management implementing a cheap life time deal, I was even offered it 3 years ago for 12000 baht. So they had no constant income

    2) The Avenue Residence, They rented to big a space, the minute i walked in and saw the seating area then huge toilet area then upstairs is ok but then a third level which i never visited. The rent must have been a packet. Also sooo many stafff.

    I would also becareful of fitness first clubs. They lease huge areas . The reason being is in Australia fitness first is bleeding also they are trying to offload I think to private equity or vice versa, There has been an increditble amount of 24/7 gyms pop up like jetts with 100+ gyms in 3 years and so on. It wont be long before someone puts one of them here and yes they will have aircon.

  7. Has anyone actually made a complaint to the police for being ripped off by CA WoW?

    They took me for 6k in advance trainer fees the day before they closed the door and I had paid up my membership until the end of next February. I also know of one person who paid 70k just before going to Germany on holiday only to come back and find it closed.

    In Europe it is a criminal offence to continue trading when you know you are going to fold.

    If the guy has taken the money and run, I would imagine the banks would like to talk to him as I understand that they are owed about 120 million.

    It will be interesting to see if the extradition will work coming from US to Thailand or do the Americans think it is only one way traffic?

    I arrived here one week before they shut, 1 month ago. I joined tony but out of interest I spoke to the manager at the front and she quoted me 14000 for a one year. I told her about the electricty problem a week before she said all fixed all good no problem. If close get refund.

    I dont understand how she could say this to me. Then one week later it never opened. If it wasnt for this forum I would have joined.

  8. The way I see it is this. There is a big I hate Tony fan club on this channel. In the end he hasn’t closed. His gyms are still open. He has not gone belly up. A lifetime membership at CWOW vs Tony you are ahead if you went with Tony’s gym. Now all you guys complaining oh the air con he turns it off at 2100 that’s fair. Its business maybe he is trying to save money so he to doesn’t have the same future as CWOW. Business is really tough everywhere in the world at the moment. You only have to walk down your local street and duck your head into a local business consumers are not spending. I have owned a business and I can tell you when my revenue drops you have to look at cost cutting hense I would look also at electricity or unfornately not investing in cream of the crop cardio exipment. But what I can tell you is you can get a decent workout there. They have more than enough machines and free weights to have a great workout?

    Please understand CWOW couldn’t even pay there rent let alone electricity. Tony turns the aircon off at 2100. Well I would say 95% of his customers train before that time.

  9. When your body temp is high do you burn more calories ?

    Maybe these links answer your questions



    From the second article:

    "Your body can lose 1 to 2L in an hour, requiring you to replenish water."

    I have to drink 1.5 L per hour or 3L over a 2 hour workout at Tony's Sport World when it is sunny outside. A bit less when overcast. After drinking 3L I weigh the same when I get home. I always weigh myself before and after a workout (on my accurate scale at home) to make sure I've rehydrated myself sufficiently.

    So now i will bring 2 , 1,5 little bottles of water with me also i purchase some strong man powder that has electrolytes from the pharmacy 100baht for a box of packets.

  10. Look dont be jeolous he is making money, He now owns the market nothing will compete and thats why 400 jumped ship. if it is that bad a gym why would they join ? You must be the pretty little girls that talk and get together just to be social and complain about life and how bad pattaya is. I feel great going to the gym and am very happy with the equipment. And the hotter it is the more calories you will burn that is true makes you sweat....

    • Like 1
  11. Hi Tony's gym sold 400 combined yearly and lifetime m emberships in the last month. im not sure if that is good or bad.
    Source ?
    i train at the main gym at night there was a meeting at 11pm i think a dozen staff were there saying Tony is coming in later. I ask the the receptionist who was holding heaps of applications forms how many new people joined. She said 400 mixed. Boss come in later.......Look i must say its a great gym and its soo hot at night i get cardio as an added bonus cause its sooo dam_n hot. At least they turn on the fans lol. But the machines are perfect for weightlifting / bodybuilding im not sure what everyone is complaining about ? Really good equipment i feel but thats because i stick to mainly compound excercises and then do a few isolated one it works for me. I think his house must be the next to the thai only gym all gated up with really nice white cars parked out the front ?
  12. is this place open anymore dine for 99. I was here when it first opened now it looks like it's closed and robins nest put up there price to 119baht. Which is good alot of people were there. I have noticed that alot of people in pattaya are hugely obese. I have tried my hardest when coming here to stay away from all you can eat cause you are really killing yourself. Some people are soo big in pattaya i think they eat and drink all day cause there bored....People have to understand the medical implications of eating so much crap. I mean all you cat eat breakfast. I have also noticed the ladies around the place they are not educated in dieting they all have stomach its hard to find hot girls. I will say sugar baby in diamond soi must have all the girls on strict diets cause they are fine.

  13. Hi My name is Ray, i had a very bad crooked nose and extremely bent septem. I had surgery first when i was 20 in australia by a leading plastic surgent for atleast 13k. It did not improve my nose and made it worse. I just accepted my nose however 5 years later on holiday i was near bangkok pattaya hospital and got a consultation. I was quoted for 100k baht for rhinoplasty revision after seeing the Doctor Kampanart Tangamatakul, M.D. he gave me a quote for 75k baht. I went ahead with the surgery. This doctor is amazing he literally tranformed my nose and made it appear straight and reduced the bumb and made it look natural. This doctors is the best bar none. And the service in bangkok pattaya hospital is like staying at the hilton. Please consider this doctor I am happy to show you my before and after picture.

  14. Hi guys Guess who's back, back again Rays back, tell a friend. Well i was just thinking of where to rent when I move to pattaya while I was there I saw a beautiful big unit called Northshore by Ramond Land right on the beach. I was looking at a two bedroom unit or maybe I should just live in a one bedroom Spacious unit. What are the current prices for rental. Has pattaya rental market gone down?

    What are other good places ? Not that I want to buy but what has been happening with the prices in pattaya have they gone down ?

  15. you can pay but they feel sick afterowoods think about it you guys are old and ugly and tight, i am young beautiful good body and rich they beg to get the easy money from me when I walk with a young lass people think he got her well done they look good together. When you walk with a girl a young girl 30 to 40 years your younger people say she is with you cause of the money. Hahahah ugly bastards no wonder you dont wont me being here ruining your fun, girls probably will reject old ugly bastards like you cause more youngins after finding out about the place. hahah by the way i dont earn 100k a month i put a low ball figure in too not make you old fart jeolous. i OWN COMERCIAL PROPERTY, plus shares I earn 937500baht a month so crank that here look at my comsec account that cant be forged. Its the real deal im a self made millionaire now give me some respect old fart

  16. Never mind what haters say, ignore them 'til they fade away. Amazing they ungrateful after all the game I gave away.

    Safe to say I paved the way, for you cats to get paid today. You still be wasting days away now had I never saved the day.

    Today I sat at my desk and laughed why am I wasting my time getting advice from a bunch of old farts negative old farts that are so upset and jealous at there own life they want to attack me in anyway. Yes I suffer from social anxiety Approximately 13.3 percent of the general population may meet criteria for social anxiety disorder at some point in their lifetime, according to the highest survey estimate. But i was lucky I seeked health from a professional and it lead me to be a success.

    If I want to get involved in business I will use the services of sunbelt asia they wont give me rubbish advice. They wont be jealous like you old fools. I think you are just upset I am young and rich and can have any girl i want in pattaya. You old fart are also hypocrites hiding from something to that’s why you came to Thailand in the first place. Made so many mistakes in life you hide behind a computer getting angry at anyone that wants to make something of themselves because you’re so jealous I might do it and do it well.

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